這份簡短的線上問卷調查,協助我們改善 Google Workspace Marketplace 的說明文件。
關於 Google Workspace Marketplace SDK
Google Workspace Marketplace SDK 是一種工具包,可讓您在 Google Workspace Marketplace 中建立及控管應用程式資訊,或在 Google Chat 中建立及控管 Chat 應用程式資訊。
Google Workspace Marketplace 網站列出 Google Workspace 外掛程式、編輯器外掛程式、雲端硬碟應用程式,以及與 Google Workspace 整合的網頁應用程式,例如安全性、客戶關係管理、文件管理和專案管理工具。
應用程式資訊是文字、圖形和應用程式整合的集合,用於說明應用程式,並決定應用程式在 Google Workspace 中的顯示方式。Google 不會針對透過 Google 市集發行應用程式收取刊登費。
應用程式整合功能可決定使用者在 Google Workspace 中與應用程式互動的時間和地點。舉例來說,Google 試算表外掛程式可透過試算表存取,並擴充試算表的功能。您的應用程式必須支援與一或多項 Google Workspace 服務整合。
您可以在 Marketplace 上發布應用程式資訊,以便進行下列應用程式整合:
如要發布Chat 擴充應用程式,您可以使用 Google Workspace Marketplace SDK 在 Google Chat 中發布 Chat 擴充應用程式。
部分應用程式整合功能可在應用程式資訊中合併顯示。舉例來說,如果您的應用程式可強化 Google 試算表的功能,且可做為網頁應用程式使用,您可以發布應用程式資訊,其中包含 Google 試算表外掛程式,以及已新增至 Google Workspace 產品 Google 應用程式選單 apps 的網頁應用程式。
除非另有註明,否則本頁面中的內容是採用創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 授權,程式碼範例則為阿帕契 2.0 授權。詳情請參閱《Google Developers 網站政策》。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其關聯企業的註冊商標。
上次更新時間:2024-12-18 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-12-18 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["The Google Workspace Marketplace SDK enables developers to create and manage app listings for Google Workspace and Google Chat, allowing them to be discoverable on the Google Workspace Marketplace."],["The Google Workspace Marketplace showcases a variety of applications that enhance Google Workspace functionality, offering tools for security, CRM, document management, and project management."],["App listings consist of descriptive text, graphics, and app integrations which specify how users can interact with the app within Google Workspace, requiring integration with at least one Google Workspace Service."],["Developers can publish listings for a range of app integrations, including Google Workspace add-ons, Editor add-ons, Drive apps, Web apps, and Google Classroom add-ons, with Chat apps being published directly to Google Chat."],["The SDK allows for combining certain app integrations within a single listing, such as offering both a Sheets add-on and a web app accessible from the Google apps menu."]]],["The Google Workspace Marketplace SDK facilitates the creation and management of app listings on the Google Workspace Marketplace. This platform features add-ons, Drive apps, and web apps integrated with Google Workspace. App listings detail the application and its integrations within Google Workspace. Apps must integrate with at least one Google Workspace service and can list multiple integrations, such as Google Workspace add-ons, Editor add-ons, Drive apps, Web apps, and Google Classroom add-ons. Chat apps can also be published using this SDK.\n"]]