
The Ad Manager API supports filtering on List methods. The filter string syntax is formally defined in the EBNF grammar.

To get started, here are some examples of common use cases.

Example Meaning
orders.updateTime > "2024-01-01T00:00:00-5:00" Lists orders with an updateTime after January 1, 2024 in the Eastern Standard Timezone
lineItems.targeting.geoTargeting.targetedGeoIds:2840 Lists line items with a geographic targeting that contains the United States (geo target ID 2480)
lineItems.displayName = "*_interstitial" Lists line items that have a display name that ends with the string _interstitial
orders.displayName = "*video*" Lists orders that have a display name that contains the string video
displayName:"video" Lists orders that have a display name that contains the string video (alternate syntax)


A bare literal value (examples: 42, Hugo) is a value to be matched against. Literals appearing alone are fuzzy matched against all of the supported fields on a resource. Resources document which fields are considered for matching on the list method. This feature is comparable to universal search in the Ad Manager UI but scoped to a single resource type.

String literals containing spaces should be wrapped in double quotes (example: "Foo bar"). Single quotes cannot be used to wrap string literals.

Logical operators

The Ad Manager API supports the binary operators AND and OR.

Operator Example Meaning
AND a AND b True if a and b are true.
OR a OR b OR c True if any of a, b, c are true.

Negation operators

The Ad Manager API provides the unary operators NOT and -. These can be used interchangeably.

Operator Example Meaning
NOT NOT a True if a is not true.
- -a True if a is not true.

Comparison operators

The Ad Manager API supports the binary comparison operators =, !=, <, >, <=, and >= for string, numeric, timestamp, and duration fields.

Operator Example Meaning
= a = true True if a is true.
!= a != 42 True unless a equals 42.
< a < 42 True if a is a numeric value less than 42.
> a > "foo" True if a is lexically ordered after "foo".
<= a <= "foo" True if a is "foo" or lexically before it.
>= a >= 42 True if a is a numeric value of 42 or higher.

Because filters are accepted as query strings, type conversion takes place to translate the string to the appropriate strongly-typed value:

  • Strings expect double quotes. Example: "Foo bar".
  • Enums expect the enum's string representation (case-sensitive).
  • Booleans expect true and false literal values.
  • Numbers expect the standard integer or float representations. For floats, exponents are supported. Example: 2.997e9.
  • Durations expect a numeric representation followed by an s suffix (for seconds). Examples: "20s", "1.2s".
  • Timestamps expect an RFC-3339 formatted string. Example: "2012-04-21T11:30:00-04:00". UTC offsets are supported.


When comparing strings for equality, the Ad Manager API supports wildcards using the * character.

Example Meaning
a = "*.foo" True if a ends with ".foo".

Traversal operator

The Ad Manager API supports the . operator, which indicates traversal through a message, map, or struct.

Example Meaning
a.b = true True if a has a boolean b field that is true.
a.b > 42 True if a has a numeric b field that is greater than 42.
a.b.c = "foo" True if a.b has a string c field that is "foo".

Traversal is written using the field names from the resource. Individual services could specify a subset of fields that are supported for traversal.

Has operator

The Ad Manager API supports the : operator, which means "has". It is usable with collections (repeated fields or maps), messages, and Strings and behaves slightly differently in each case.

String fields query to see if the string contains a matching substring:

Example Meaning
r.displayName:"_250x250" True if the String field r.displayName contains the substring _250x250.

Repeated fields query to see if the repeated structure contains a matching element:

Example Meaning
r:42 True if r contains 42. True if r contains an element e such that = 42.

Maps, structs, and messages can query either for the presence of a field in the map or a specific value:

Example Meaning
m:foo True if m contains the key "foo".* True if m contains the key "foo". True if is 42.

When traversing messages, a field is only considered to be present if it has a non-default value.


Individual services can specify further structure or limitations for filter queries in addition to what is defined here.


The Ad Manager API supports ordering on List methods. The syntax for orderBy fields is a comma separated list of field names. For example: "foo,bar".

The default sorting order is ascending. To specify descending order for a field, append a " desc" suffix. For example: "foo desc, bar".

Redundant space characters in the syntax are ignored. The values "foo, bar desc", " foo , bar desc ", and "foo,bar desc" are all equivalent.

Subfields are specified with the traversal operator. For example: or address.street.