To help the Support team resolve issues with the Messages app on Android devices, generate a bug report and a video recording.
To get a bug report directly from your Android device, follow these steps.
Enable developer options and USB debugging
For information about developer options used to configure system behaviors that help you profile and debug your app performance, see Configure on-device developer options.
Enable verbose logging for Messages
On a rooted device, use the following commands to enable verbose logging:
adb shell setprop log.tag.Bugle VERBOSE
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleDataModel VERBOSE
adb shell setprop log.tag.RcsProvisioning VERBOSE
adb shell setprop log.tag.CarrierServices VERBOSE
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleAction VERBOSE:
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleRcsEngine VERBOSE;
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleTransport VERBOSE;
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleRcsProvisioning VERBOSE;
adb shell setprop log.tag.RcsClientLib VERBOSE;
adb shell setprop log.tag.BugleRcs VERBOSE;
Enable verbose logging only for the testing devices. The following log includes personally identifiable information (PII).
adb shell su root am broadcast -a -e carrier_services_log_level VERBOSE
adb shell su root am broadcast -a -e carrier_services_enable_debug_mode true
adb shell su root am broadcast -a -e bugle_rcs_allow_overrides true
adb shell su root am broadcast -a -e bugle_debugging true
adb shell su root am broadcast -a -e carrier_services_enable_sensitive_logging true
On an unrooted device, use the following command to enable verbose logging:
adb shell am broadcast -a '' --es package "" --es user "\*" --esa flags "bugle_phenotype__enable_verbose_bug_reports" --esa values "true" --esa types "boolean"
Reproduce your issue
- In Settings > System > Developer options > Logger buffer sizes, maximize the logger buffer size. Use the largest size for the device (for example, 16 MB on a high-end device).
- Force stop the Messages app.
- If the bug relates to Rich Communication Services (RCS) provisioning,
complete the following steps:
- Enable Airplane mode.
- Clear the Messages and Carrier Services storage from Settings.
- Disable Airplane mode.
- Enable RCS chat in Settings.
- Wait at least five minutes before starting the bug report.
For each new bug, clear the logcat messages:
adb logcat -c
Start the video recording:
- Record only the reported bug.
- Keep video recordings as short as possible. For example, if the bug occurs after making a single call, record only that section of the call.
- Don't record repetitive steps.
Start the Messages app and reproduce the bug.
Stop the video recording.
Collect the bug report
- In the report, capture the following:
- The timestamp when the bug occurs.
- The steps that trigger the bug.
- The bug itself (for example, error message).
- A recording of the screen while reproducing the bug.
In Developer options, tap Take bug report.
Select a bug report type and tap Report. A notification indicates when the bug report is ready.
Attach the bug report in a submitted bug.
If the bug relates to one or more messages (for example, messages couldn't be sent), provide the Message IDs of the affected messages.
- Enable the Messages debug menu:
- Open Messages.
- Tap the search bar.
- Search for
. The Debug Utils menu opens or a toast appears with the messageDebug menu option enabled
- Touch & hold the message.
- Tap Menu, then tap View Details.