The Google Mobile Ads SDK supports fixed ad sizes for situations where adaptive banners ads don't meet your needs.
The following table lists the standard banner sizes.
Size in dp (WxH) | Description | Availability | AdSize constant |
320x50 | Banner | Phones and tablets | banner |
320x100 | Large banner | Phones and tablets | largeBanner |
300x250 | IAB medium rectangle | Phones and tablets | mediumRectangle |
468x60 | IAB full-size banner | Tablets | fullBanner |
728x90 | IAB leaderboard | Tablets | leaderboard |
The size of the container in which you place your ad must be at least as large as the banner. Any padding effectively decreases the size of your container. If the container cannot fit the banner ad, the ad isn't shown and the following warning is logged:
W/Ads: Not enough space to show ad. Needs 320x50 dp, but only has 288x495 dp.