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Última actualización: 2024-08-22 (UTC)
[null,null,["Última actualización: 2024-08-22 (UTC)"],[[["The web view APIs for ads utilize app signals to enhance monetization for web publishers and protect advertisers from spam within Custom Tabs."],["Communication for ad events is facilitated through a postMessage channel with the `CustomTabsSession` by the Google Mobile Ads SDK, triggered by AdSense code, Google Publisher Tag, or IMA for HTML5."],["Implementation involves modifying the `onCustomTabsServiceConnected()` callback to utilize `MobileAds.registerCustomTabsSession()` for establishing the postMessage channel connection and enriching ad tags with SDK signals."],["Prerequisites include a Chrome Custom Tabs implementation, associating your app to a website with Digital Asset Links, and utilizing Google Mobile Ads SDK 23.0.0 or higher."]]],[]]