健康 AI

Health AI

AI 蕴含巨大潜力,有望通过打造更个性化、更便捷、更有效的解决方案,彻底变革医疗保健和医学领域,为挽救生命带来强大助力。在医疗资源匮乏、医护人员短缺的地区,AI 的优势尤为突出。通过与医疗保健服务提供方、研究人员和行业伙伴合作,我们发布了研究成果、打造了开源工具,还构建了 AI 系统,希望这些努力能为全球人民带来积极影响,让健康之光普照世人。作为大胆创新与负责任开发的成果,AI 成为实现健康公平的强大后盾,能为全球人民带来更好的健康福祉。

AI has the potential to help save lives by transforming healthcare and medicine through the creation of more personalized, accessible and effective solutions. This is particularly true in more resource challenged communities where there is often a shortage of healthcare workers. In collaboration with healthcare providers, researchers and industry partners, we've published research, created open-source tools, and built AI systems that have the potential to positively impact health outcomes for people globally. With bold innovation that's responsibly developed, AI stands to be a powerful force for health equity, improving outcomes for everyone, everywhere.

不妨阅读下文,了解 Google 团队如何推动以人为本的 AI 在医疗保健领域落地生根。

Explore how teams at Google are catalyzing the adoption of human-centered AI in healthcare.





一系列专为医疗领域设计的 AI 模型

A suite of AI models designed for the medical domain

Building on innovations from Med-PaLM, the first large language model to reach expert performance on medical licensing exam-style questions, MedLM is our collection of medically-tuned large models for commercial applications. MedLM can complete a wide range of complex tasks, ranging from answering medical questions, to summarizing dense medical information, to deriving insights from unstructured data. It is now available to Cloud customers through Vertex AI.

Med-PaLM 是我们推出的第一个在医疗执照考试类问题上达到专家级表现的大语言模型。随后,我们以它的创新成果为基础,开发出了一系列适合商业应用的医学调优大模型,名为“MedLM”。MedLM 能出色完成各种复杂任务,包括:回答医学问题、总结密集的医疗信息、从非结构化数据中得出分析洞见,等等。现在,Cloud 客户可以通过 Vertex AI 使用这个系列的模型。

乳房 X 光检查


乳房 X 光检查


AI 献技,乳腺癌筛查升级

Improving breast cancer screening with AI

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer globally, and early detection through breast cancer screening can lead to better chances of survival. Working with healthcare partners like Northwestern Medicine, we developed an AI system that integrates into breast cancer screening workflows to help radiologists identify breast cancer earlier and more consistently. Our published research shows that our technology can identify signs of breast cancer as well as trained radiologists. We are now bringing this research to reality by partnering with iCAD to embed this technology in clinical settings.

乳腺癌是全球最常见的癌症类型,通过乳腺癌筛查及早发现可以提高患者的生存几率。我们与 Northwestern Medicine 等医疗保健合作伙伴联手,开发出了可集成到乳腺癌筛查流程中的 AI 系统,从而帮助放射科医生更早发现乳腺癌,并提高诊断结果的一致性。我们发布的研究成果表明,在识别乳腺癌迹象方面,我们的技术可以媲美训练有素的放射科医生。目前,我们正与 iCAD 合作将这项研究成果带入现实,让此技术深入应用到临床环境中。





AI 发力,超声检查更普及

Expanding access to ultrasound with AI

Ultrasound is a versatile and increasingly more accessible early disease detection tool, providing real-time dynamic views of major organ systems. We are developing AI models to make it easier to interpret important health information from ultrasound images. Notably, we are focusing on maternal ultrasound and partnering with Jacaranda Health in Kenya to improve our AI models. Our goal is to expand access to care in areas where access to trained sonographers is limited.

超声是一种用途广泛、越来越普及的早期疾病检测工具,可以实时展现主要器官系统的动态影像。超声影像中蕴藏了重要的健康信息,我们正在开发 AI 模型,让解读信息更容易。特别提一下,我们目前把重点放在了孕产妇超声检查,并与肯尼亚的 Jacaranda Health 合作改进我们的 AI 模型。我们的目标是进一步普及超声检查,造福执业超声医师稀缺的地区。

Open Health Stack

Open Health Stack

Open Health Stack

Open Health Stack


Building blocks for next-generation healthcare apps

在实现医疗公平的漫漫长路上,数字移动健康应用是扫除障碍的利器。然而,要让工具既能跨系统共享健康信息,又能在网络连接不稳定的地区良好运行,构建成本和难度非常之高。Open Health Stack 是一套基于可互操作数据标准的开源基础组件,可以帮助开发者更轻松快速地构建医疗应用,助力医护人员凭所需信息和分析洞见做出明智的决定。

Digital mobile health apps are capable of lowering the barrier to equitable healthcare. However, it's costly and difficult for developers to build tools that share health information across systems and work well in areas that often lack reliable internet connectivity. Open Health Stack is a suite of open-source building blocks built on an interoperable data standard. This suite of components makes it easier for developers to quickly build apps allowing healthcare workers to access the information and insights they need to make informed decisions.