Web view API untuk iklan membuat sinyal aplikasi tersedia untuk tag di
membantu meningkatkan monetisasi bagi penayang web yang menyediakan konten
dan untuk melindungi pengiklan dari spam.
Cara kerjanya
Komunikasi dengan Google Mobile Ads SDK hanya terjadi sebagai respons terhadap iklan peristiwa yang dipicu oleh salah satu hal berikut:
Google Mobile Ads SDK memfasilitasi komunikasi dengan membuka postMessage
saluran Anda dengan CustomTabsSession
yang disediakan oleh framework Android.
- Tab Khusus Chrome yang ada pada aplikasi seluler Anda. Lihat Persiapan dan pengambilan data: menggunakan Layanan Tab Khusus.
- Kaitkan aplikasi seluler Anda dengan situs menggunakan Digital Asset Links.
- Google Mobile Ads SDK 23.0.0 atau yang lebih tinggi.
Dalam implementasi Tab Khusus Chrome, ubah kode pada
. Ganti newSession()
dengan MobileAds.registerCustomTabsSession()
Tindakan ini akan membuat koneksi dengan saluran postMessage untuk memperkaya tag iklan
dengan sinyal SDK. Digital Asset Link diperlukan untuk menghubungkan postMessage
saluran TV Anda. Anda juga dapat menyetel CustomTabsCallback
untuk memproses peristiwa Tab Khusus Chrome.
Anda masih dapat mengirim pesan dari CustomTabsSession
yang diterima
dari Google Mobile Ads SDK, tetapi porta dapat berubah saat SDK meminta
saluran baru yang menggantikan saluran yang ada.
Cuplikan kode berikut menunjukkan cara mendaftarkan CustomTabsSession
SDK Iklan Seluler Google:
import com.google.android.gms.ads.MobileAds;
class MainActivity extends ComponentActivity {
// Replace this URL with an associated website.
private static final String ORIGIN = "https://www.google.com";
private CustomTabsClient customTabsClient;
private CustomTabsSession customTabsSession;
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Get the default browser package name, this will be null if
// the default browser does not provide a CustomTabsService.
String packageName = CustomTabsClient.getPackageName(getApplicationContext(), null);
if (packageName == null) {
// Do nothing as service connection is not supported.
new CustomTabsServiceConnection() {
public void onCustomTabsServiceConnected(@NonNull ComponentName name,
@NonNull CustomTabsClient client) {
customTabsClient = client;
// Warm up the browser process.
// Create a new browser session using the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
customTabsSession = MobileAds.registerCustomTabsSession(
// Checks the "Digital Asset Link" to connect the postMessage channel.
// Optional parameter to receive the delegated callbacks.
// Create a new browser session if the Google Mobile Ads SDK is
// unable to create one.
if (customTabsSession == null) {
customTabsSession = client.newSession(customTabsCallback);
// Pass the custom tabs session into the intent.
CustomTabsIntent intent = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder(customTabsSession).build();
intent.launchUrl(MainActivity.this, Uri.parse("YOUR_URL"));
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
// Remove the custom tabs client and custom tabs session.
customTabsClient = null;
customTabsSession = null;
// Listen for events from the CustomTabsSession delegated by the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
private final CustomTabsCallback customTabsCallback = new CustomTabsCallback() {
public void onNavigationEvent(int navigationEvent, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
// Called when a navigation event happens.
super.onNavigationEvent(navigationEvent, extras);
public void onMessageChannelReady(@Nullable Bundle extras) {
// Called when the channel is ready for sending and receiving messages on both
// ends. This will frequently happen, such as each time the SDK requests a
// new channel.
public void onPostMessage(@NonNull String message, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
// Called when a tab controlled by this CustomTabsSession has sent a postMessage.
super.onPostMessage(message, extras);
public void onRelationshipValidationResult(int relation, @NonNull Uri requestedOrigin,
boolean result, @Nullable Bundle extras) {
// Called when a relationship validation result is available.
super.onRelationshipValidationResult(relation, requestedOrigin, result, extras);
public void onActivityResized(int height, int width, @NonNull Bundle extras) {
// Called when the tab is resized.
super.onActivityResized(height, width, extras);
public void extraCallback(@NonNull String callbackName, @Nullable Bundle args) {
super.extraCallback(callbackName, args);
public Bundle extraCallbackWithResult(@NonNull String callbackName, @Nullable Bundle args) {
return super.extraCallbackWithResult(callbackName, args);
import com.google.android.gms.ads.MobileAds
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private var customTabsClient: CustomTabsClient? = null
private var customTabsSession: CustomTabsSession? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Get the default browser package name, this will be null if
// the default browser does not provide a CustomTabsService.
val packageName = CustomTabsClient.getPackageName(applicationContext, null);
if (packageName == null) {
// Do nothing as service connection is not supported.
object : CustomTabsServiceConnection() {
override fun onCustomTabsServiceConnected(
name: ComponentName, client: CustomTabsClient,
) {
customTabsClient = client
// Warm up the browser process.
// Create a new browser session using the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
customTabsSession = MobileAds.registerCustomTabsSession(
// Checks the "Digital Asset Link" to connect the postMessage channel.
// Optional parameter to receive the delegated callbacks.
// Create a new browser session if the Google Mobile Ads SDK is
// unable to create one.
if (customTabsSession == null) {
customTabsSession = client.newSession(customTabsCallback)
// Pass the custom tabs session into the intent.
val customTabsIntent = CustomTabsIntent.Builder(customTabsSession).build()
override fun onServiceDisconnected(componentName: ComponentName) {
// Remove the custom tabs client and custom tabs session.
customTabsClient = null
customTabsSession = null
// Listen for events from the CustomTabsSession delegated by the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
private val customTabsCallback: CustomTabsCallback = object : CustomTabsCallback() {
override fun onNavigationEvent(navigationEvent: Int, extras: Bundle?) {
// Called when a navigation event happens.
override fun onMessageChannelReady(extras: Bundle?) {
// Called when the channel is ready for sending and receiving messages on both
// ends. This will frequently happen, such as each time the SDK requests a
// new channel.
override fun onPostMessage(message: String, extras: Bundle?) {
// Called when a tab controlled by this CustomTabsSession has sent a postMessage.
override fun onRelationshipValidationResult(
relation: Int, requestedOrigin: Uri, result: Boolean, extras: Bundle?
) {
// Called when a relationship validation result is available.
override fun onActivityResized(height: Int, width: Int, extras: Bundle) {
// Called when the tab is resized.
override fun extraCallback(callbackName: String, args: Bundle?) {
override fun extraCallbackWithResult(callbackName: String, args: Bundle?): Bundle? {
return null
companion object {
// Replace this URL with an associated website.
const val ORIGIN = "https://www.google.com"