Pacote Proto de feed

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  // Feeds declaration
syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/type/timeofday.proto";
import "google/type/dayofweek.proto";
import "google/type/money.proto";
import "google/type/latlng.proto";

package madden.ingestion;

// Merchant feed starts

message EntityFeed {
  repeated Entity data = 1;

// Information about an Entity that is on the partner's platform. For example,
// an Entity could be a retail store, a hospital, an online business etc.
message Entity {
  // An opaque string generated by the partner that identifies an Entity.
  // Must be unique across all entities.
  // Strongly recommended to only include URL-safe characters. (required)
  string entity_id = 1;

  // If present, the name, telephone, url and location are used to support
  // matching partner inventory with entities already present on Google. This
  // information will not be displayed.

  // The name of the Entity. (required)
  string name = 2;

  // The contact telephone number of the Entity including its country and area
  // codes, e.g. +14567891234. Highly recommended. (optional)
  string telephone = 3;

  // The url of the Entity's public website. Highly recommended. (optional)
  string url = 4;

  // The location of the Entity (required)
  madden.ingestion.GeoCoordinates location = 5;

// The Geo data of a location, including latitude, longitude, and address.
// At least one of [lat/lng or address] should be provided (or both).
message GeoCoordinates {
  // [-90, +90] degrees (inclusive). (optional)
  double latitude = 1;

  // [-180, +180] degrees (inclusive). (optional)
  double longitude = 2;

  // Address for a location, could either be structured or unstructured.
  oneof addresses {
    // Postal address of the location, preferred.
    PostalAddress address = 3;

    // An unstructured address could also be provided as a fallback.
    // E.g. "1600 amphitheatre parkway mountain view, ca 94043"
    string unstructured_address = 4;

// The postal address for a merchant.
message PostalAddress {
  // The country, using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, e.g. "US" (required)
  string country = 1;

  // The locality/city, e.g. "Mountain View". (required)
  string locality = 2;

  // The region/state/province, e.g. "CA". This field is only required in
  // countries where region is commonly a part of the address. (optional)
  string region = 3;

  // The postal code, e.g. "94043". (required)
  string postal_code = 4;

  // The street address, e.g. "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy". (required)
  string street_address = 5;

// Merchant feed ends

// Actions feed starts

message ActionFeed {
  repeated ActionDetail data = 1;

message ActionDetail {
  string entity_id = 2;
  string link_id = 3;

  // Deep link for action detail
  string url = 4;
  repeated Action actions = 1;

// Information about an Action which could be performed.
message Action {
  // Deprecated fields not to be reused.
  reserved 1;

  oneof action_info {
    FoodOrderingInfo food_ordering_info = 3;
message FoodOrderingInfo {
  // Service type for food ordering action.
  enum ServiceType {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    DELIVERY = 1;
    TAKEOUT = 2;

  ServiceType service_type = 1 [features.field_presence = IMPLICIT];

// Actions feed ends

// Service feed starts

// Food Ordering Team's EPA Service Feeds Spec.
message FoodServiceFeed {
  // Service feed entity data.
  repeated ServiceData data = 1;

// Service feed entity data.
message ServiceData {
  oneof type {
    FoodOrderingService service = 1;
    ServiceHours service_hours = 2;
    ServiceArea service_area = 3;
    Fee fee = 4;

message FoodOrderingService {
  // Unique identifier of the provided service.
  // Required.
  string service_id = 1

  enum ServiceType {
    DELIVERY = 1;
    TAKEOUT = 2;

  // The type of the service.
  // Required and cannot be SERVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN.
  ServiceType service_type = 2

  // The parent entitys ID.
  // Required.
  string parent_entity_id = 3

  // Indicates if the entity is disabled.
  // Optional.
  bool disabled = 4 [features.field_presence = EXPLICIT];

  // The lead time given in the service entity will apply to all
  // the service hours unless an overridden property is set in the
  // service hours entity.
  // Required.
  ETA lead_time = 5

  // Parent action detail's link ID.
  // Required.
  string action_link_id = 6

// Lead time range [min, max). At least one of min or max needs to be provided.
// A fixed value can be provided by setting both min and max to the same value.
message ETA {
  // Indicates a range of ETA duration.
  google.protobuf.Duration min_lead_time_duration = 1
  google.protobuf.Duration max_lead_time_duration = 2
message Fee {
  // Unique identifier to the Fee entity.
  // Required.
  string fee_id = 1

  enum FeeType {
    DELIVERY = 1;
    SERVICE = 2;

  // Indicates the nature of the service, e.g. delivery fee/service fee.
  // Required.
  FeeType fee_type = 2

  oneof amount {
    option (validator.one_of) = {

    // A fixed amount of fees to be collected.
    google.type.Money fixed_amount = 3

    // A range of fees that could be collected. Will mirror
    // madden.ingestion.MoneyRange for the starting point.
    MoneyRange range_amount = 4;

    // Fees in terms of amount percentage. Will mirror
    // madden.ingestion.QuantitativeValue for the starter.
    PercentageBasedFee cart_percentage = 5;

  // Service association needs to be provided.
  // Required.
  repeated string service_ids = 6

  // Service area can be provided to further restrict eligibility of the
  // fee.
  // Optional.
  repeated string area_ids = 7

// Wrapper for a range of monetary amount that could be bounded or unbounded.
// At least one of min_amount or max_amount is required.
message MoneyRange {
  // Minimum amount.
  google.type.Money min_amount = 1

  // Maximum amount.
  google.type.Money max_amount = 2

// Variable fee which changes based on the price of the order.
message PercentageBasedFee {
  // Optional, base fee not including the variable percentage based fee.
  google.type.Money base_value = 1

  // Optional, overall range of possible values of the PercentageBasedFee.
  MoneyRange range = 2;

  // Optional, percentage representing an additional variable fee based on
  // the cart subtotal. E.g. 15.0 represents a fee of 15% of the cart.
  double percentage_of_cart_value =

message ServiceArea {
  // Unique identifier.
  // Required.
  string area_id = 1
  // Identifier to the parent service entity.
  // Required.
  repeated string service_ids = 2
  // One of the following needs to be provided to define the service area.
  // Required.
  oneof region {

    GeoCircle circle = 3;
    Locality locality = 4;
    Polygon polygon = 5;

  // Sets to true if the assigned area is excluded from serving.
  // Optional.
  optional bool excluded_area = 6;
// Geographical circular area described by a point and radius.
message GeoCircle {
  // Geographical center of the area.
  // Required.
  google.type.LatLng center =

  // Radius for the circular area, in meters. Must be greater than 0.
  // Required.
  double radius = 2
// Geolocation of interests.
message Locality {
  string country_code = 1

  // Postal code in the country's local format in string.
  string postal_code =
// Represents a polygon shaped region.
message Polygon {
  reserved 1;

  // List of S2Loops which defines a polygon. A point is considered in the
  // polygon if it is contained in odd number of loops.
  repeated Loop loops = 2
// Represents a loop of geo coordinates. This should be a valid S2Loop.
message Loop {
  // Points making the boundary of loop.
  repeated google.type.LatLng point =
// Service hours entity for ASAP/Advance orders.
message ServiceHours {
  // Unique identifier of the provided advance service hours.
  // Required.
  string hours_id =

  // The unique identifier of the Service entity correlated to this ServiceHours
  // entity.
  // Required.
  repeated string service_ids = 2
  // The hours the orders can be fulfilled. For ASAP services, this is also
  // orderable time.
  // One of the fields (asap_hours/advance_hours) is required to be set.
  repeated AsapTimeWindow asap_hours = 3
  repeated AdvanceTimeWindow advance_hours = 4;

  // When advance ordering services, this is the time windows the orders can be
  // placed.
  // Required when advance_hour is given. Invalid when asap_hour is given.
  repeated TimeOfDayWindow orderable_time = 5

  // Indicates if the service hours are for special occasions
  // (e.g. Thanksgiving/...)
  // Optional
  bool special_hour = 6;
  // A timestamp window indicating the validity of the special hours.
  // Optional. Required if it's special hours.
  ValidityRange validity_range = 7
message AsapTimeWindow {
  // A time window the ASAP order can be placed and fulfilled.
  // Required.
  TimeOfDayWindow time_windows = 1

  // Indicates the lead time, specific to service_time, the service can
  // be fulfilled.
  // Optional.
  ETA lead_time = 2;
// The fulfillment time window for advance orders.
message AdvanceTimeWindow {
  // A time window the advance order can be fulfilled.
  // Required.
  TimeOfDayWindow time_windows = 1
  // a window that an advance order can be placed.  For example, an advance
  // order must be placed at least 60 minutes ahead and not exceeding 2
  // days, the interval would be [PT60M, P2D).
  // Optional.
  DurationInterval advance_booking_interval = 2;
// The TimeWindow object is a composite entity that describes a list
// of windows the user's order can be either placed or fulfilled.
message TimeOfDayWindow {
  // The time window the order can be placed/fulfilled.
  // Required.
  TimeOfDayRange time_windows = 1
  // The list of days in a week the windows are applied.
  // Required. If not given, we assume 7 days a week.
  repeated google.type.DayOfWeek day_of_week = 2
// A closed-open timestamp range.
message ValidityRange {
  // The beginning time of the range (inclusive).
  // Optional.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp valid_from_time = 1
  // The ending time of the range (exclusive).
  // Optional.
  google.protobuf.Timestamp valid_through_time = 2
// A closed-open duration range.
message DurationInterval {
  // The minimum duration (inclusive).
  // Required.
  google.protobuf.Duration min_offset = 1
  // The maximum duration (exclusive).
  // Required.
  google.protobuf.Duration max_offset = 2
// A closed-open time range.
message TimeOfDayRange {
  // A Time indicating the beginning time of the day of the range (inclusive).
  // Required. If not given, we assume 00:00:00.
  google.type.TimeOfDay open_time = 1;
  // A Time indicating the ending time of the day of the range (exclusive).
  // Required. If not given, we assume 23:59:59.
  google.type.TimeOfDay close_time = 2;

// Service feed ends