
Google User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK 是一款隐私权和消息工具,可帮助您管理隐私选项。如需了解详情,请参阅“隐私权和消息”页面简介


  • Android API 级别 21 或更高级别(适用于 Android)


在 AdMob 账号的隐私权和消息标签页下,使用某种可用的用户消息类型创建用户消息。UMP SDK 会尝试显示根据您在项目中设置的 AdMob 应用 ID 创建的隐私权消息。


安装 SDK

  1. 按照相应步骤安装 Google 移动广告 (GMA) C++ SDK。GMA C++ SDK 中包含 UMP C++ SDK。

  2. 请务必先在项目中配置应用的 AdMob 应用 ID,然后再继续操作。

  3. 在代码中,通过调用 ConsentInfo::GetInstance() 来初始化 UMP SDK。

    • 在 Android 上,您需要传入 NDK 提供的 JNIEnvActivity。您只需在首次调用 GetInstance() 时执行此操作。
    • 或者,如果您已在应用中使用 Firebase C++ SDK,则可以在首次调用 GetInstance() 时传入 firebase::App
    #include "firebase/gma/ump.h"
    namespace ump = ::firebase::gma::ump;
    // Initialize using a firebase::App
    void InitializeUserMessagingPlatform(const firebase::App& app) {
      ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance(app);
    // Initialize without a firebase::App
    #ifdef ANDROID
    void InitializeUserMessagingPlatform(JNIEnv* jni_env, jobject activity) {
      ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance(jni_env, activity);
    #else  // non-Android
    void InitializeUserMessagingPlatform() {
      ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();

ConsentInfo::GetInstance() 的后续调用都会返回相同的实例。

如果您已完成 UMP SDK 的使用,可以通过删除 ConsentInfo 实例来关闭该 SDK:

void ShutdownUserMessagingPlatform() {
  ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();
  delete consent_info;

使用 Future 监控异步操作

firebase::Future 提供了一种方法来确定异步方法调用的完成状态。

所有以异步方式运行的 UMP C++ 函数和方法调用都会返回 Future,并且还会提供一个“上次结果”函数,用于从最近的操作中检索 Future

您可以通过以下两种方式从 Future 获取结果:

  1. 调用 OnCompletion(),并传入您自己的回调函数,该函数会在操作完成时调用。
  2. 定期检查 Futurestatus()。当状态kFutureStatusPending 更改为 kFutureStatusCompleted 时,表示操作已完成。

异步操作完成后,您应检查 Futureerror() 以获取操作的错误代码。如果错误代码为 0kConsentRequestSuccesskConsentFormSuccess),则表示操作已成功完成;否则,请检查错误代码和 error_message(),以确定出错原因。

以下示例展示了如何使用 OnCompletion 设置完成回调,该回调会在异步操作完成时调用。

void MyApplicationStart() {
  // [... other app initialization code ...]

  ump::ConsentInfo *consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();

  // See the section below for more information about RequestConsentInfoUpdate.
  firebase::Future<void> result = consent_info->RequestConsentInfoUpdate(...);

  result.OnCompletion([](const firebase::Future<void>& req_result) {
    if (req_result.error() == ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
      // Operation succeeded. You can now call LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired().
    } else {
      // Operation failed. Check req_result.error_message() for more information.


ump::ConsentInfo *g_consent_info = nullptr;
bool g_waiting_for_request = false;

void MyApplicationStart() {
  // [... other app initialization code ...]

  g_consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();
  // See the section below for more information about RequestConsentInfoUpdate.
  g_waiting_for_request = true;

// Elsewhere, in the game's update loop, which runs once per frame:
void MyGameUpdateLoop() {
  // [... other game logic here ...]

  if (g_waiting_for_request) {
    // Check whether RequestConsentInfoUpdate() has finished.
    // Calling "LastResult" returns the Future for the most recent operation.
    firebase::Future<void> result =

    if (result.status() == firebase::kFutureStatusComplete) {
      g_waiting_for_request = false;
      if (result.error() == ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
        // Operation succeeded. You can call LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired().
      } else {
        // Operation failed. Check result.error_message() for more information.

如需详细了解 firebase::Future,请参阅 Firebase C++ SDK 文档GMA C++ SDK 文档

每次启动应用时,您都应使用 RequestConsentInfoUpdate() 请求更新用户的意见征求信息。此请求会检查以下内容:

  • 是否需要征得用户同意。例如,首次需要征得用户同意,或者之前的用户意见征求结果已过期。
  • 是否需要隐私设置选项入口点。某些隐私权消息要求应用允许用户随时修改其隐私选项。
#include "firebase/gma/ump.h"

namespace ump = ::firebase::gma::ump;

void MyApplicationStart(ump::FormParent parent) {
  ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();

  // Create a ConsentRequestParameters struct..
  ump::ConsentRequestParameters params;
  // Set tag for under age of consent. False means users are NOT under age of consent.
  params.tag_for_under_age_of_consent = false;

    [*](const Future<void>& req_result) {
      if (req_result.error() != ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
        // req_result.error() is a kConsentRequestError enum.
        LogMessage("Error requesting consent update: %s", req_result.error_message());
      // Consent information is successfully updated.


收到最新的意见征求状态后,调用 LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired() 以加载收集用户意见所需的所有表单。加载后,表单会立即显示。

#include "firebase/gma/ump.h"

namespace ump = ::firebase::gma::ump;

void MyApplicationStart(ump::FormParent parent) {
  ump::ConsentInfo* consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance();

  // Create a ConsentRequestParameters struct..
  ump::ConsentRequestParameters params;
  // Set tag for under age of consent. False means users are NOT under age of consent.
  params.tag_for_under_age_of_consent = false;

    [*](const Future<void>& req_result) {
      if (req_result.error() != ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
        // req_result.error() is a kConsentRequestError enum.
        LogMessage("Error requesting consent update: %s", req_result.error_message());
      } else {
        [*](const Future<void>& form_result) {
          if (form_result.error() != ump::kConsentFormSuccess) {
            // form_result.error() is a kConsentFormError enum.
            LogMessage("Error showing privacy message form: %s", form_result.error_message());
          } else {
            // Either the form was shown and completed by the user, or consent was not required.


如果您需要在用户做出选择或关闭表单后执行操作,请将相应逻辑放入处理 LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired() 返回的 Future 的代码中。




在请求展示广告之前,请使用 ConsentInfo::GetInstance()‑> CanRequestAds() 检查您是否已征得用户同意:


  • UMP SDK 在当前会话中收集用户意见后。
  • 在调用 RequestConsentInfoUpdate() 后立即调用。UMP SDK 可能在之前的应用会话中就已征得用户同意。

如果在征求用户意见的过程中发生错误,请检查您是否可以请求展示广告。UMP SDK 会使用上一个应用会话中的意见征求状态。

以下完整示例使用更新循环轮询,但您也可以使用 OnCompletion 回调来监控异步操作。请使用最适合您代码结构的技术。

#include "firebase/future.h"
#include "firebase/gma/gma.h"
#include "firebase/gma/ump.h"

namespace gma = ::firebase::gma;
namespace ump = ::firebase::gma::ump;
using firebase::Future;

ump::ConsentInfo* g_consent_info = nullptr;
// State variable for tracking the UMP consent flow.
enum { kStart, kRequest, kLoadAndShow, kInitGma, kFinished, kErrorState } g_state = kStart;
bool g_ads_allowed = false;

void MyApplicationStart() {
  g_consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance(...);

  // Create a ConsentRequestParameters struct..
  ump::ConsentRequestParameters params;
  // Set tag for under age of consent. False means users are NOT under age of consent.
  params.tag_for_under_age_of_consent = false;

  // CanRequestAds() can return a cached value from a previous run immediately.
  g_ads_allowed = g_consent_info->CanRequestAds();
  g_state = kRequest;

// This function runs once per frame.
void MyGameUpdateLoop() {
  // [... other game logic here ...]

  if (g_state == kRequest) {
    Future<void> req_result = g_consent_info->RequestConsentInfoUpdateLastResult();

    if (req_result.status() == firebase::kFutureStatusComplete) {
      g_ads_allowed = g_consent_info->CanRequestAds();
      if (req_result.error() == ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
        // You must provide the FormParent (Android Activity or iOS UIViewController).
        ump::FormParent parent = GetMyFormParent();
        g_state = kLoadAndShow;
      } else {
        LogMessage("Error requesting consent status: %s", req_result.error_message());
        g_state = kErrorState;
  if (g_state == kLoadAndShow) {
    Future<void> form_result = g_consent_info->LoadAndShowConsentFormIfRequiredLastResult();

    if (form_result.status() == firebase::kFutureStatusComplete) {
      g_ads_allowed = g_consent_info->CanRequestAds();
      if (form_result.error() == ump::kConsentRequestSuccess) {
        if (g_ads_allowed) {
          // Initialize GMA. This is another asynchronous operation.
          g_state = kInitGma;
        } else {
          g_state = kFinished;
        // Optional: shut down the UMP SDK to save memory.
        delete g_consent_info;
        g_consent_info = nullptr;
      } else {
        LogMessage("Error displaying privacy message form: %s", form_result.error_message());
        g_state = kErrorState;
  if (g_state == kInitGma && g_ads_allowed) {
    Future<gma::AdapterInitializationStatus> gma_future = gma::InitializeLastResult();

    if (gma_future.status() == firebase::kFutureStatusComplete) {
      if (gma_future.error() == gma::kAdErrorCodeNone) {
        g_state = kFinished;
        // TODO: Request an ad.
      } else {
        LogMessage("Error initializing GMA: %s", gma_future.error_message());
        g_state = kErrorState;


如果您希望在应用开发过程中测试集成,请按照以下步骤以编程方式注册您的测试设备。在发布应用之前,请务必移除用于设置这些测试设备 ID 的代码。

  1. 欢迎致电 RequestConsentInfoUpdate()
  2. 检查日志输出,以查找类似于以下示例的消息(向您显示您的设备 ID 以及如何将设备添加为测试设备):

    Use new ConsentDebugSettings.Builder().addTestDeviceHashedId("33BE2250B43518CCDA7DE426D04EE231")
    to set this as a debug device.
    <UMP SDK>To enable debug mode for this device,
    set: UMPDebugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b]
  3. 将测试设备 ID 复制到剪贴板。

  4. 修改代码,将 ConsentRequestParameters.debug_settings.debug_device_ids 设置为测试设备 ID 列表。

    void MyApplicationStart() {
      ump::ConsentInfo consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance(...);
      ump::ConsentRequestParameters params;
      params.tag_for_under_age_of_consent = false;
      params.debug_settings.debug_device_ids = {"TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID"};


UMP SDK 提供了一种方法:使用 debug_settings.debug_geography 测试您的应用行为,就像设备位于欧洲经济区 (EEA) 或英国境内一样。请注意,调试设置仅适用于测试设备。

void MyApplicationStart() {
  ump::ConsentInfo consent_info = ump::ConsentInfo::GetInstance(...);

  ump::ConsentRequestParameters params;
  params.tag_for_under_age_of_consent = false;
  params.debug_settings.debug_device_ids = {"TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID"};
  // Geography appears as EEA for debug devices.
  params.debug_settings.debug_geography = ump::kConsentDebugGeographyEEA


通过 UMP SDK 测试应用时,您可能会发现重置 SDK 的状态很实用,因为您可以模拟用户的首次安装体验。该 SDK 提供的 Reset() 方法可实现此目的。
