Integrating LG U+AD with Mediation

This guide is intended for publishers who are interested in using Google Mobile Ads Mediation with LG U+AD. It walks you through getting a mediation adapter set up with your current app and setting up additional request parameters.


Helpful primers

The following Help Center articles provide background information on mediation:

Include network adapter and SDK

Download the SDK and adapter for LG U+AD from links provided above. Some SDKs already include a Google Mobile Ads adapter, while others offer it as a separate file. See the integration instructions or README that's included with each adapter.

Include the mediated networks' SDKs and adapter files as dependencies in your app level build.gradle file on Android and Podfile on iOS.

Include network configurations

Some ad networks require extra configurations to be added to your AndroidManifest.xml file. You can make these modifications to the AndroidManifest.xml inside the android/app/src/main directory.
Open your project's ios/Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode, and include any frameworks, compiler flags, or linker flags that your chosen networks require.

Your app need not call any third-party ad network code directly; the Google Mobile Ads SDK interacts with the mediated network's adapter to fetch third-party ads on your behalf.