REST Resource: networks.reports

Resource: Report

The Report resource.

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "reportId": string,
  "visibility": enum (Visibility),
  "reportDefinition": {
    object (ReportDefinition)
  "displayName": string,
  "updateTime": string,
  "createTime": string,
  "locale": string,
  "scheduleOptions": {
    object (ScheduleOptions)


Identifier. The resource name of the report. Report resource name have the form: networks/{networkCode}/reports/{reportId}


string (int64 format)

Output only. Report ID.


enum (Visibility)

Optional. The visibility of a report.


object (ReportDefinition)

Required. The report definition of the report.



Optional. Display name for the report.


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. The instant this report was last modified.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


string (Timestamp format)

Output only. The instant this report was created.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".



Output only. The locale of this report. Locale is set from the user's locale at the time of the request. Locale can not be modified.


object (ScheduleOptions)

Optional. The schedule options of this report.


The visibility of a report.

HIDDEN Default value. Reports with hidden visibility will not appear in the Ad Manager UI.
DRAFT Reports with draft visibility will appear in the Ad Manager UI only if the user has configured the UI to show them.
SAVED Reports with saved visibility will appear in the Ad Manager UI by default.


The definition of how a report should be run.

JSON representation
  "dimensions": [
    enum (Dimension)
  "metrics": [
    enum (Metric)
  "filters": [
      object (Filter)
  "timeZone": string,
  "currencyCode": string,
  "dateRange": {
    object (DateRange)
  "customDimensionKeyIds": [
  "lineItemCustomFieldIds": [
  "orderCustomFieldIds": [
  "creativeCustomFieldIds": [
  "reportType": enum (ReportType),
  "timePeriodColumn": enum (TimePeriodColumn),
  "flags": [
      object (Flag)
  "sorts": [
      object (Sort)
  "comparisonDateRange": {
    object (DateRange)

enum (Dimension)

Required. The list of dimensions to report on. If empty, the report will have no dimensions, and any metrics will be totals.


enum (Metric)

Required. The list of metrics to report on. If empty, the report will have no metrics.


object (Filter)

Optional. The filters for this report.



Optional. The time zone the date range is defined in for this report. Defaults to publisher's time zone if not specified. Time zone in IANA format. Acceptable values depend on the report type. Publisher time zone is always accepted. Use "America/Los_Angeles" for pacific time, or "Etc/UTC" for UTC.



Optional. The ISO 4217 currency code for this report. Defaults to publisher currency code if not specified.


object (DateRange)

Required. The primary date range of this report.


string (int64 format)

Optional. Custom Dimension keys that represent CUSTOM_DIMENSION_* dimensions. The index of this repeated field corresponds to the index on each dimension. For example, customDimensionKeyIds[0] describes CUSTOM_DIMENSION_0_VALUE_ID and CUSTOM_DIMENSION_0_VALUE.


string (int64 format)

Optional. Custom field IDs that represent LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_* dimensions. The index of this repeated field corresponds to the index on each dimension. For example, lineItemCustomFieldIds[0] describes LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID and LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE.


string (int64 format)

Optional. Custom field IDs that represent ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_* dimensions. The index of this repeated field corresponds to the index on each dimension. For example, orderCustomFieldIds[0] describes ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID and ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE.


string (int64 format)

Optional. Custom field IDs that represent CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_* dimensions. The index of this repeated field corresponds to the index on each dimension. For example, creativeCustomFieldIds[0] describes CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID and CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE.


enum (ReportType)

Required. The type of this report.


enum (TimePeriodColumn)

Optional. Include a time period column to introduce comparison columns in the report for each generated period. For example, set to "QUARTERS" here to have a column for each quarter present in the primary date range. If "PREVIOUS PERIOD" is specified in comparisonDateRange, then each quarter column will also include comparison values for its relative previous quarter.


object (Flag)

Optional. List of flags for this report. Used to flag rows in a result set based on a set of defined filters.


object (Sort)

Optional. Default sorts to apply to this report.


object (DateRange)

Optional. The comparison date range of this report. If unspecified, the report will not have any comparison metrics.


Reporting dimensions.

DIMENSION_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
ADVERTISER_DOMAIN_NAME The domain name of the advertiser.
ADVERTISER_EXTERNAL_ID The ID used in an external system for advertiser identification
ADVERTISER_ID The ID of an advertiser company assigned to an order
ADVERTISER_LABELS Labels applied to the advertiser can be used for either competitive exclusion or ad exclusion
ADVERTISER_LABEL_IDS Label ids applied to the advertiser can be used for either competitive exclusion or ad exclusion
ADVERTISER_NAME The name of an advertiser company assigned to an order
ADVERTISER_PRIMARY_CONTACT The name of the contact associated with an advertiser company
AD_LOCATION Shows an ENUM value describing whether a given piece of publisher inventory was above (ATF) or below the fold (BTF) of a page.
AD_LOCATION_NAME Shows a localized string describing whether a given piece of publisher inventory was above (ATF) or below the fold (BTF) of a page.
AD_UNIT_CODE The code of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_1 The code of the first level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_10 The code of the tenth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_11 The code of the eleventh level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_12 The code of the twelfth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_13 The code of the thirteenth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_14 The code of the fourteenth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_15 The code of the fifteenth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_16 The code of the sixteenth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_2 The code of the second level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_3 The code of the third level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_4 The code of the fourth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_5 The code of the fifth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_6 The code of the sixth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_7 The code of the seventh level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_8 The code of the eighth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_CODE_LEVEL_9 The code of the ninth level ad unit of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_DEPTH The depth of the ad unit's hierarchy
AD_UNIT_ID The ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_ALL_LEVEL The full hierarchy of ad unit IDs where the ad was requested, from root to leaf, excluding the root ad unit ID.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_1 The first level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_10 The tenth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_11 The eleventh level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_12 The twelfth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_13 The thirteenth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_14 The fourteenth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_15 The fifteenth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_16 The sixteenth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_2 The second level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_3 The third level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_4 The fourth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_5 The fifth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_6 The sixth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_7 The seventh level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_8 The eighth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_LEVEL_9 The ninth level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_ID_TOP_LEVEL The top-level ad unit ID of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME The name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_ALL_LEVEL The full hierarchy of ad unit names where the ad was requested, from root to leaf, excluding the root ad unit name.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_1 The first level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_10 The tenth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_11 The eleventh level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_12 The twelfth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_13 The thirteenth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_14 The fourteenth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_15 The fifteenth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_16 The sixteenth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_2 The second level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_3 The third level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_4 The fourth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_5 The fifth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_6 The sixth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_7 The seventh level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_8 The eighth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_LEVEL_9 The ninth level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_NAME_TOP_LEVEL The top-level ad unit name of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_REWARD_AMOUNT The reward amount of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_REWARD_TYPE The reward type of the ad unit where the ad was requested.
AD_UNIT_STATUS The status of the ad unit
AD_UNIT_STATUS_NAME The name of the status of the ad unit
APP_VERSION The app version.
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_EXTERNAL_ID The ID used in an external system for advertiser identification
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_ID The ID of an advertiser company assigned to a backfill order
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_LABELS Labels applied to the advertiser can be used for either competitive exclusion or ad exclusion
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_LABEL_IDS Label ids applied to the advertiser can be used for either competitive exclusion or ad exclusion
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_NAME The name of an advertiser company assigned to a backfill order
BACKFILL_ADVERTISER_PRIMARY_CONTACT The name of the contact associated with an advertiser company
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_BILLING_TYPE Enum value of Backfill creative billing type
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_BILLING_TYPE_NAME Localized string value of Backfill creative billing type
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CLICK_THROUGH_URL Represents the click-through URL of a Backfill creative
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_ID The ID of a Backfill creative
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_NAME Backfill creative name
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR Third party vendor name of a Backfill creative
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_TYPE Enum value of Backfill creative type
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_TYPE_NAME Localized string name of Backfill creative type
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_ARCHIVED Whether a Backfill line item is archived.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION Backfill line item comanion delivery option ENUM value.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION_NAME Localized Backfill line item comanion delivery option name.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COMPUTED_STATUS The computed status of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COMPUTED_STATUS_NAME The localized name of the computed status of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CONTRACTED_QUANTITY The contracted units bought for the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COST_PER_UNIT The cost per unit of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COST_TYPE Backfill line item cost type ENUM value.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_COST_TYPE_NAME Localized Backfill line item cost type name.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_END_DATE Represent the end date of a Backfill creative associated with a Backfill line item
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE The creative rotation type of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the creative rotation type of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_START_DATE Represent the start date of a Backfill creative associated with a Backfill line item
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CURRENCY_CODE The 3 letter currency code of the Backfill line item
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_INDICATOR The progress made for the delivery of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE The delivery rate type of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the delivery rate type of the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_DISCOUNT_ABSOLUTE The discount of the BackfillLineItem in whole units in the BackfillLineItem's currency code, or if unspecified the Network's currency code.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE The discount of the BackfillLineItem in percentage.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_END_DATE The end date of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_END_DATE_TIME The end date and time of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE The ENUM value of the environment a Backfill line item is targeting.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the environment a Backfill line item is targeting.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_EXTERNAL_DEAL_ID The deal ID of the Backfill line item. Set for Programmatic Direct campaigns.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_EXTERNAL_ID The external ID of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_FREQUENCY_CAP The frequency cap of the Backfill line item (descriptive string).
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_ID Backfill line item ID.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_LAST_MODIFIED_BY_APP The application that last modified the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_CLICKS The total number of clicks delivered of the lifetime of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_IMPRESSIONS The total number of impressions delivered over the lifetime of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The total number of viewable impressions delivered over the lifetime of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_MAKEGOOD Whether or not the Backfill line item is Makegood. Makegood refers to free inventory offered to buyers to compensate for mistakes or under-delivery in the original campaigns.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_NAME Backfill line item name.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_NON_CPD_BOOKED_REVENUE The cost of booking for the Backfill line item (non-CPD).
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_OPTIMIZABLE Whether a Backfill line item is eligible for opitimization.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_TYPE Goal type ENUM value of the primary goal of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_TYPE_NAME Localized goal type name of the primary goal of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNIT_TYPE Unit type ENUM value of the primary goal of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNIT_TYPE_NAME Localized unit type name of the primary goal of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_PRIORITY The priority of this Backfill line item as a value between 1 and 16. In general, a lower priority means more serving priority for the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_RESERVATION_STATUS ENUM value describing the state of inventory reservation for the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_RESERVATION_STATUS_NAME Localized string describing the state of inventory reservation for the BackfillLineItem.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_START_DATE The start date of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_START_DATE_TIME The start date and time of the Backfill line item.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_TYPE Backfill line item type ENUM value.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_TYPE_NAME Localized Backfill line item type name.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_UNLIMITED_END Whether the Backfill line item end time and end date is set to effectively never end.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_VALUE_COST_PER_UNIT The artificial cost per unit used by the Ad server to help rank inventory.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_WEB_PROPERTY_CODE The web property code used for dynamic allocation Backfill line items.
BACKFILL_MASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_ID The ID of Backfill creative, includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
BACKFILL_MASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_NAME Name of Backfill creative, includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
BACKFILL_ORDER_AGENCY Backfill order agency.
BACKFILL_ORDER_AGENCY_ID Backfill order agency ID.
BACKFILL_ORDER_BOOKED_CPC Backfill order booked CPC.
BACKFILL_ORDER_BOOKED_CPM Backfill order booked CPM.
BACKFILL_ORDER_DELIVERY_STATUS Backfill order delivery status ENUM value.
BACKFILL_ORDER_DELIVERY_STATUS_NAME Backfill order delivery status localized name.
BACKFILL_ORDER_END_DATE Backfill order end date.
BACKFILL_ORDER_END_DATE_TIME Backfill order end date and time.
BACKFILL_ORDER_EXTERNAL_ID Backfill order external ID.
BACKFILL_ORDER_ID Backfill order id.
BACKFILL_ORDER_LABELS Backfill order labels.
BACKFILL_ORDER_LABEL_IDS Backfill order labels IDs.
BACKFILL_ORDER_LIFETIME_CLICKS Backfill order lifetime clicks.
BACKFILL_ORDER_LIFETIME_IMPRESSIONS Backfill order lifetime impressions.
BACKFILL_ORDER_NAME Backfill order name.
BACKFILL_ORDER_PO_NUMBER Backfill order PO number.
BACKFILL_ORDER_PROGRAMMATIC Whether the Backfill order is programmatic.
BACKFILL_ORDER_SALESPERSON Backfill order sales person.
BACKFILL_ORDER_SECONDARY_SALESPEOPLE Backfill order secondary sales people.
BACKFILL_ORDER_SECONDARY_SALESPEOPLE_ID Backfill order secondary sales people ID.
BACKFILL_ORDER_SECONDARY_TRAFFICKERS Backfill order secondary traffickers.
BACKFILL_ORDER_SECONDARY_TRAFFICKERS_ID Backfill order secondary traffickers ID.
BACKFILL_ORDER_START_DATE Backfill order start date.
BACKFILL_ORDER_START_DATE_TIME Backfill order start date and time.
BACKFILL_ORDER_TRAFFICKER Backfill order trafficker.
BACKFILL_ORDER_TRAFFICKER_ID Backfill order trafficker ID.
BACKFILL_ORDER_UNLIMITED_END Whether the Backfill order end time and end date is set to effectively never end.
BACKFILL_PROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_ID The ID of the buyer on a backfill programmatic proposal.
BACKFILL_PROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_NAME The name of the buyer on a backfill programmatic proposal.
BRANDING_TYPE The amount of information about the Publisher's page sent to the buyer who purchased the impressions.
BRANDING_TYPE_NAME The localized version of branding type, the amount of information about the Publisher's page sent to the buyer who purchased the impressions.
BROWSER_CATEGORY Browser category.
BROWSER_CATEGORY_NAME Browser category name.
BROWSER_ID The ID of the browser.
BROWSER_NAME The name of the browser.
CARRIER_ID Mobile carrier ID.
CARRIER_NAME Name of the mobile carrier.
CLASSIFIED_ADVERTISER_ID The ID of an advertiser, classified by Google, associated with a creative transacted
CLASSIFIED_ADVERTISER_NAME The name of an advertiser, classified by Google, associated with a creative transacted
CLASSIFIED_BRAND_ID ID of the brand, as classified by Google,
CLASSIFIED_BRAND_NAME Name of the brand, as classified by Google,
CONTENT_ID ID of the video content served.
CONTENT_NAME Name of the video content served.
COUNTRY_ID Country criteria id.
COUNTRY_NAME Country name.
CREATIVE_BILLING_TYPE Enum value of creative billing type
CREATIVE_BILLING_TYPE_NAME Localized string value of creative billing type
CREATIVE_CLICK_THROUGH_URL Represents the click-through URL of a creative
CREATIVE_ID The ID of a creative
CREATIVE_NAME Creative name
CREATIVE_TECHNOLOGY_NAME Creative technology locallized name
CREATIVE_THIRD_PARTY_VENDOR Third party vendor name of a creative
CREATIVE_TYPE Enum value of creative type
CREATIVE_TYPE_NAME Localized string name of creative type
DATE Breaks down reporting data by date.
DAY_OF_WEEK Breaks down reporting data by day of the week. Monday is 1 and 7 is Sunday.
DEMAND_CHANNEL Demand channel.
DEMAND_CHANNEL_NAME Demand channel name.
DEMAND_SUBCHANNEL Demand subchannel.
DEMAND_SUBCHANNEL_NAME Demand subchannel name.
DEVICE The device on which an ad was served.
DEVICE_CATEGORY The device category to which an ad is being targeted.
DEVICE_CATEGORY_NAME The name of the category of device (smartphone, feature phone, tablet, or desktop) to which an ad is being targeted.
DEVICE_NAME The localized name of the device on which an ad was served.
EXCHANGE_THIRD_PARTY_COMPANY_ID ID of the yield partner as classified by Google
EXCHANGE_THIRD_PARTY_COMPANY_NAME Name of the yield partner as classified by Google
FIRST_LOOK_PRICING_RULE_ID The ID of the first look pricing rule.
FIRST_LOOK_PRICING_RULE_NAME The name of the first look pricing rule.
HOUR Breaks down reporting data by hour in one day.
INTERACTION_TYPE The interaction type of an ad.
INTERACTION_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the interaction type of an ad.
INVENTORY_FORMAT Inventory format. The format of the ad unit (e.g, banner) where the ad was requested.
INVENTORY_FORMAT_NAME Inventory format name. The format of the ad unit (e.g, banner) where the ad was requested.
INVENTORY_TYPE Inventory type. The kind of web page or device where the ad was requested.
INVENTORY_TYPE_NAME Inventory type name. The kind of web page or device where the ad was requested.
IS_ADX_DIRECT Whether traffic is Adx Direct.
IS_FIRST_LOOK_DEAL Whether traffic is First Look.
KEY_VALUES_ID The Custom Targeting Value ID
KEY_VALUES_NAME The Custom Targeting Value formatted like =
LINE_ITEM_ARCHIVED Whether a Line item is archived.
LINE_ITEM_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION Line item comanion delivery option ENUM value.
LINE_ITEM_COMPANION_DELIVERY_OPTION_NAME Localized line item comanion delivery option name.
LINE_ITEM_COMPUTED_STATUS The computed status of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_COMPUTED_STATUS_NAME The localized name of the computed status of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_CONTRACTED_QUANTITY The contracted units bought for the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_COST_PER_UNIT The cost per unit of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_COST_TYPE Line item cost type ENUM value.
LINE_ITEM_COST_TYPE_NAME Localized line item cost type name.
LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_END_DATE Represent the end date of a creative associated with line item
LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE The creative rotation type of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_ROTATION_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the creative rotation type of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_CREATIVE_START_DATE Represent the start date of a creative associated with line item
LINE_ITEM_CURRENCY_CODE The 3 letter currency code of the Line Item
LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_INDICATOR The progress made for the delivery of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE The delivery rate type of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_DELIVERY_RATE_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the delivery rate type of the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_DISCOUNT_ABSOLUTE The discount of the LineItem in whole units in the LineItem's currency code, or if unspecified the Network's currency code.
LINE_ITEM_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE The discount of the LineItem in percentage.
LINE_ITEM_END_DATE The end date of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_END_DATE_TIME The end date and time of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE The ENUM value of the environment a LineItem is targeting.
LINE_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the environment a LineItem is targeting.
LINE_ITEM_EXTERNAL_DEAL_ID The deal ID of the Line item. Set for Programmatic Direct campaigns.
LINE_ITEM_EXTERNAL_ID The external ID of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_FREQUENCY_CAP The frequency cap of the Line item (descriptive string).
LINE_ITEM_ID Line item ID.
LINE_ITEM_LAST_MODIFIED_BY_APP The application that last modified the Line Item.
LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_CLICKS The total number of clicks delivered of the lifetime of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_IMPRESSIONS The total number of impressions delivered over the lifetime of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_LIFETIME_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The total number of viewable impressions delivered over the lifetime of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_MAKEGOOD Whether or not the Line item is Makegood. Makegood refers to free inventory offered to buyers to compensate for mistakes or under-delivery in the original campaigns.
LINE_ITEM_NAME Line item Name.
LINE_ITEM_NON_CPD_BOOKED_REVENUE The cost of booking for the Line item (non-CPD).
LINE_ITEM_OPTIMIZABLE Whether a Line item is eligible for opitimization.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_TYPE Goal type ENUM value of the primary goal of the line item.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_TYPE_NAME Localized goal type name of the primary goal of the line item.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNITS_ABSOLUTE The total number of impressions or clicks that are reserved for a line item. For line items of type BULK or PRICE_PRIORITY, this represents the number of remaining impressions reserved. If the line item has an impression cap goal, this represents the number of impressions or conversions that the line item will stop serving at if reached.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNITS_PERCENTAGE The percentage of impressions or clicks that are reserved for a line item. For line items of type SPONSORSHIP, this represents the percentage of available impressions reserved. For line items of type NETWORK or HOUSE, this represents the percentage of remaining impressions reserved.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNIT_TYPE Unit type ENUM value of the primary goal of the line item.
LINE_ITEM_PRIMARY_GOAL_UNIT_TYPE_NAME Localized unit type name of the primary goal of the line item.
LINE_ITEM_PRIORITY The priority of this Line item as a value between 1 and 16. In general, a lower priority means more serving priority for the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_RESERVATION_STATUS ENUM value describing the state of inventory reservation for the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_RESERVATION_STATUS_NAME Localized string describing the state of inventory reservation for the LineItem.
LINE_ITEM_START_DATE The start date of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_START_DATE_TIME The start date and time of the Line item.
LINE_ITEM_TYPE Line item type ENUM value.
LINE_ITEM_TYPE_NAME Localized line item type name.
LINE_ITEM_UNLIMITED_END Whether the Line item end time and end date is set to effectively never end.
LINE_ITEM_VALUE_COST_PER_UNIT The artificial cost per unit used by the Ad server to help rank inventory.
LINE_ITEM_WEB_PROPERTY_CODE The web property code used for dynamic allocation Line Items.
MASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_ID The ID of creative, includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
MASTER_COMPANION_CREATIVE_NAME Name of creative, includes regular creatives, and master and companions in case of creative sets
MOBILE_APP_FREE Whether the mobile app is free.
MOBILE_APP_ICON_URL URL of app icon for the mobile app.
MOBILE_APP_ID The ID of the Mobile App.
MOBILE_APP_NAME The name of the mobile app.
MOBILE_APP_OWNERSHIP_STATUS Ownership status of the mobile app.
MOBILE_APP_OWNERSHIP_STATUS_NAME Ownership status of the mobile app.
MOBILE_APP_STORE The App Store of the mobile app.
MOBILE_APP_STORE_NAME The localized name of the mobile app store.
MOBILE_INVENTORY_TYPE Mobile inventory type. Identifies whether a mobile ad came from a regular web page, an AMP web page, or a mobile app. Values match the Inventory type dimension available in the Overview Home dashboard. Note: Video takes precedence over any other value, for example, if there is an in-stream video impression on a desktop device, it will be attributed to in-stream video and not desktop web.
MOBILE_INVENTORY_TYPE_NAME Mobile inventory type name. Identifies whether a mobile ad came from a regular web page, an AMP web page, or a mobile app.
MOBILE_SDK_VERSION_NAME SDK version of the mobile device.
MONTH_YEAR Breaks down reporting data by month and year.
NATIVE_AD_FORMAT_ID Native ad format ID.
NATIVE_AD_FORMAT_NAME Native ad format name.
NATIVE_STYLE_ID Native style ID.
NATIVE_STYLE_NAME Native style name.
OPERATING_SYSTEM_CATEGORY Operating system category.
OPERATING_SYSTEM_CATEGORY_NAME Operating system category name.
OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION_ID ID of the operating system version.
OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION_NAME Details of the operating system, including version.
ORDER_AGENCY Order agency.
ORDER_AGENCY_ID Order agency ID.
ORDER_DELIVERY_STATUS Order delivery status ENUM value.
ORDER_DELIVERY_STATUS_NAME Order delivery status localized name.
ORDER_END_DATE Order end date.
ORDER_END_DATE_TIME Order end date and time.
ORDER_EXTERNAL_ID Order external ID.
ORDER_ID Order id.
ORDER_LABELS Order labels.
ORDER_LABEL_IDS Order labels IDs.
ORDER_LIFETIME_CLICKS Order lifetime clicks.
ORDER_LIFETIME_IMPRESSIONS Order lifetime impressions.
ORDER_NAME Order name.
ORDER_PO_NUMBER Order PO number.
ORDER_PROGRAMMATIC Whether the Order is programmatic.
ORDER_SALESPERSON Order sales person.
ORDER_SECONDARY_SALESPEOPLE Order secondary sales people.
ORDER_SECONDARY_SALESPEOPLE_ID Order secondary sales people ID.
ORDER_SECONDARY_TRAFFICKERS Order secondary traffickers.
ORDER_SECONDARY_TRAFFICKERS_ID Order secondary traffickers ID.
ORDER_START_DATE Order start date.
ORDER_START_DATE_TIME Order start date and time.
ORDER_TRAFFICKER Order trafficker.
ORDER_TRAFFICKER_ID Order trafficker ID.
ORDER_UNLIMITED_END Whether the Order end time and end date is set to effectively never end.
PLACEMENT_ID_ALL The full list of placement IDs associated with the ad unit.
PLACEMENT_NAME Placement name
PLACEMENT_NAME_ALL The full list of placement names associated with the ad unit.
PLACEMENT_STATUS Placement status ENUM value
PLACEMENT_STATUS_ALL The full list of placement status ENUM values associated with the ad unit.
PLACEMENT_STATUS_NAME Localized placement status name.
PLACEMENT_STATUS_NAME_ALL The full list of localized placement status names associated with the ad unit.
PROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_ID The ID of the buyer on a programmatic proposal.
PROGRAMMATIC_BUYER_NAME The name of the buyer on a programmatic proposal.
PROGRAMMATIC_CHANNEL Programmatic channel. The type of transaction that occurred in Ad Exchange.
PROGRAMMATIC_CHANNEL_NAME Programmatic channel name. The type of transaction that occurred in Ad Exchange.
RENDERED_CREATIVE_SIZE The size of a rendered creative, It can differ with the creative's size if a creative is shown in an ad slot of a different size.
REQUESTED_AD_SIZES Inventory Requested Ad Sizes dimension
REQUEST_TYPE_NAME Request type locallized name
SITE Information about domain or subdomains.
TARGETING_ID The ID of the browser, device or other environment into which a line item or creative was served.
TARGETING_NAME Information about the browser, device and other environments into which a line item or creative was served.
TARGETING_TYPE The way in which advertisers targeted their ads.
TARGETING_TYPE_NAME The localized name of the way in which advertisers targeted their ads.
TRAFFIC_SOURCE Inventory Traffic source dimension
TRAFFIC_SOURCE_NAME Inventory Traffic source dimension name
UNIFIED_PRICING_RULE_ID Unified pricing rule ID dimension
UNIFIED_PRICING_RULE_NAME Unified pricing rule name dimension
VIDEO_PLCMT The video placement enum as defined by ADCOM 1.0-202303.
VIDEO_PLCMT_NAME The localized name of the video placement as defined by ADCOM 1.0-202303.
WEEK Breaks down reporting data by week of the year.
YIELD_GROUP_BUYER_NAME Name of the company within a yield group
YIELD_GROUP_ID ID of the group of ad networks or exchanges used for Mediation and Open Bidding
YIELD_GROUP_NAME Name of the group of ad networks or exchanges used for Mediation and Open Bidding
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Line Item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_LINE_ITEM_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill line item with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.line_item_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_ORDER_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill order with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.order_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_OPTION_ID Custom field option ID for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_0_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 0 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_1_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 1 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_2_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 2 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_3_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 3 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_4_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 4 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_5_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 5 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_6_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 6 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_7_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 7 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_8_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 8 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_9_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 9 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_10_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 10 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_11_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 11 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_12_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 12 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_13_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 13 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
BACKFILL_CREATIVE_CUSTOM_FIELD_14_VALUE Custom field value for Backfill creative with custom field ID equal to the ID in index 14 of ReportDefinition.creative_custom_field_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_0_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 0 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_1_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 1 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_2_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 2 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_3_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 3 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_4_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 4 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_5_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 5 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_6_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 6 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_7_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 9 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_8_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 8 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_9_VALUE_ID Custom Dimension Value ID for Custom Dimension with key equal to the key in index 9 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_0_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 0 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_1_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 1 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_2_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 2 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_3_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 3 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_4_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 4 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_5_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 5 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_6_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 6 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_7_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 7 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_8_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 8 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.
CUSTOM_DIMENSION_9_VALUE Custom Dimension Value name for Custom Dimension with key equal to the id in index 9 of ReportDefinition.custom_dimension_key_ids.


Reporting metrics.

METRIC_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIME Active View total average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS Total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability.
ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS The total number of impressions that were sampled and measured by active view.
ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of total impressions that were measurable by active view (out of all the total impressions sampled for active view).
ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The total number of impressions viewed on the user's screen.
ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of total impressions viewed on the user's screen (out of the total impressions measurable by active view).
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIME Active View AdSense average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS Total number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were eligible to measure viewability.
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by AdSense that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense that were measurable by active view (out of all AdSense impressions sampled for active view).
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen.
ADSENSE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by AdSense viewed on the user's screen (out of AdSense impressions measurable by active view).
ADSENSE_AVERAGE_ECPM The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation.
ADSENSE_CLICKS Number of clicks delivered by AdSense demand channel.
ADSENSE_CTR The ratio of impressions served by AdSense that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. The AdSense CTR is calculated as: (AdSense clicks / AdSense impressions).
ADSENSE_IMPRESSIONS Total impressions delivered by AdSense.
ADSENSE_PERCENT_CLICKS Ratio of clicks delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered.
ADSENSE_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONS Ratio of impressions delivered by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered.
ADSENSE_PERCENT_REVENUE Ratio of revenue generated by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue.
ADSENSE_PERCENT_REVENUE_WITHOUT_CPD Ratio of revenue generated by AdSense through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue (excluding CPD).
ADSENSE_RESPONSES_SERVED The total number of times that an AdSense ad is delivered.
ADSENSE_REVENUE Revenue generated from AdSense through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in the network's currency and time zone.
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIME Active View AdExchange average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS Total number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were eligible to measure viewability.
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange that were measurable by active view (out of all Ad Exchange impressions sampled for active view).
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen.
AD_EXCHANGE_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange viewed on the user's screen (out of Ad Exchange impressions measurable by active view).
AD_EXCHANGE_AVERAGE_ECPM The average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation.
AD_EXCHANGE_CLICKS Number of clicks delivered by the Ad Exchange.
AD_EXCHANGE_CTR The ratio of impressions served by the Ad Exchange that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. Ad Exchange CTR is calculated as: (Ad Exchange clicks / Ad Exchange impressions).
AD_EXCHANGE_IMPRESSIONS Total impressions delivered by the Ad Exchange.
AD_EXCHANGE_PERCENT_CLICKS Ratio of clicks delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total clicks delivered.
AD_EXCHANGE_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONS Ratio of impressions delivered by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total impressions delivered.
AD_EXCHANGE_PERCENT_REVENUE Ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue.
AD_EXCHANGE_PERCENT_REVENUE_WITHOUT_CPD Ratio of revenue generated by Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation in relation to the total revenue (excluding CPD).
AD_EXCHANGE_RESPONSES_SERVED The total number of times that an Ad Exchange ad is delivered.
AD_EXCHANGE_REVENUE Revenue generated from the Ad Exchange through line item dynamic allocation, calculated in your network's currency and time zone.
AD_REQUESTS The total number of times that an ad request is sent to the ad server including dynamic allocation.
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_AVERAGE_VIEWABLE_TIME Active View ad server average time in seconds that specific impressions are reported as being viewable.
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_ELIGIBLE_IMPRESSIONS Total number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were eligible to measure viewability.
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by the ad server that were sampled, and measurable by active view.
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_MEASURABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server that were measurable by active view (out of all the ad server impressions sampled for active view).
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen.
AD_SERVER_ACTIVE_VIEW_VIEWABLE_IMPRESSIONS_RATE The percentage of impressions delivered by the ad server viewed on the user's screen (out of the ad server impressions measurable by active view).
AD_SERVER_AVERAGE_ECPM Average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server.
AD_SERVER_AVERAGE_ECPM_WITHOUT_CPD Average effective cost-per-thousand-impressions earned from the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server, excluding CPD value.
AD_SERVER_CLICKS Total clicks served by the Google Ad Manager server. It usually takes about 30 minutes for new clicks to be recorded and added to the total displayed in reporting.
AD_SERVER_CPD_REVENUE CPD revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue.
AD_SERVER_CTR Ratio of impressions served by the Google Ad Manager server that resulted in users clicking on an ad. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is updated nightly. The ad server CTR is calculated as: (Ad server clicks / Ad server impressions).
AD_SERVER_IMPRESSIONS Total impressions delivered by the Ad Server.
AD_SERVER_PERCENT_CLICKS Ratio of clicks delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total clicks delivered.
AD_SERVER_PERCENT_IMPRESSIONS Ratio of impressions delivered by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total impressions delivered.
AD_SERVER_PERCENT_REVENUE Ratio of revenue generated by the Google Ad Manager server in relation to the total revenue.
AD_SERVER_PERCENT_REVENUE_WITHOUT_CPD Ratio of revenue generated by the Google Ad Manager server (excluding CPD) in relation to the total revenue.
AD_SERVER_RESPONSES_SERVED The total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server.
AD_SERVER_REVENUE All CPM, CPC, and CPD revenue earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue.
AD_SERVER_REVENUE_WITHOUT_CPD Revenue (excluding CPD) earned, calculated in your network's currency, for the ads delivered by the Google Ad Manager server. Sum of all booked revenue.
AUCTIONS_WON Number of winning bids received from Open Bidding buyers, even when the winning bid is placed at the end of a mediation for mobile apps chain.
AVERAGE_ECPM eCPM averaged across the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, and Ad Exchange.
AVERAGE_ECPM_WITHOUT_CPD eCPM averaged across the Google Ad Manager server (excluding CPD), AdSense, and Ad Exchange.
BIDS Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers, regardless of whether the returned bid competes in an auction.
BIDS_IN_AUCTION Number of bids received from Open Bidding buyers that competed in the auction.
CALLOUTS Number of times a yield partner is asked to return bid to fill a yield group request.
CLICKS The number of times a user clicked on an ad.
CODE_SERVED_COUNT The total number of times that the code for an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation.
CTR For standard ads, your ad clickthrough rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions expressed as a fraction. Ad CTR = Clicks / Ad impressions.
GOOGLE_SOLD_AUCTION_COVIEWED_IMPRESSIONS The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
GOOGLE_SOLD_AUCTION_IMPRESSIONS The number of auction impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
GOOGLE_SOLD_COVIEWED_IMPRESSIONS The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
GOOGLE_SOLD_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
GOOGLE_SOLD_RESERVATION_COVIEWED_IMPRESSIONS The number of coviewed impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
GOOGLE_SOLD_RESERVATION_IMPRESSIONS The number of reservation impressions sold by Google in partner sales.
IMPRESSIONS Total impressions from the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and yield group partners.
PARTNER_SALES_FILLED_POD_REQUESTS The number of filled pod requests (filled by partner or Google) in partner sales.
PARTNER_SALES_FILL_RATE The percent of filled requests to total ad requests in partner sales.
PARTNER_SALES_PARTNER_MATCH_RATE The percent of partner filled requests to total ad requests in partner sales.
PARTNER_SALES_QUERIES The number of queries eligible for partner sales.
PARTNER_SALES_UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONS The number of partner unfilled impressions in partner sales. If a pod request is not filled by partner but filled by Google, this metric will still count 1.
PARTNER_SALES_UNMATCHED_QUERIES The number of partner unmatched queries in partner sales. If an ad request is not filled by partner but filled by Google, this metric will still count 1.
PARTNER_SOLD_CODE_SERVED The number of code served sold by partner in partner sales.
PARTNER_SOLD_COVIEWED_IMPRESSIONS The number of coviewed impressions sold by partner in partner sales.
PARTNER_SOLD_IMPRESSIONS The number of impressions sold by partner in partner sales.
PROGRAMMATIC_ELIGIBLE_AD_REQUESTS The total number of ad requests eligible for programmatic inventory, including Programmatic Guaranteed, Preferred Deals, backfill, and open auction.
PROGRAMMATIC_MATCH_RATE The number of programmatic responses served divided by the number of programmatic eligible ad requests. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals.

Total number of ad responses served from programmatic demand sources. Includes Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, and Preferred Deals.

Differs from AD_EXCHANGE_RESPONSES_SERVED, which doesn't include Open Bidding ad requests.

RESPONSES_SERVED The total number of times that an ad is served by the ad server including dynamic allocation.
REVENUE Total amount of CPM, CPC, and CPD revenue based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks.
REVENUE_WITHOUT_CPD Total amount of revenue (excluding CPD) based on the number of units served by the Google Ad Manager server, AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party Mediation networks.
SUCCESSFUL_RESPONSES Number of times a yield group buyer successfully returned a bid in response to a yield group callout.
UNFILLED_IMPRESSIONS The total number of missed impressions due to the ad servers' inability to find ads to serve including dynamic allocation.
UNMATCHED_AD_REQUESTS The total number of times that an ad is not returned by the ad server.
USER_MESSAGES_OFFERWALL_MESSAGES_SHOWN Number of times an Offerwall message was shown to users.
USER_MESSAGES_OFFERWALL_SUCCESSFUL_ENGAGEMENTS The number of messages where the user gained an entitlement.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_AVERAGE_INTERACTION_RATE The number of user interactions with a video, on average, such as pause, full screen, mute, etc.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_COLLAPSES The number of times a user collapses a video, either to its original size or to a different size.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_EXPANDS The number of times a user expands a video.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_FULL_SCREENS The number of times ad clip played in full screen mode.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_MUTES The number of times video player was in mute state during play of ad clip.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_PAUSES The number of times user paused ad clip.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_RESUMES The number of times the user unpaused the video.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_REWINDS The number of times a user rewinds the video.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_UNMUTES The number of times a user unmutes the video.
VIDEO_INTERACTION_VIDEO_SKIPS The number of times a skippable video is skipped.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_CREATIVE_SERVES The number of total creative serves in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_100_COUNT The number of errors of type 100 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_101_COUNT The number of errors of type 101 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_102_COUNT The number of errors of type 102 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_200_COUNT The number of errors of type 200 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_201_COUNT The number of errors of type 201 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_202_COUNT The number of errors of type 202 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_203_COUNT The number of errors of type 203 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_300_COUNT The number of errors of type 300 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_301_COUNT The number of errors of type 301 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_302_COUNT The number of errors of type 302 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_303_COUNT The number of errors of type 303 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_400_COUNT The number of errors of type 400 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_401_COUNT The number of errors of type 401 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_402_COUNT The number of errors of type 402 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_403_COUNT The number of errors of type 403 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_405_COUNT The number of errors of type 405 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_406_COUNT The number of errors of type 406 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_407_COUNT The number of errors of type 407 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_408_COUNT The number of errors of type 408 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_409_COUNT The number of errors of type 409 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_410_COUNT The number of errors of type 410 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_500_COUNT The number of errors of type 500 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_501_COUNT The number of errors of type 501 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_502_COUNT The number of errors of type 502 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_503_COUNT The number of errors of type 503 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_600_COUNT The number of errors of type 600 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_601_COUNT The number of errors of type 601 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_602_COUNT The number of errors of type 602 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_603_COUNT The number of errors of type 603 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_604_COUNT The number of errors of type 604 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_900_COUNT The number of errors of type 900 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_ERROR_901_COUNT The number of errors of type 901 in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_IMPRESSIONS The number of total impressions in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_MATCHED_QUERIES The number of matched queries in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT The number of all errors in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_TOTAL_QUERIES The number of total queries in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_REAL_TIME_UNMATCHED_QUERIES The number of unmatched queries in video realtime reporting.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AUTO_PLAYS Number of times that the publisher specified a video ad played automatically.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_RATE Average percentage of the video watched by users.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_AVERAGE_VIEW_TIME Average time(seconds) users watched the video.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_CLICK_TO_PLAYS Number of times that the publisher specified a video ad was clicked to play.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETES The number of times the video played to completion.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_COMPLETION_RATE Percentage of times the video played to the end.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_ENGAGED_VIEWS The number of engaged views: ad is viewed to completion or for 30s, whichever comes first.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_FIRST_QUARTILES The number of times the video played to 25% of its length.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_MIDPOINTS The number of times the video reached its midpoint during play.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_SKIP_BUTTONS_SHOWN The number of times a skip button is shown in video.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_STARTS The number of impressions where the video was played.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_THIRD_QUARTILES The number of times the video played to 75% of its length.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT The number of times an error occurred, such as a VAST redirect error, a video playback error, or an invalid response error.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_TOTAL_ERROR_RATE The percentage of video error count.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_VIDEO_LENGTH Duration of the video creative.
VIDEO_VIEWERSHIP_VIEW_THROUGH_RATE View-through rate represented as a percentage.
YIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_CPM The estimated net rate for yield groups or individual yield group partners.
YIELD_GROUP_ESTIMATED_REVENUE Total net revenue earned by a yield group, based upon the yield group estimated CPM and yield group impressions recorded.
YIELD_GROUP_IMPRESSIONS Number of matched yield group requests where a yield partner delivered their ad to publisher inventory.
YIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_FILL_RATE Yield group Mediation fill rate indicating how often a network fills an ad request.
YIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_MATCHED_QUERIES Total requests where a Mediation chain was served.
YIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_PASSBACKS The number of mediation chain passback across all channels.
YIELD_GROUP_MEDIATION_THIRD_PARTY_ECPM Revenue per thousand impressions based on data collected by Ad Manager from third-party ad network reports.


A filter over one or more fields.

JSON representation

  // Union field type can be only one of the following:
  "fieldFilter": {
    object (FieldFilter)
  "notFilter": {
    object (Filter)
  "andFilter": {
    object (FilterList)
  "orFilter": {
    object (FilterList)
  // End of list of possible types for union field type.
Union field type. The type determines how the underlying filters are combined. type can be only one of the following:

object (FieldFilter)

A filter on a single field.


object (Filter)

A filter whose result is negated.


object (FilterList)

A list of filters whose results are AND-ed.


object (FilterList)

A list of filters whose results are OR-ed.


A filter on a specific field.

JSON representation
  "field": {
    object (Field)
  "operation": enum (Operation),
  "values": [
      object (Value)
  "slice": {
    object (Slice)
  "timePeriodIndex": integer,
  "metricValueType": enum (MetricValueType)

object (Field)

Required. The field to filter on.


enum (Operation)

Required. The operation of this filter.


object (Value)

Required. Values to filter to.


object (Slice)

Optional. Use to filter on a specific slice of data.



Optional. When using time period columns, use this to filter on a specific column.


enum (MetricValueType)

Optional. Use to specify which metric value type to filter on. Defaults to PRIMARY.


A dimension or a metric in a report.

JSON representation

  // Union field field can be only one of the following:
  "dimension": enum (Dimension),
  "metric": enum (Metric)
  // End of list of possible types for union field field.
Union field field. Either a dimension or a metric. field can be only one of the following:

enum (Dimension)

The dimension this field represents.


enum (Metric)

The metric this field represents.


Supported filter operations.


For scalar operands, checks if the operand is in the set of provided filter values.

For list operands, checks if any element in the operand is in the set of provided filter values.

Default value.


For scalar operands, checks that the operand is not in the set of provided filter values.

For list operands, checks that none of the elements in the operand is in the set of provided filter values.


For scalar string operands, checks if the operand contains any of the provided filter substrings.

For string list operands, checks if any string in the operand contains any of the provided filter substrings.


For scalar string operands, checks that the operand contains none of the provided filter substrings.

For string list operands, checks that none of the strings in the operand contain none of the provided filter substrings.

LESS_THAN Operand is less than the provided filter value.
LESS_THAN_EQUALS Operand is less than or equal to provided filter value.
GREATER_THAN Operand is greater than provided filter value.
GREATER_THAN_EQUALS Operand is greater than or equal to provided filter value.
BETWEEN Operand is between provided filter values.
MATCHES Operand matches against a regex or set of regexes (one must match)
NOT_MATCHES Operand negative matches against a regex or set of regexes (none must match)


Represents a single value in a report.

JSON representation

  // Union field value can be only one of the following:
  "intValue": string,
  "doubleValue": number,
  "stringValue": string,
  "boolValue": boolean,
  "intListValue": {
    object (IntList)
  "stringListValue": {
    object (StringList)
  "bytesValue": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field value.
Union field value. The value of the field, depends on the field's data format. value can be only one of the following:

string (int64 format)

For integer values.



For double values.



For string values.



For boolean values.


object (IntList)

For lists of integer values.


object (StringList)

For lists of string values.


string (bytes format)

For bytes values.

A base64-encoded string.


A list of integer values.

JSON representation
  "values": [

string (int64 format)

The values


A list of string values.

JSON representation
  "values": [


The values


Use to specify a slice of data.

For example, in a report, to focus on just data from the US, specify COUNTRY_NAME for dimension and value: "United States".

JSON representation
  "dimension": enum (Dimension),
  "value": {
    object (Value)

enum (Dimension)

Required. The dimension to slice on.


object (Value)

Required. The value of the dimension.


Possible metric value types to add.

PRIMARY The values for the primary dateRange.
PRIMARY_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL Each metrics' percent of the total for the primary dateRange.
COMPARISON The values for the comparisonDateRange.
COMPARISON_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL Each metrics' percent of the total for the comparisonDateRange.
ABSOLUTE_CHANGE The absolute change between the primary and comparison date ranges.
RELATIVE_CHANGE The relative change between the primary and comparison date ranges.


A list of filters.

JSON representation
  "filters": [
      object (Filter)

object (Filter)

Required. A list of filters.


A date range for a report.

JSON representation

  // Union field date_range_type can be only one of the following:
  "fixed": {
    object (FixedDateRange)
  "relative": enum (RelativeDateRange)
  // End of list of possible types for union field date_range_type.
Union field date_range_type. Either a fixed or relative date range. date_range_type can be only one of the following:

object (FixedDateRange)

A fixed date range.


enum (RelativeDateRange)

A relative date range.


A date range between two fixed dates (inclusive of end date).

JSON representation
  "startDate": {
    object (Date)
  "endDate": {
    object (Date)

object (Date)

Required. The start date of this date range.


object (Date)

Required. The end date (inclusive) of this date range.


Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are insignificant. The date is relative to the Gregorian Calendar. This can represent one of the following:

  • A full date, with non-zero year, month, and day values.
  • A month and day, with a zero year (for example, an anniversary).
  • A year on its own, with a zero month and a zero day.
  • A year and month, with a zero day (for example, a credit card expiration date).

Related types:

JSON representation
  "year": integer,
  "month": integer,
  "day": integer


Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.



Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.



Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.


Options for relative date ranges.

RELATIVE_DATE_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
TODAY The date the report is run.
YESTERDAY The date a day before the date that the report is run.
THIS_WEEK The full week in which this report is run. Could include dates in the future.
THIS_WEEK_TO_DATE From the beginning of the calendar week (Monday to Sunday) in which the up to and including the day the report is run.
THIS_MONTH The full month in which this report is run. Could include dates in the future.
THIS_MONTH_TO_DATE From the beginning of the calendar month in which the report is run, to up to and including the day the report is run.
THIS_QUARTER The full quarter in which this report is run. Could include dates in the future.
THIS_QUARTER_TO_DATE From the beginning of the calendar quarter in which the report is run, up to and including the day the report is run.
THIS_YEAR The full year in which this report is run. Could include dates in the future.
THIS_YEAR_TO_DATE From the beginning of the calendar year in which the report is run, to up to and including the day the report is run.
LAST_WEEK The entire previous calendar week, Monday to Sunday (inclusive), preceding the calendar week the report is run.
LAST_MONTH The entire previous calendar month preceding the calendar month the report is run.
LAST_QUARTER The entire previous calendar quarter preceding the calendar quarter the report is run.
LAST_YEAR The entire previous calendar year preceding the calendar year the report is run.
LAST_7_DAYS The 7 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_30_DAYS The 30 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_60_DAYS The 60 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_90_DAYS The 90 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_180_DAYS The 180 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_360_DAYS The 360 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_365_DAYS The 365 days preceding the day the report is run.
LAST_3_MONTHS The entire previous 3 calendar months preceding the calendar month the report is run.
LAST_6_MONTHS The entire previous 6 calendar months preceding the calendar month the report is run.
LAST_12_MONTHS The entire previous 6 calendar months preceding the calendar month the report is run.
ALL_AVAILABLE From 3 years before the report is run, to the day before the report is run, inclusive.

Only valid when used in the comparisonDateRange field. The complete period preceding the date period provided in dateRange.

In the case where dateRange is a FixedDateRange of N days, this will be a period of N days where the end date is the date preceding the start date of the dateRange.

In the case where dateRange is a RelativeDateRange, this will be a period of the same time frame preceding the dateRange. In the case where the dateRange does not capture the full period because a report is run in the middle of that period, this will still be the full preceding period. For example, if dateRange is THIS_WEEK, but the report is run on a Wednesday, THIS_WEEK will be Monday - Wednesday, but PREVIOUS_PERIOD will be Monday - Sunday.


Only valid when used in the comparisonDateRange field. The period starting 1 year prior to the date period provided in dateRange.

In the case where dateRange is a FixedDateRange, this will be a date range starting 1 year prior to the dateRange start date and ending 1 year prior to the dateRange end date.

In the case where dateRange is a RelativeDateRange, this will be a period of the same time frame exactly 1 year prior to the dateRange. In the case where the dateRange does not capture the full period because a report is run in the middle of that period, this will still be the full period 1 year prior. For example, if date range is THIS_WEEK, but the report is run on a Wednesday, THIS_WEEK will be Monday - Wednesday, but SAME_PERIOD_PREVIOUS_YEAR will be Monday - Sunday.


Supported report types.

REPORT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Default value. This value is unused.
HISTORICAL Historical.


Valid time period columns.

TIME_PERIOD_COLUMN_UNSPECIFIED Default value. Report will have no time period column.
TIME_PERIOD_COLUMN_DATE A column for each date in the report.
TIME_PERIOD_COLUMN_WEEK A column for each week in the report.
TIME_PERIOD_COLUMN_MONTH A column for each month in the report.
TIME_PERIOD_COLUMN_QUARTER A column for each quarter in the report.


A flag for a report. Flags are used show if certain thresholds are met. Result rows that match the filter will have the corresponding [MetricValueGroup.flagValues][MetricValueGroup] index set to true. For more information about flags see:

JSON representation
  "filters": [
      object (Filter)
  "name": string

object (Filter)

Required. Filters to apply for the flag.



Optional. Name of the flag. The flag names RED, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, and GREY correspond to the colored flags that appear in the UI. The UI will not display flags with other names, but they are available for use by API clients.


Represents a sorting in a report.

JSON representation
  "field": {
    object (Field)
  "descending": boolean,
  "slice": {
    object (Slice)
  "timePeriodIndex": integer,
  "metricValueType": enum (MetricValueType)

object (Field)

Required. A field (dimension or metric) to sort by.



Optional. The sort order. If true the sort will be descending.


object (Slice)

Optional. Use to sort on a specific slice of data.



Optional. When using time period columns, use this to sort on a specific column.


enum (MetricValueType)

Optional. Use to specify which metric value type to sort on. Defaults to PRIMARY.


The options for a scheduled report.

JSON representation
  "schedule": {
    object (Schedule)
  "deliveryCondition": enum (DeliveryCondition),
  "flags": [
      object (Flag)

object (Schedule)

Information pertaining to schedule itself.


enum (DeliveryCondition)

Option for when to deliver the scheduled report.


object (Flag)

Optional. The flags evaluated when ReportDeliveryOption.WHEN_FLAG_PRESENT is specified.


The schedule for the report

JSON representation
  "startDate": {
    object (Date)
  "endDate": {
    object (Date)
  "frequency": enum (Frequency),
  "startTime": {
    object (TimeOfDay)

  // Union field frequency_schedule can be only one of the following:
  "weeklySchedule": {
    object (WeeklySchedule)
  "monthlySchedule": {
    object (MonthlySchedule)
  // End of list of possible types for union field frequency_schedule.

object (Date)

Date for the first run of the report.


object (Date)

Date for the final run of the report.


enum (Frequency)

Frequency to run report.


object (TimeOfDay)

Indicates start time for schedule to run Will use the timeZone from ReportDefinition. Defaults to the publisher's time zone if not specified.

For HOURLY, TWO_TIMES_DAILY, THREE_TIMES_DAILY, or FOUR_TIMES_DAILY, this will be the time of day that the first report will run on the first day. For example, if the start time is 2:00 PM, and the frequency is THREE_TIMES_DAILY, the first day will have reports scheduled at 2:00 PM, 10:00 PM. Each subsequent day will have reports scheduled at 6:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 10:00 PM.

Union field frequency_schedule. The scheduled values based on the frequency selected. WEEKLY - uses WeeklySchedule MONTHLY - uses MonthlySchedule frequency_schedule can be only one of the following:

object (WeeklySchedule)

Days of week to schedule report run.


object (MonthlySchedule)

Days of month to schedule report run.


Days of week to schedule report run.

JSON representation
  "weeklyScheduledDays": [
    enum (DayOfWeek)

enum (DayOfWeek)

Specifies days of the week on which to run report.


Represents a day of the week.

DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED The day of the week is unspecified.


Days of Month to schedule report run.

JSON representation
  "monthlyScheduledDays": [


Specifies days of the month to run report. Range is from 1-31. Will ignore days that are not valid for the given month.


Frequency to run report.

FREQUENCY_UNSPECIFIED No Frequency specified.
HOURLY Schedule report to run every hour.
TWO_TIMES_DAILY Schedule report to run twice a day (every 12 hours).
THREE_TIMES_DAILY Schedule report to run three times a day (every 8 hours).
FOUR_TIMES_DAILY Schedule report to run four times a day (every 6 hours).
DAILY Schedule report to run on a daily basis.
WEEKLY Schedule report to run on a weekly basis.
MONTHLY Schedule report to run on a monthly basis.


Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related types are google.type.Date and google.protobuf.Timestamp.

JSON representation
  "hours": integer,
  "minutes": integer,
  "seconds": integer,
  "nanos": integer


Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.



Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.



Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.



Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.


Condition for when to email the scheduled report.

NEVER Never deliver report.
ALWAYS Always deliver report.
WHEN_FLAG_CONDITIONS_MET Deliver report when flag's conditions are met.



API to create a Report object.


API to retrieve a Report object.


API to retrieve a list of Report objects.


API to update a Report object.


Initiates the execution of an existing report asynchronously.