如Google Play 服务概览一文所述,由 Google Play 服务提供支持的 SDK 由 Google 认证的 Android 设备上的设备端服务提供支持。为了节省整个设备阵容中的存储空间和内存,当系统明确确定特定设备需要相关功能时,才会按需安装某些服务。例如,在 Google Play 服务中使用模型时,机器学习套件会提供此选项。
最常见的情况是,根据 SDK 的 AndroidManifest.xml
中的依赖项,将服务(或“模块”)与需要它的应用并行下载和安装。为了实现更精细的控制,模块安装 API 提供了明确检查模块可用性、请求模块安装、监控请求状态和处理错误的功能。
请按照以下步骤操作,确保 ModuleInstallClient
支持 API。请注意,以下代码段使用 TensorFlow Lite SDK (play-services-tflite-java
) 作为示例库,但这些步骤适用于与 OptionalModuleApi
集成的任何库。随着更多 SDK 添加支持,本指南将会更新,提供更多信息。
确保您应用的 build 文件使用以下值:
代码块中,添加 Google 的 Maven 制品库和 Maven 中央制品库:dependencyResolutionManagement { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } }
在模块的 Gradle build 文件(通常为
的 Google Play 服务依赖项:dependencies { implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:18.5.0' implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-tflite-java:16.4.0' }
检查该模块的可用性:val optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context) moduleInstallClient .areModulesAvailable(optionalModuleApi) .addOnSuccessListener { if (it.areModulesAvailable()) { // Modules are present on the device... } else { // Modules are not present on the device... } } .addOnFailureListener { // Handle failure... }
OptionalModuleApi optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context); moduleInstallClient .areModulesAvailable(optionalModuleApi) .addOnSuccessListener( response -> { if (response.areModulesAvailable()) { // Modules are present on the device... } else { // Modules are not present on the device... } }) .addOnFailureListener( e -> { // Handle failure… });
来接收安装状态更新。inner class ModuleInstallProgressListener : InstallStatusListener { override fun onInstallStatusUpdated(update: ModuleInstallStatusUpdate) { // Progress info is only set when modules are in the progress of downloading. update.progressInfo?.let { val progress = (it.bytesDownloaded * 100 / it.totalBytesToDownload).toInt() // Set the progress for the progress bar. progressBar.setProgress(progress) } if (isTerminateState(update.installState)) { moduleInstallClient.unregisterListener(this) } } fun isTerminateState(@InstallState state: Int): Boolean { return state == STATE_CANCELED || state == STATE_COMPLETED || state == STATE_FAILED } } val listener = ModuleInstallProgressListener()
static final class ModuleInstallProgressListener implements InstallStatusListener { @Override public void onInstallStatusUpdated(ModuleInstallStatusUpdate update) { ProgressInfo progressInfo = update.getProgressInfo(); // Progress info is only set when modules are in the progress of downloading. if (progressInfo != null) { int progress = (int) (progressInfo.getBytesDownloaded() * 100 / progressInfo.getTotalBytesToDownload()); // Set the progress for the progress bar. progressBar.setProgress(progress); } // Handle failure status maybe… // Unregister listener when there are no more install status updates. if (isTerminateState(update.getInstallState())) { moduleInstallClient.unregisterListener(this); } } public boolean isTerminateState(@InstallState int state) { return state == STATE_CANCELED || state == STATE_COMPLETED || state == STATE_FAILED; } } InstallStatusListener listener = new ModuleInstallProgressListener();
添加到请求中:val optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context) val moduleInstallRequest = ModuleInstallRequest.newBuilder() .addApi(optionalModuleApi) // Add more APIs if you would like to request multiple optional modules. // .addApi(...) // Set the listener if you need to monitor the download progress. // .setListener(listener) .build()
OptionalModuleApi optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context); ModuleInstallRequest moduleInstallRequest = ModuleInstallRequest.newBuilder() .addApi(optionalModuleApi) // Add more API if you would like to request multiple optional modules //.addApi(...) // Set the listener if you need to monitor the download progress //.setListener(listener) .build();
moduleInstallClient .installModules(moduleInstallRequest) .addOnSuccessListener { if (it.areModulesAlreadyInstalled()) { // Modules are already installed when the request is sent. } } .addOnFailureListener { // Handle failure… }
moduleInstallClient.installModules(moduleInstallRequest) .addOnSuccessListener( response -> { if (response.areModulesAlreadyInstalled()) { // Modules are already installed when the request is sent. } }) .addOnFailureListener( e -> { // Handle failure... });
使用 FakeModuleInstallClient
Google Play 服务 SDK 提供了 FakeModuleInstallClient
,以便您使用依赖项注入在测试中模拟模块安装 API 的结果。
将应用配置为使用 Hilt 依赖项注入框架。
在测试中将 ModuleInstallClient
替换为 FakeModuleInstallClient
在模块的 Gradle build 文件(通常为
的 Google Play 服务依赖项。dependencies { // other dependencies... testImplementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-base-testing:16.1.0' }
创建一个 Hilt 模块来提供
:@Module @InstallIn(ActivityComponent::class) object ModuleInstallModule { @Provides fun provideModuleInstallClient( @ActivityContext context: Context ): ModuleInstallClient = ModuleInstall.getClient(context) }
@Module @InstallIn(ActivityComponent.class) public class ModuleInstallModule { @Provides public static ModuleInstallClient provideModuleInstallClient( @ActivityContext Context context) { return ModuleInstall.getClient(context); } }
在 activity 中注入
@UninstallModules(ModuleInstallModule::class) @HiltAndroidTest class MyActivityTest { ... private val context:Context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext() private val fakeModuleInstallClient = FakeModuleInstallClient(context) @BindValue @JvmField val moduleInstallClient: ModuleInstallClient = fakeModuleInstallClient ... }
@UninstallModules(ModuleInstallModule.class) @HiltAndroidTest class MyActivityTest { ... private static final Context context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(); private final FakeModuleInstallClient fakeModuleInstallClient = new FakeModuleInstallClient(context); @BindValue ModuleInstallClient moduleInstallClient = fakeModuleInstallClient; ... }
@Test fun checkAvailability_available() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset() val availableModule = TfLite.getClient(context) fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstalledModules(api) // Verify the case where modules are already available... } @Test fun checkAvailability_unavailable() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset() // Do not set any installed modules in the test. // Verify the case where modules unavailable on device... } @Test fun checkAvailability_failed() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset() fakeModuleInstallClient.setModulesAvailabilityTask(Tasks.forException(RuntimeException())) // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to get module's availability... }
@Test public void checkAvailability_available() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); OptionalModuleApi optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context); fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstalledModules(api); // Verify the case where modules are already available... } @Test public void checkAvailability_unavailable() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); // Do not set any installed modules in the test. // Verify the case where modules unavailable on device... } @Test public void checkAvailability_failed() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setModulesAvailabilityTask(Tasks.forException(new RuntimeException())); // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to get module's availability... }
@Test fun deferredInstall_success() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setDeferredInstallTask(Tasks.forResult(null)) // Verify the case where the deferred install request has been sent successfully... } @Test fun deferredInstall_failed() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setDeferredInstallTask(Tasks.forException(RuntimeException())) // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to send the deferred install request... }
@Test public void deferredInstall_success() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setDeferredInstallTask(Tasks.forResult(null)); // Verify the case where the deferred install request has been sent successfully... } @Test public void deferredInstall_failed() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setDeferredInstallTask(Tasks.forException(new RuntimeException())); // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to send the deferred install request... }
@Test fun installModules_alreadyExist() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); OptionalModuleApi optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context); fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstalledModules(api); // Verify the case where the modules already exist when sending the install request... } @Test fun installModules_withoutListener() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); // Verify the case where the urgent install request has been sent successfully... } @Test fun installModules_withListener() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); // Generates a ModuleInstallResponse and set it as the result for installModules(). val moduleInstallResponse = FakeModuleInstallUtil.generateModuleInstallResponse() fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstallModulesTask(Tasks.forResult(moduleInstallResponse)) // Verify the case where the urgent install request has been sent successfully... // Generates some fake ModuleInstallStatusUpdate and send it to listener. val update = FakeModuleInstallUtil.createModuleInstallStatusUpdate( moduleInstallResponse.sessionId, STATE_COMPLETED) fakeModuleInstallClient.sendInstallUpdates(listOf(update)) // Verify the corresponding updates are handled correctly... } @Test fun installModules_failed() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstallModulesTask(Tasks.forException(RuntimeException())) // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to send the urgent install request... }
@Test public void installModules_alreadyExist() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); OptionalModuleApi optionalModuleApi = TfLite.getClient(context); fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstalledModules(api); // Verify the case where the modules already exist when sending the install request... } @Test public void installModules_withoutListener() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); // Verify the case where the urgent install request has been sent successfully... } @Test public void installModules_withListener() { // Reset any previously installed modules. fakeModuleInstallClient.reset(); // Generates a ModuleInstallResponse and set it as the result for installModules(). ModuleInstallResponse moduleInstallResponse = FakeModuleInstallUtil.generateModuleInstallResponse(); fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstallModulesTask(Tasks.forResult(moduleInstallResponse)); // Verify the case where the urgent install request has been sent successfully... // Generates some fake ModuleInstallStatusUpdate and send it to listener. ModuleInstallStatusUpdate update = FakeModuleInstallUtil.createModuleInstallStatusUpdate( moduleInstallResponse.getSessionId(), STATE_COMPLETED); fakeModuleInstallClient.sendInstallUpdates(ImmutableList.of(update)); // Verify the corresponding updates are handled correctly... } @Test public void installModules_failed() { fakeModuleInstallClient.setInstallModulesTask(Tasks.forException(new RuntimeException())); // Verify the case where an RuntimeException happened when trying to send the urgent install request... }