Data Portability API 출시 노트

이 페이지에서는 Data Portability API의 프로덕션 업데이트를 설명합니다. Data Portability API 개발자는 이 목록을 주기적으로 참고하여 새로운 공지사항을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.

March 06, 2024

The Data Portability API is now Generally Available (GA). For a list of supported countries and regions, see "Common Questions" on the Share a copy of your data with a third party page.

January 24, 2024

The Data Portability API is now in Beta.

IMPORTANT: In Beta, access to the Data Portability API is to be used solely for internal testing and development by your organization. Limit the use of the API to accounts owned or controlled by your organization. When you test the API, don't use consumer Google Accounts or other accounts that are not affiliated with your organization. The API is in beta. It will be available for general use in supported countries soon.

For a list of supported countries and regions, see "Common Questions" on the Share a copy of your data with a third party page.