Política de dados de local exato

Atualizações recentes nas Políticas do Google para publishers introduziram novos requisitos de aviso e consentimento para editores que transmitem dados de localização precisos dos usuários ao Google para fins relacionados a anúncios.

Se essa política se aplica a você, o snippet a seguir mostra uma maneira de informar aos usuários sobre esse compartilhamento de dados:

protected fun presentConsentOverlay(context: Context) {
      .setTitle("Location data")
      .setMessage("We may use your location, " +
          "and share it with third parties, " +
          "for the purposes of personalized advertising, " +
          "analytics, and attribution. " +
          "To learn more, visit our privacy policy " +
          "at https://myapp.com/privacy.")
      .setNeutralButton("OK") { dialog, which ->
        // TODO: replace the below log statement with code that specifies how
        // you want to handle the user's acknowledgement.
        Log.d("MyApp", "Got consent.")

// To use the above function:
protected void presentConsentOverlay(Context context) {
  new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
      .setTitle("Location data")
      .setMessage("We may use your location, " +
          "and share it with third parties, " +
          "for the purposes of personalized advertising, " +
          "analytics, and attribution. " +
          "To learn more, visit our privacy policy " +
          "at https://myapp.com/privacy.")
  .setNeutralButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
      // TODO: replace the below log statement with code that specifies how
      // you want to handle the user's acknowledgement.
      Log.d("MyApp", "Got consent.");

// To use the above method: