The Directory API provides programmatic methods for creating, updating, and deleting users. You can also get information about individual users or lists of users who meet specified criteria. Following are examples of some basic user operations.
Create a user account
You can add a user account to any of your Google Workspace account's domains. Before adding a user account, confirm the domain ownership.
If you upgraded your personal Gmail account to a business email account with your own domain name, you can't create new user accounts until you unlock additional Google Workspace settings. For details, see G Suite business email accounts updated to G Suite Basic.
To create a user account using one of your domains, use the following POST
request and include the authorization described in Learn about authentication and authorization. You can view the available scopes for the Directory API in the OAuth 2.0 scopes list. For the request query string properties, see the users.insert()
All create requests require you to submit the information needed to fulfill the request. If you are using client libraries, they convert the data objects from your chosen language into JSON data formatted objects.
JSON request
The following JSON shows a sample request to create a user. For the full list of request and response properties, see the API Reference.
{ "primaryEmail": "", "name": { "givenName": "Elizabeth", "familyName": "Smith" }, "suspended": false, "password": "new user password", "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "ims": [ { "type": "work", "protocol": "gtalk", "im": "", "primary": true } ], "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "home", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "work", "customType": "", "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway", "locality": "Mountain View", "region": "CA", "postalCode": "94043" } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "12345", "type": "custom", "customType": "employee" } ], "organizations": [ { "name": "Google Inc.", "title": "SWE", "primary": true, "type": "work", "description": "Software engineer" } ], "phones": [ { "value": "+1 nnn nnn nnnn", "type": "work" } ], "orgUnitPath": "/corp/engineering", "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }
If your query rate for creation requests is too high, you might receive HTTP 503
responses from the API server indicating that your quota has been exceeded. If you get these responses, use an exponential back-off algorithm to retry your requests.
Things to note about a new account are:
- If the Google account has purchased mail licenses, the new user account is automatically assigned a mailbox. This assignment may take a few minutes to be completed and activated.
- Editing a read-only field in a request, such as
, is silently ignored by the API service. - The maximum number of domains allowed in an account is 600 (1 primary domain + 599 additional domains)
- If a user was not assigned to a specific organizational unit when the user account was created, the account is in the top-level organizational unit. A user's organizational unit determines which Google Workspace services the user has access to. If the user is moved to a new organization, the user's access changes. For more information about organization structures, see the administration help center. For more infomation about moving a user to a different organization, see Update a user.
- A
is required for new user accounts. If ahashFunction
is specified, the password must be a valid hash key. If it's not specified, the password should be in clear text and between 8–100 ASCII characters. For more information, see the API Reference. - For users on a flexible plan for Google Workspace, creating users using this API will have monetary impact, and will result in charges to your customer billing account. For more information, see the API billing information.
- A Google Workspace account can include any of your domains. In a multiple domain account, users in one domain can share services with users in other account domains. For more information about users in multiple domains, see the API multiple domain information.
- There might be conflicting accounts. Check to see if anyone you plan to add already has a Google Account. Then follow steps to avoid conflicts with those accounts. See Find and resolve conflicting accounts.
- There might be visitor accounts. If users invite people outside your organization who don't have Google Accounts to collaborate on Drive, they'll receive visitor accounts, in the format visitor' If you add a user with the same username as a visitor account, the account will be converted to a full Google Workspace account. The account will keep its current Drive file permissions. See Share documents with visitors.
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns the properties for the new user account.
Update a user account
To update a user account, use the following PUT
request and include the
authorization described in
Authorize requests. The
can be the user's primary email address, the unique user id
, or one
of the user's alias email addresses.
Both the request and response body contain an instance of
. However, the
Directory API supports
patch semantics, so you
only need to submit the updated fields in your request.
Sample request
In the example below, the user's givenName
was "Elizabeth" when the user
account was created, and only a work email address was provided.
"name": {
"givenName": "Elizabeth",
"familyName": "Smith"
"emails": [
"address": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
The request below updates givenName
from "Elizabeth" to "Liz", and
also adds a home email address. Note that both email addresses are provided
fully because the field is an array.
"name": {
"givenName": "Liz",
"emails": [
"address": "",
"type": "work",
"primary": true
"address": "",
"type": "home"
A successful response returns an
HTTP 200
status code
and a User
resource with the updated fields.
Be aware of the following when updating a user's account name:
- Renaming a user account changes the user's primary email address and the domain used when retrieving this user's information. Before renaming a user, we recommend that you sign out the user from all browser sessions and services.
- The process of renaming a user account can take up to 10 minutes to propagate across all services.
- When you rename a user, the old user name is retained as an alias to ensure continuous mail delivery in the case of email forwarding settings, and is not available as a new user name.
- In general, we also recommend not using the user email address as a key for persistent data because the email address is subject to change.
- For a full list of the effects of renaming a user across Google Workspace apps, see the Admin help center.
Make a user an administrator
To make user into a super administrator, use the following POST
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the unique user id
, or one of the user's alias email addresses. For the request and response properties, see API Reference. For more information about a super administrator, see the administration help center.
JSON request
In this example, user whose userKey
is has become a super administrator:
{ "status": true }
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code.
Manage user relationships
The Directory API uses the relations
field to define different types
of relationships between users. In a business setting, people commonly use
this field for manager-employee and assistant relationships, but the field
supports many other types as well. The relationship displays in
the "Related people" card of the user in any Google Workspace application that
supports the card. For examples of where the card is visible, see
Add information to a user’s Directory profile.
Create a relationship between users
You can define a relationship in only one direction, starting from
the "owning" user, whose record includes the relations
field. The type
describes the relationship of the other person to the owning user. For
example, in a manager-employee relationship, the employee is the owning user and
you add a relations
field to their account with the manager
type. For
allowed types, see the
object reference.
Set up the relationship by creating or updating
the owning user with a JSON request body that includes the relations
You can create multiple relationships in one request.
"relations": [
"type": "manager"
"type": "dotted_line_manager"
Update or delete a relationship
You can only updated the relations
field can only be updated as a whole—you
can't address the individual people listed to change the relationship type or
to remove them. In the example above, to remove the existing manager
relationship and make the dotted-line manager the owning user's manager, update
the owning user's account with all of the field's values as you now want them.
"relations": [
"type": "manager"
To remove all of the owning user's relationships, set relations
to be empty:
"relations": []
Retrieve a user
To retrieve a user, use the following GET
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the unique user id
, or one of the user's alias email addresses. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
This example returns the user account properties for the user whose primary or alias email address is
JSON response
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns the properties for the user account.
{ "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "", "name": { "givenName": "Liz", "familyName": "Smith", "fullName": "Liz Smith" }, "isAdmin": true, "isDelegatedAdmin": false, "lastLoginTime": "2013-02-05T10:30:03.325Z", "creationTime": "2010-04-05T17:30:04.325Z", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "ims": [ { "type": "work", "protocol": "gtalk", "im": "", "primary": true } ], "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "home", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "work", "customType": "", "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway", "locality": "Mountain View", "region": "CA", "postalCode": "94043" } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "office" } ], "organizations": [ { "name": "Google Inc.", "title": "SWE", "primary": true, "customType": "", "description": "Software engineer" } ], "phones": [ { "value": "+1 nnn nnn nnnn", "type": "work" } ], "aliases": [ "", "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "corp/engineering", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }
Retrieve all users in a domain
To retrieve all users in the same domain, use the following GET
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. For readability, this example uses line returns:
GET ?domain=primary domain name&pageToken=token for next results page &maxResults=max number of results per page &orderBy=email, givenName, or familyName &sortOrder=ascending or descending &query=email, givenName, or familyName:the query's value*
For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
JSON response
In this example, all users in the domain are returned with a maximum of 2 user domains per response page. There is a nextPageToken
for the follow-on list of users in this response. By default, the system returns a list of 100 users in the alphabetical order of the user's email address:
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns 2 user accounts in the domain (maxResults=2
{ "kind": "directory#users", "users": [ { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "", "name": { "givenName": "Liz", "familyName": "Smith", "fullName": "Liz Smith" }, "isAdmin": true, "isDelegatedAdmin": false, "lastLoginTime": "2013-02-05T10:30:03.325Z", "creationTime": "2010-04-05T17:30:04.325Z", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "ims": [ { "type": "work", "protocol": "gtalk", "im": "", "primary": true } ], "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "work", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "addresses": [ { "type": "work", "customType": "", "streetAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway", "locality": "Mountain View", "region": "CA", "postalCode": "94043" } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "office" } ], "organizations": [ { "name": "Google Inc.", "title": "SWE", "primary": true, "customType": "", "description": "Software engineer" } ], "phones": [ { "value": "+1 nnn nnn nnnn", "type": "work" } ], "aliases": [ "", "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "corp/engineering", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }, { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "user unique ID", "primaryEmail": "", "name": { "givenName": "admin", "familyName": "two", "fullName": "admin two" }, "isAdmin": true, "isDelegatedAdmin": true, "lastLoginTime": "2013-02-05T10:30:03.325Z", "creationTime": "2010-04-05T17:30:04.325Z", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": true, "suspensionReason": "ADMIN", "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "work", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "contractor license number", "type": "custom", "customType": "work" } ], "aliases": [ "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "corp/engineering", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true } ], "nextPageToken": "next page token" }
Retrieve all account users
To retrieve all users in an account which can consist of multiple domains, use the following GET
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. For readability, this example uses line returns:
GET ?customer=my_customer or customerId&pageToken=token for next results page &maxResults=max number of results per page &orderBy=email, givenName, or familyName &sortOrder=ascending or descending &query=user attributes
- The
query string is themy_customer
or thecustomerId
value. - Use the string
to represent your account'scustomerId
. - As a reseller administrator, use the resold customer's
. For thecustomerId
, use the account's primary domain name in the Retrieve all users in a domain operation's request. The resulting response has thecustomerId
value. - The optional
query string determines whether the list is sorted by the user's primary email address, family name or given name. When usingorderBy
, you can also use thesortOrder
query string to list the results in ascending or descending order. - The optional
query string allows searching over many fields in a user profile, including both core and custom fields. See Search for Users for examples.
For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, an account administrator is requesting all users in the account be returned with one user entry on each response page. The nextPageToken
goes to the follow-on page of results:
In this example, a reseller administrator is requesting all users in a resold account which has the customerId
value of C03az79cb
JSON response
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns all the users in this account:
{ "kind": "directory#users", "users": [ { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "username": "", "name": { "givenName": "admin", "familyName": "two", "fullName": "admin two" }, "isAdmin": true, "isDelegatedAdmin": true, "lastLoginTime": "2013-02-05T10:30:03.325Z", "creationTime": "2010-04-05T17:30:04.325Z", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "work", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "office" } ], "aliases": [ "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "/", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }, { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "username": "", "name": { "givenName": "Elizabeth", "familyName": "Smith", "fullName": "Elizabeth Smith" }, "isAdmin": false, "isDelegatedAdmin": false, "lastLoginTime": "1336509883546", "creationTime": "1404802800000", "agreedToTerms": false, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "home", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "bank" } ], "relations": [ { "value": "liz", "type": "friend", "customType": "" } ], "aliases": [ "", "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "/", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }, { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "username": "", "name": { "givenName": "Tester", "familyName": "Three", "fullName": "Tester Three" }, "isAdmin": false, "isDelegatedAdmin": false, "lastLoginTime": "1336509883546", "creationTime": "1404802800000", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "work", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "office" } ], "aliases": [ "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "/", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true }, { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "username": "", "name": { "givenName": "Admin", "familyName": "Work", "fullName": "Admin Work" }, "isAdmin": true, "isDelegatedAdmin": true, "lastLoginTime": "1336509883546", "creationTime": "1404802800000", "agreedToTerms": true, "hashFunction": "SHA-1", "suspended": false, "changePasswordAtNextLogin": false, "ipWhitelisted": false, "emails": [ { "address": "", "type": "work", "customType": "", "primary": true } ], "externalIds": [ { "value": "employee number", "type": "custom", "customType": "office" } ], "aliases": [ "" ], "nonEditableAliases": [ "" ], "customerId": "C03az79cb", "orgUnitPath": "/", "isMailboxSetup": true, "includeInGlobalAddressList": true } ], "nextPageToken": "NNNNN" }
Retrieve recently deleted users
To retrieve all users deleted within the span of the last 20 days from an account or from one of the account's domains, use the following GET
requests and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. To undelete a user, see Undelete a user.
To retrieve users deleted within the span of the last 20 days from the account's primary domain or a subdomain, use the following GET
request. The domain
query string is the domain's primary domain name. For the user request and response properties, see the API Reference. And, for readability, this example uses line returns:
GET ?domain=primary domain name&pageToken=token for next results page &maxResults=max number of results per page &showDeleted=true
request. For readability, this example uses line returns:
GET ?customer=my_customer or customerId&pageToken=token for next results page &maxResults=max number of results per page&showDeleted=true
- The
query string is themy_customer
or thecustomerId
value. - As an account administrator, use the string
to represent your account'scustomerId
. - As a reseller administrator, use the resold customer's
. For thecustomerId
, use the account's primary domain name in the Retrieve all users in a domain operation's request. The resulting response has thecustomerId
For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, an account administrator is requesting all deleted users in the account:
JSON response
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code. Along with the status code, the response returns all the account users deleted within the last 20 days:
{ "kind": "directory#users", "users": [ { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "" }, { "kind": "directory#user", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "" } ], "nextPageToken": "token for next page of deleted users" }
Retrieve a user's photo
The API retrieves one photo thumbnail, the latest Google profile photo. To retrieve the user's lastest photo, use the following GET
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the user id
, or any of the user's alias emails. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, the latest photo of is returned:
JSON Response
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code.
{ "kind": "directory#user#photo", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "", "mimeType": "the photo mime type", "height": "the photo height in pixels", "width": "the photo width in pixels", "photoData": "web safe base64 encoded photo data" }
The API's web safe base64 encoding of your photos is similar to the RFC 4648 'base64url'. This means:
- The slash (/) character is replaced with the underscore (_) character.
- The plus sign (+) character is replaced with the hyphen (-) character.
- The equals sign (=) character is replaced with the asterisk (*).
- For padding, the period (.) character is used instead of the RFC-4648 baseURL definition which uses the equals sign (=) for padding. This is done to simplify URL-parsing.
- Whatever the size of the photo being uploaded, the API downsizes it proportionally to 96x96 pixels.
If you need to create compatible links from JavaScript, the Google Closure Library includes Base64 encoding and decoding functions which are released under the Apache license.
Retrieve a user as a non-administrator
While user accounts can only be modified by administrators, any user on the domain can read user
profiles. A non-admin user can make a
request with
the viewType
parameter equal to domain_public
to retrieve a user's
public profile. The scope
is ideal for this use
The domain_public
view permits a non-admin user to access a standard set of core
fields. For a custom field, you can choose whether it should be public or private when defining
the schema.
Update a user's photo
To update a user's photo, use the following PUT
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the user id
, or any of the user aliases' emails. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, photo is updated:
"photoData": "web safe base64 encoded photo data"
When updating a photo, the height
and width
are ignored by the API.
JSON Response
A successful response returns an HTTP 200 status code.
{ "kind": "directory#user#photo", "id": "the unique user id", "primaryEmail": "", "mimeType": "the photo mime type", "height": "the photo height in pixels", "width": "the photo width in pixels", "photoData": "web safe base64 encoded photo data" }
Delete a user's photo
To delete a user's photo, use the following DELETE
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the user id
, or any of the user aliases' emails. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
Once deleted, the user's photo is not shown. Wherever a user's photo is required, a silhouette will be shown instead.
Delete a user account
To delete a user account, use the following DELETE
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
can be the user's primary email address, the unique user id
, or one of the user's alias email addresses. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, the user account is deleted:
A successful response only returns an HTTP 200 status code.
Important things to consider before deleting a user:
- The deleted user will no longer be able to log in.
- For more information about user account deletion, please refer to the administration help center.
Undelete a user account
A user deleted in the last 20 days must meet certain conditions before the user's account can be restored.
To undelete a user account, use the following POST
request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests. The userKey
is the unique user id
found in the response of the Retrieve users deleted within the past 20 days operation. The user's primary email address or one of the user's alias email addresses cannot be used in the userKey
for this operation. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference.
In this example, the user,, is undeleted. All of this user's previous account properties are restored:
A successful response only returns an HTTP 204 status code. To see the undeleted user's account, use the Retrieve a user operation.