纵览生成式 AI:有求必应,多面能手
Generative AI Overview
Explore how teams at Google are using Generative AI to create new experiences.
Historically, AI was used to understand and recommend information. Now, generative AI can also help us create new content. Generative AI builds on existing technologies, like large language models (LLMs) which are trained on large amounts of text and learn to predict the next word in a sentence. For example, "peanut butter and ___" is more likely to be followed by "jelly" than "shoelace". Generative AI can not only create new text, but also images, videos, or audio. Explore how teams at Google are implementing generative AI to create new experiences.
你是否好奇,Google 各团队如何利用生成式 AI 打造别开生面的体验?
以前,我们利用 AI 理解和推荐信息。如今,生成式 AI 还能帮助我们进行新颖别致的创作。生成式 AI 所依托的大语言模型 (LLM) 等现有技术基于海量文本数据进行训练,可学习预测句子中的下一个字词。例如,“花生酱和___”更可能后跟“果酱”而非“鞋带”。对生成式 AI 来说,无论是创作新文本,还是创作图像、视频和音频,都驾轻就熟。不妨继续阅读下文,看看 Google 各团队如何借力生成式 AI 打造令人耳目一新的体验。
Google AI Studio
Google AI Studio
Google AI Studio
Google AI Studio
依托 Gemini,构建游刃有余
Empowering developers to build with Gemini
Google AI Studio 让开发者可利用简单安全的 API 无缝集成 Gemini 模型、快速开发实用提示并将创意转换为代码,从而轻松构建生成式 AI 应用。
Google AI Studio enables developers to seamlessly integrate Gemini models with an easy and safe API, quickly develop prompts, and transform ideas into code to build generative AI applications.
试用 Gemini:汲取灵感,提升效率
Try Gemini: Supercharge your creativity and productivity
与 Google AI 对话,以全新的方式写作、规划、学习...
Chat to start writing, planning, learning, and more with Google AI.
借助 Firebase,轻松快速地将 AI 功能融入应用
Quickly and easily add AI features to your apps with Firebase
Firebase 是 Google 推出的一站式应用开发平台,汇集了各种工具和后端服务。预打包的无服务器型解决方案 Firebase Extensions 让你能快速为 Web 应用和移动应用添加新功能。在 Firebase Extensions 的加持下,你还能轻松使用 Gemini API 在应用内构建各种功能。
Firebase is Google's app development platform that brings together tools and backend services in one place. Firebase Extensions are pre-packaged serverless solutions that let you quickly add new capabilities to your web and mobile applications. With Firebase Extensions, you can easily use the Gemini API to build features in your apps.
Project IDX
Project IDX
Project IDX
Project IDX
Simplify full-stack software development with Project IDX, an
Project IDX 内置了 AI 赋能的代码生成、自动补全和问答功能,让你能提质增效、事半功倍。另外,Gemini API 模板可助你轻松上手使用 Gemini API,为你的应用注入以 AI 为后盾的强大功能。
Project IDX offers AI-powered built-in code generation, completion, and Q&A to boost your productivity, so you can do higher quality work, more efficiently, with less friction. And with the Gemini API template, you can easily get started working with the Gemini API to embed AI-powered features into your applications.
Studio Bot
Studio Bot
Studio Bot
Studio Bot
Studio Bot 重磅上线:AI 赋能的编码助手,堪称 Android 开发者的提效神器
Introducing Studio Bot, an AI-powered coding assistant that can help Android developers be more productive
开发者无需离开 Android Studio 界面,即可咨询 Android 开发相关问题、就修复代码错误获取帮助,以及生成所需代码。Studio Bot 尚处于早期阶段,会持续不断地接受训练,以期更好地为你答疑解惑并提供最佳实践。
Developers can ask questions about Android development, get help fixing code errors, and receive code snippets - all without ever having to leave Android Studio. Studio Bot is in its very early days, and we're training it to become even better at answering your questions and helping you learn best practices.
Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Google Cloud 中的生成式 AI
Generative AI on Google Cloud
集 Google 的精华研究成果和先进 AI 技术于一身,赋能企业和政府机构快速、高效、负责任地构建生成式 AI 应用。
Empowering businesses and governments to build generative AI applications quickly, efficiently, and responsibly - armed with the best of Google's research and leading AI technologies.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace
驾驭生成式 AI 的威力,通过前所未有的方式创造、交流和协作
Harnessing the power of generative AI to create, connect, and collaborate like never before
Workspace 的使命是促进有效交流并推动共同创造、构建和发展,而生成式 AI 的进步让我们能以全新的方式践行这一使命。
Workspace's mission is to meaningfully connect people so they can create, build and grow together - and advances in generative AI are allowing us to deliver on this mission in new ways.