访问 Google API

如果您想调用 Google Play 服务(例如 Google 登录或机器学习套件),您需要先 创建 API 客户端对象实例。这些对象会自动管理 与 Google Play 服务的连接。当有连接时,每个 API 按顺序执行请求的过程。否则,客户端对象会将 请求。除非文档另有说明,否则客户端对象费用便宜 构建方式;也可以在每次要调用 API 时创建新的 API 客户端 API 方法。

本指南介绍了如何向 Google Play 中支持的 包括如何访问不安装服务 需要授权以及那些需要授权 授权


首先,请在应用项目中添加必要的工具和依赖项,例如 请参阅关于如何设置 Google Play 服务


要访问不需要 API 授权的服务,请获取 服务的客户端对象,向其传递当前的 Context 或 当前 Activity。 在执行任何 API 调用之前,系统会提示用户升级 Google Play 服务(如果需要的话)。

例如,若要使用 Fused Location 获取设备最近一次的已知位置, 适用于 Android 的提供程序,添加以下代码段中所示的逻辑:


// Code required for requesting location permissions omitted for brevity.
val client = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)

// Get the last known location. In some rare situations, this can be null.
client.lastLocation.addOnSuccessListener { location : Location? ->
    location?.let {
        // Logic to handle location object.


// Code required for requesting location permissions omitted for brevity.
FusedLocationProviderClient client =

// Get the last known location. In some rare situations, this can be null.
        .addOnSuccessListener(this, location -> {
            if (location != null) {
                // Logic to handle location object.


如需访问需要用户授权的服务,请完成以下步骤 步骤:

  1. 让用户登录
  2. 请求访问服务所需的范围的权限
  3. 获取服务客户端对象的实例,并向其传递用户的 GoogleSignInAccount 对象以及 ContextActivity 对象。

以下示例实现了使用 Google Fit API。如需在完整项目中查看类似实现,请执行以下操作: 查看主要活动 BasicHistoryApiKotlin 应用。


class FitFragment : Fragment() {
    private val fitnessOptions: FitnessOptions by lazy {

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

     * Checks whether the user is signed in. If so, executes the specified
     * function. If the user is not signed in, initiates the sign-in flow,
     * specifying the function to execute after the user signs in.
    private fun fitSignIn() {
        if (oAuthPermissionsApproved()) {
        } else {

    private fun oAuthPermissionsApproved() =
        GoogleSignIn.hasPermissions(getGoogleAccount(), fitnessOptions)

     * Gets a Google account for use in creating the fitness client. This is
     * achieved by either using the last signed-in account, or if necessary,
     * prompting the user to sign in. It's better to use the
     * getAccountForExtension() method instead of the getLastSignedInAccount()
     * method because the latter can return null if there has been no sign in
     * before.
    private fun getGoogleAccount(): GoogleSignInAccount =
        GoogleSignIn.getAccountForExtension(requireContext(), fitnessOptions)

     * Handles the callback from the OAuth sign in flow, executing the function
     * after sign-in is complete.
    override fun onActivityResult(
            requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        when (resultCode) {
            RESULT_OK -> {
            else -> {
                // Handle error.

     * Reads the current daily step total.
    private fun readDailySteps() {
        Fitness.getHistoryClient(requireContext(), getGoogleAccount())
            .addOnSuccessListener { dataSet ->
                val total = when {
                    dataSet.isEmpty -> 0
                    else -> dataSet.dataPoints.first()

                Log.i(TAG, "Total steps: $total")
            .addOnFailureListener { e ->
                Log.w(TAG, "There was a problem getting the step count.", e)

    companion object {
        const val SIGN_IN_REQUEST_CODE = 1001


public class FitFragment extends Fragment {
    private final FitnessOptions fitnessOptions = FitnessOptions.builder()

    public void onViewCreated(
            @NotNull View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

     * Checks whether the user is signed in. If so, executes the specified
     * function. If the user is not signed in, initiates the sign-in flow,
     * specifying the function to execute after the user signs in.
    private void fitSignIn() {
        if (oAuthPermissionsApproved()) {
        } else {
            GoogleSignIn.requestPermissions(this, SIGN_IN_REQUEST_CODE,
                    getGoogleAccount(), fitnessOptions);

    private boolean oAuthPermissionsApproved() {
        return GoogleSignIn.hasPermissions(getGoogleAccount(), fitnessOptions);

     * Gets a Google account for use in creating the fitness client. This is
     * achieved by either using the last signed-in account, or if necessary,
     * prompting the user to sign in. It's better to use the
     * getAccountForExtension() method instead of the getLastSignedInAccount()
     * method because the latter can return null if there has been no sign in
     * before.
    private GoogleSignInAccount getGoogleAccount() {
        return GoogleSignIn.getAccountForExtension(
                requireContext(), fitnessOptions);

     * Handles the callback from the OAuth sign in flow, executing the function
     * after sign-in is complete.
    public void onActivityResult(
            int requestCode, int resultCode, @Nullable Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        } else {
            // Handle error.

     * Reads the current daily step total.
    private void readDailySteps() {
        AtomicInteger total = new AtomicInteger();
        Fitness.getHistoryClient(requireContext(), getGoogleAccount())
                .addOnSuccessListener(dataSet -> {
                    if (!dataSet.isEmpty())
                        Log.i(TAG, "Total steps: $total");
                .addOnFailureListener(e -> {
                    Log.w(TAG, "There was a problem getting the step count.", e);

    private static final int SIGN_IN_REQUEST_CODE = 1001;

检查 API 可用性

在应用中启用依赖于 Google Play 服务的功能前的准备工作 API 中声明 API,包括检查 API 在设备上的可用性。为此, 调用 checkApiAvailability()

以下代码段展示了如何检查 一体化位置信息提供程序。


fun getLastLocationIfApiAvailable(context: Context?): Task<Location>? {
    val client = getFusedLocationProviderClient(context)
    return GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance()
        .onSuccessTask { _ -> client.lastLocation }
        .addOnFailureListener { _ -> Log.d(TAG, "Location unavailable.")}


public Task<Location> getLastLocationIfApiAvailable(Context context) {
    FusedLocationProviderClient client =
    return GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance()
            .onSuccessTask(unused -> client.getLastLocation())
            .addOnFailureListener(e -> Log.d(TAG, "Location unavailable."));