RBM troubleshooting guide

Follow this guide to provide the necessary information to troubleshoot issues with RBM.

Message delivery and format issues

These are issues with the actual transmission and reception of messages, including message formatting issues.

Unable to send RBM messages

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Sample message IDs with timestamps
  • Partner ID (see screenshot)
  • Number of agents impacted
  • Agent IDs (comma separated)
  • Estimated number of messages impacted or potentially impacted
  • API methods that you're having issues with (for example: upload files, create agent to user message, create agent to user event, delete agent to user message, get capabilities, batch get)
  • Sample JSON payload of failed requests
  • For client issues: Client bug report
  • Error logs (errors seen in the terminal when calling the RBM APIs), including the error code and error message. For example:

    "error": {
    "code": 403,
    "message": "There was an error looking up the RBM agent (ID: my-test-agent@rbm.goog) that corresponds to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project you're authenticating with.",
    "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED",

    Not receiving events or messages at webhook

To ensure smooth message delivery, verify that all your partner account's agent webhooks are working correctly and can process messages from Google. All agents in a partner account share a single channel for incoming messages and events, so a malfunctioning webhook can disrupt deliveries for all agents.

If the issue persists, share the following details to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • When did the issue start? Were you receiving messages and events successfully before then?
  • Partner ID
  • Agent IDs
  • Webhook URL
  • Message IDs with timestamps

RBM messages sent as JSON or converted to SMS

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Message IDs with timestamps
  • JSON payload
  • Device steps to reproduce if known
  • Bug report from the device receiving the messages
  • Details about the device and messaging app version used
  • Screenshot or video recording of the issue

Unable to receive messages on an RCS-enabled device

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Bug report from the device failing to receive the RBM messages
  • Phone number
  • Details about the device and OS
  • Messaging app version used
  • Steps to reproduce if known
  • Screenshot showing RCS status
  • Screenshot or video recording of the issue
  • Carrier name and country

Client and device setup/connectivity issues

These issues include client-side setup, connection, and platform-specific problems.

Failure to generate P2A URL or QR code

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Agent ID
  • Phone number
  • Steps to reproduce if known
  • Bug report from the device where the link was opened
  • Screenshot or video recording of the issue

Issues with capability checks

Share the following details to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • List of phone numbers with country codes enclosed in a CSV file
  • Agent IDs
  • Error logs
  • RCS status of the device
  • Date and time of the performed test

Test device doesn't receive tester invitation or messages

Follow the steps from Set up a test device.

If the issue persists, share the following details to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Agent ID
  • Phone number
  • Message ID with timestamp
  • Bug report within 5 mins of sending the test invite

RCS/RBM issues on iOS devices

While Apple has adopted the Rich Communication Services (RCS) standard for messaging, they've chosen to develop their own unique implementation. This includes features like RCS Business Messaging (RBM).

If you encounter any issues with RBM on your iOS device, we encourage you to report them directly to Apple through the Feedback Assistant app. This will help Apple identify and address any problems specific to their implementation.

  1. Open the Feedback Assistant app on an iOS device.
  2. Select an appropriate starting topic, related to issues with a messaging app.
  3. Write and submit your feedback.
  4. To keep the RBM Support team in the loop, please also share your findings with us. We appreciate your help in improving the RCS experience for everyone.

RCS/RBM carrier availability on iOS devices

Apple has their own choice of carriers for RCS/RBM launches on iOS. To inquire about global availability or Apple's future plans, contact Apple directly. You can also contact your carrier of interest to ask about their RCS/RBM launch status on iOS.

To find information about wireless carrier support and feature for iPhone by country, visit Apple support page.

Performance and display issues

These are issues with the performance and display of RBM.

Latency in performing RBM actions

Remember to check the following first:

Question Recommendation
Is the latency <5s? If so, this falls within the acceptable range.
Has there been any regression in the latency? If so, when did it start? What was the typical latency before compared to now?
Are you using the file upload API? Try using file IDs instead of sending direct URLs. Processing new media URLs involves downloading, processing, thumbnails, abuse protection and virus protection – with the latter taking roughly 50% of time.
Have you uploaded the message media upfront? To speed up the processing, we recommend doing so with the following API call: https://developers.google.com/business-communications/rcs-business-messaging/reference/rest/v1/files/create
Have you run capability checks? To reduce latency in sending messages to users who aren't reachable through RCS, run capability checks first.

If the issue persists, please provide as many of the additional details as possible for faster troubleshooting:

  • Number of messages impacted
  • Source of latency (for example: upload files, create agent to user message, create agent to user event, delete agent to user message, get capabilities, batch get)
  • Service endpoint
  • Latency distribution (p50, p95, p99)
  • Latency change and timeframe
  • Partner ID
  • Affected agent IDs
  • Message IDs with timestamps
  • JSON payload

Examples of this issue include failure to load, showing a black screen, cropping, and suggested actions not showing up.

Share as many of the following details as possible to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Message IDs with timestamps
  • JSON payload
  • Device steps to reproduce if known
  • Bug report from the device receiving the messages
  • Details about the device and messaging app version used
  • Screenshot or video recording of the issue

Account, agent, and carrier management issues

These are issues with account management and reporting, including billing queries.

Unable to add a tester

Follow the steps from Set up a test device.

If the issue persists, share the following details to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Agent ID
  • Phone number
  • Carrier name and country

Carrier unable to approve agent launches

Report the issue from the RBM Administration Console (see screenshot).

For urgent launches, please provide:

  • Carrier name and country
  • Agent ID to be launched
  • Carrier's authorization for launch

Request to update agent details

Share the following details to enable faster updates:

  • Agent ID
  • Metadata details to be updated (for example: name, logo, banner, description, contact details, privacy policy link, or terms of service link)

Request to migrate agents to another partner account

Share the following details to enable faster updates:

  • List of agent IDs
  • Old partner ID
  • New partner ID

Missing information in billing events reports

Share the following details to enable faster troubleshooting:

  • Dates for which files are missing
  • Agent IDs