W tym przewodniku opisujemy różne sposoby korzystania z prognozowanie w Google Ads, Manager API.
Prognoza natężenia ruchu
Prognoza natężenia ruchu umożliwia przeglądanie historycznych danych o ruchu razem z informacjami o przyszłych możliwościach realizacji wyświetleń, aby opracować lepsze sposoby podziału zasobów reklamowych na segmenty i pakiety.
// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days. Interval interval = new Interval( Instant.now().plus(Duration.standardDays(-7)), Instant.now().plus(Duration.standardDays(7))); DateRange dateRange = new DateRange(); dateRange.setStartDate(DateTimes.toDateTime(interval.getStart()).getDate()); dateRange.setEndDate(DateTimes.toDateTime(interval.getEnd()).getDate()); // Request the traffic data. TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest(); trafficDataRequest.setRequestedDateRange(dateRange); trafficDataRequest.setTargeting(targeting); TrafficDataResponse trafficData = forecastService.getTrafficData(trafficDataRequest);
# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days # in the future. today = datetime.date.today() start_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=7) end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=7) # Create targeting. targeting = { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] } } # Request the traffic forecast data. traffic_data = forecast_service.getTrafficData({ 'targeting': targeting, 'requestedDateRange': { 'startDate': start_date, 'endDate': end_date } })
// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days. $startDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('-7 day')) ->getDate(); $endDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('+7 day')) ->getDate(); $dateRange = new DateRange(); $dateRange->setStartDate($startDate); $dateRange->setEndDate($endDate); // Request the traffic forecast data. $trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest(); $trafficDataRequest->setRequestedDateRange($dateRange); $trafficDataRequest->setTargeting($targeting); $trafficData = $forecastService->getTrafficData($trafficDataRequest);
TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest() { requestedDateRange = new DateRange() { startDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(startDate, "America/New_York").date, endDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(endDate, "America/New_York").date }, targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } } } }; TrafficDataResponse trafficData = forecastService.getTrafficData(trafficDataRequest);
# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days # in the future. today = ad_manager.today start_date = today - 7 end_date = today + 7 # Create targeting. targeting = { :inventory_targeting => { :targeted_ad_units => [ { :include_descendants => true, :ad_unit_id => root_ad_unit_id } ] } } # Request the traffic forecast data. traffic_data = forecast_service.get_traffic_data({ :targeting => targeting, :requested_date_range => { :start_date => start_date.to_h, :end_date => end_date.to_h } })
Prognozy dostępności
Parametr AvailabilityForecast raportuje maksymalną liczbę dostępnych jednostek który element zamówienia można zarezerwować. Ta prognoza jest analogiczna do funkcji sprawdzania zasobów w interfejsie.
Prognoza uwzględnia dostępne, dopasowane, możliwe, dostarczone i zarezerwowane jednostek reklamowych. Może ona też zawierać wszystkie elementy zamówienia, które konkurują ze sobą, oraz dostępne jednostki w ramach poszczególnych ustawień kierowania, w zależności od opcji ustawionych w ustawieniu AvailabilityForecastOptions. Domyślnie żadna z nich nie jest uwzględniana w prognozie.
Podział kierowania obejmuje dopasowane i dostępne jednostki dla każdego rodzaju kierowania kryteria. Wpisy podziału są generowane automatycznie na podstawie kierowania elementów zamówienia. Na przykład element zamówienia kierowany na jednostkę reklamową o identyfikatorze 123456 zawiera podział podobny do tego:
<targetingCriteriaBreakdowns> <targetingDimension>AD_UNIT</targetingDimension> <targetingCriteriaId>123456</targetingCriteriaId> <targetingCriteriaName>My Ad Unit Name</targetingCriteriaName> <excluded>false</excluded> <availableUnits>1000</availableUnits> <matchedUnits>2300</matchedUnits> </targetingCriteriaBreakdowns>
Prognozy dostępności możesz uruchamiać dla istniejącej lub potencjalnej linii elementu.
Istniejący element zamówienia
Można wygenerować prognozę dostępności dla istniejącego elementu zamówienia, używając jego identyfikatora.
// Get the ForecastService. ForecastServiceInterface forecastService = adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class); // Get forecast for line item. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); options.setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options); long matched = forecast.getMatchedUnits(); double availablePercent = (forecast.getAvailableUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; String unitType = forecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase(); System.out.printf("%d %s matched.%n", matched, unitType); System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s available.%n", availablePercent, unitType); if (forecast.getPossibleUnits() != null) { double possiblePercent = (forecast.getPossibleUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s possible.%n", possiblePercent, unitType); } System.out.printf( "%d contending line items.%n", forecast.getContendingLineItems() == null ? 0 : forecast.getContendingLineItems().length);
# Initialize appropriate service. forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202408') # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { 'includeContendingLineItems': True, 'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True, } # Get forecast for line item. forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecastById( line_item_id, forecast_options) matched = int(forecast['matchedUnits']) available_units = int(forecast['availableUnits']) if matched > 0: available_percent = (float(available_units) / matched) * 100. else: available_percent = 0 contending_line_items = getattr(forecast, 'contentingLineItems', []) # Display results. print('%s %s matched.' % (matched, forecast['unitType'].lower())) print('%s%% %s available.' % ( available_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower())) print('%d contending line items.' % len(contending_line_items)) if 'possibleUnits' in forecast and matched: possible_percent = (int(forecast['possibleUnits'])/float(matched)) * 100. print('%s%% %s possible' % (possible_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower()))
$forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session); // Get forecast for line item. $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); $options->setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); $options->setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecastById( $lineItemId, $options ); // Print out forecast results. $matchedUnits = $forecast->getMatchedUnits(); $unitType = strtolower($forecast->getUnitType()); printf("%d %s matched.%s", $matchedUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL); if ($matchedUnits > 0) { $availableUnits = $forecast->getAvailableUnits(); $percentAvailableUnits = $availableUnits / $matchedUnits * 100; $possibleUnits = $forecast->getPossibleUnits(); $percentPossibleUnits = $possibleUnits / $matchedUnits * 100; printf( "%.2d%% %s available.%s", $percentAvailableUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( "%.2d%% %s possible.%s", $percentPossibleUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL ); } printf( "%d contending line items.%s", count($forecast->getContendingLineItems()), PHP_EOL );
using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>()) { // Get forecast for line item. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.includeContendingLineItems = true; options.includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = true; AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options); // Display results. long matched = forecast.matchedUnits; double availablePercent = (double) (forecast.availableUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; String unitType = forecast.unitType.ToString().ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} matched.\n{2} % {3} available.", matched, unitType, availablePercent, unitType); if (forecast.possibleUnitsSpecified) { double possiblePercent = (double) (forecast.possibleUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100; Console.WriteLine(possiblePercent + "% " + unitType + " possible.\n"); } Console.WriteLine("{0} contending line items.", (forecast.contendingLineItems != null) ? forecast.contendingLineItems.Length : 0);
# Get the ForecastService. forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION) # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { :include_contending_line_items => True, :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => True, } # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast_by_id( line_item_id, forecast_options ) unless forecast.nil? # Display results. matched = forecast[:matched_units] available_percent = forecast[:available_units] * 100.0 / matched unit_type = forecast[:unit_type].to_s.downcase puts '%.2f %s matched.' % [matched, unit_type] puts '%.2f%% of %s available.' % [available_percent, unit_type] puts '%d contending line items.' % forecast[:contending_line_items].size unless forecast[:possible_units].nil? possible_percent = forecast[:possible_units] * 100.0 / matched puts '%.2f%% of %s possible.' % [possible_percent, unit_type] end end
Dane wyjściowe tego przykładu będą podobne do tych:
100 clicks matched.
2 contending line items.
Potencjalny element zamówienia
Możesz też utworzyć instancję potencjalnego elementu zamówienia i prognozę bez konieczności utrwalanie. Aby to zrobić, utwórz instancję lokalnego elementu zamówienia i ustaw go na stronie ProspectiveLineItem. Jeśli ustawisz identyfikator reklamodawcy, prognoza będzie też pobierać ujednolicone blokowanie. reguł.
// Get forecast for prospective line item. ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem(); prospectiveLineItem.setAdvertiserId(advertiserId); prospectiveLineItem.setLineItem(lineItem); AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); options.setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); options.setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);
prospective_line_item = { 'lineItem': line_item, 'advertiserId': advertiser_id } # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { 'includeContendingLineItems': True, # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if # breakdowns are not manually specified. # 'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True, 'breakdown': { 'timeWindows': [ now_datetime, now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=1), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=2), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=3), now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=4), end_datetime ], 'targets': [ { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this # breakdown in the response. 'name': 'United States', 'targeting': { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] }, 'geoTargeting': { 'targetedLocations': [ { 'id': '2840', 'displayName': 'US' } ] } } }, { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this # breakdown in the response. 'name': 'Geneva', 'targeting': { 'inventoryTargeting': { 'targetedAdUnits': [ { 'includeDescendants': True, 'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id, } ] }, 'geoTargeting': { 'targetedLocations': [ { 'id': '20133', 'displayName': 'Geneva' } ] } } } ] } } # Get forecast. forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecast( prospective_line_item, forecast_options)
// Get forecast for prospective line item. $prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem(); $prospectiveLineItem->setAdvertiserId($advertiserId); $prospectiveLineItem->setLineItem($lineItem); $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions(); $options->setIncludeContendingLineItems(true); $options->setIncludeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown(true); $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecast( $prospectiveLineItem, $options );
// Get availability forecast. AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions() { includeContendingLineItems = true, // Targeting criteria breakdown can only be included if breakdowns // are not speficied. includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = false, breakdown = new ForecastBreakdownOptions { timeWindows = new DateTime[] { lineItem.startDateTime, DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(1), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(2), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(3), "America/New_York"), DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(tomorrow.AddDays(4), "America/New_York"), lineItem.endDateTime }, targets = new ForecastBreakdownTarget[] { new ForecastBreakdownTarget() { // Optional name field to identify this breakdown // in the response. name = "United States", targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } }, geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting() { targetedLocations = new Location[] { new Location() { id = 2840L } } } } }, new ForecastBreakdownTarget() { // Optional name field to identify this breakdown // in the response. name = "Geneva", targeting = new Targeting() { inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting() { targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] { new AdUnitTargeting() { adUnitId = rootAdUnitId, includeDescendants = true } } }, geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting() { targetedLocations = new Location[] { new Location () { id = 20133L } } } } } } } }; ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem() { advertiserId = advertiserId, lineItem = lineItem }; AvailabilityForecast forecast = forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);
prospective_line_item = { :advertiser_id => advertiser_id, :line_item => line_item } # Set forecasting options. forecast_options = { :include_contending_line_items => true, # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if breakdowns # are not mannually specified. # :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => true, :breakdown => { # Break down forecast by day from start_time to end_time :time_windows => time_windows, # Break down forecast by any targeting configuration :targets => [ { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in # the response. :name => 'United States', :targeting => { :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting], :geo_targeting => { :targeted_locations => [ { :id => '2840', :display_name => 'US' } ] } } }, { # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in # the response. :name => 'Geneva', :targeting => { :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting], :geo_targeting => { :targeted_locations => [ { :id => '20133', :display_name => 'Geneva' } ] } } } ] } } # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast( prospective_line_item, forecast_options)
Prognozy wyświetleń
Jeśli chcesz symulować realizację wielu konkurujących ze sobą elementów zamówienia, możesz: użyj DeliveryForecast.
Istniejące elementy zamówienia
Prognozę wyświetleń możesz uruchomić dla istniejących elementów zamówienia, podając ich identyfikatory.
// Get the ForecastService. ForecastServiceInterface forecastService = adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class); DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions(); DeliveryForecast forecast = forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(Longs.toArray(lineItemIds), options); for (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast : forecast.getLineItemDeliveryForecasts()) { String unitType = lineItemForecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase(); System.out.printf("Forecast for line item %d:%n", lineItemForecast.getLineItemId()); System.out.printf("\t%d %s matched%n", lineItemForecast.getMatchedUnits(), unitType); System.out.printf("\t%d %s delivered%n", lineItemForecast.getDeliveredUnits(), unitType); System.out.printf( "\t%d %s predicted%n", lineItemForecast.getPredictedDeliveryUnits(), unitType); }
# Initialize appropriate service. forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202408') # Get forecast for line item. forecast = forecast_service.getDeliveryForecastByIds( [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], {'ignoredLineItemIds': []}) for single_forecast in forecast['lineItemDeliveryForecasts']: unit_type = single_forecast['unitType'] print('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s delivered\n\t' '%d %s predicted\n' % ( single_forecast['lineItemId'], single_forecast['matchedUnits'], unit_type, single_forecast['deliveredUnits'], unit_type, single_forecast['predictedDeliveryUnits'], unit_type)) if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize client object. ad_manager_client = ad_manager.AdManagerClient.LoadFromStorage() main(ad_manager_client, LINE_ITEM_ID_1, LINE_ITEM_ID_2)
$forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session); // Get forecast for the line items with no options set. $forecast = $forecastService->getDeliveryForecastByIds( [$lineItemId1, $lineItemId2], new DeliveryForecastOptions() ); // Print out forecast results. $lineItemDeliveryForecasts = $forecast->getLineItemDeliveryForecasts(); foreach ($lineItemDeliveryForecasts as $lineItemForecast) { $unitType = strtolower($lineItemForecast->getUnitType()); printf( "Forecast for line item ID %d:%s", $lineItemForecast->getLineItemId(), PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s matched%s", $lineItemForecast->getMatchedUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s delivered%s", $lineItemForecast->getDeliveredUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); printf( " %d %s predicted%s", $lineItemForecast->getPredictedDeliveryUnits(), $unitType, PHP_EOL ); }
using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>()) { // Get a delivery forecast for the line items. DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions(); options.ignoredLineItemIds = new long[] { }; DeliveryForecast forecast = forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(new long[] { lineItemId1, lineItemId2 }, options); // Display results. foreach (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast in forecast .lineItemDeliveryForecasts) { String unitType = lineItemForecast.unitType.GetType().Name.ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("Forecast for line item {0}:", lineItemForecast.lineItemId); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} matched", lineItemForecast.matchedUnits, unitType); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} delivered", lineItemForecast.deliveredUnits, unitType); Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} predicted", lineItemForecast.predictedDeliveryUnits, unitType); }
# Get the ForecastService. forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION) # Get forecast for the line item. forecast = forecast_service.get_delivery_forecast_by_ids( [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], nil) unless forecast.nil? || forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].nil? forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].each do |single_forecast| # Display results. unit_type = single_forecast[:unit_type] puts ('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s ' + 'delivered\n\t%d %s predicted\n') % [single_forecast[:line_item_id], single_forecast[:matched_units], unit_type, single_forecast[:delivered_units], unit_type, single_forecast[:predicted_delivery_units], unit_type] end end
Dane wyjściowe tego przykładu będą podobne do tych:
Forecast for line item 14678:
100 clicks matched
0 clicks delivered
98 clicks predicted
Jeśli chcesz wykluczyć z symulacji wyświetlania jakieś elementy zamówienia, możesz więc ustawiając ich identyfikatory w DeliveryForecastOptions.
Potencjalne elementy zamówienia
Podobnie jak w przypadku prognoz dostępności, prognozy wyświetlania możesz uruchamiać online. elementy, które nie zostały zachowane. Użyj do tego obiektów ProspectiveLineItem ForecastService.getDeliveryForecast .
Raporty o przyszłym współczynniku sprzedaży
Raport o przyszłym współczynniku sprzedaży prognozuje dostępność wyświetleń dla sieć Google Ad Managera, aby zapewnić maksymalizację przychodów współczynnika sprzedaży. Raporty o przyszłym współczynniku sprzedaży można generować ReportService.
Najczęstsze pytania
- Mam wiele elementów zamówienia, dla których chcę prognozować dostępność. Czy mogę wygenerować wiele prognoz w jednym żądaniu?
- Nie. Musisz wysłać osobne żądanie prognozy dostępności dla każdego wiersza lub potencjalnego elementu zamówienia.
- Po wygenerowaniu kilku prognoz wyświetla się liczba błędów (EXCEEDED_QUOTA). Dlaczego?
- Prognozy są kosztowne pod względem obliczeń, a system limitów zapewnia jest rzetelna. Możesz bezpiecznie poczekać i ponownie utworzyć prognozy, które spowodowały błąd związany z kwotą.
- Prognozy są generowane na podstawie ruchu w Twojej sieci historię. Czasami nie ma wystarczającej ilości danych historycznych, by wygenerować prognozę. Więcej informacji o tych błędach znajdziesz w dokumentacji ForecastError.
- Co to jest AlternativeUnitTypeForecast?
- Czasami warto wiedzieć, jakie inne zasoby reklamowe są dostępne. Dla: Na przykład w przypadku prognozowania dla Linia CPC – typ jednostki alternatywnej prognozy będzie zawierać informacje o liczbie wyświetleń.
- Mam więcej ogólnych pytań o prognozowanie w usłudze Ad Manager.
- Sprawdź, czy nie ma odpowiedzi na nie w Najczęstszych pytaniach dotyczących usługi, lub zadaj pytanie na forum dla deweloperów.