- Dataset Availability
- 2023-02-11T00:00:00Z–2023-02-12T00:00:00Z
- Dataset Provider
- United Nations Geospatial
- Earth Engine Snippet
- Tags
The United Nations Geospatial Data, or Geodata, is a worldwide geospatial dataset of the United Nations.
The United Nations Geodata is provided to facilitate the preparation of cartographic materials in the United Nations includes geometry, attributes and labels to facilitate the adequate depiction and naming of geographic features for the preparation of maps in accordance with United Nations policies and practices.
The geospatial dataset include polygons/areas of countries (BNDA_simplified). Please refer this page for more information.
Table Schema
Table Schema
Name | Type | Description |
admiso | STRING | ISO-3166 alpha-3 code of the area's administrator. |
geo_cd | INT | UN M49 geographical region code |
georeg | STRING | UN M49 geographic region |
globalid | STRING | GlobalID |
globalid_1 | STRING | GlobalID_1 |
int_cd | STRING | UN M49 intermediary region code; 0 if unset |
intreg | STRING | UN M49 intermediary region; empty if "int_cd" is 0 |
iso2cd | STRING | ISO-3166 alpha-2 code |
iso3cd | STRING | ISO-3166 alpha-3 code |
lbl_en | STRING | Cartographic label (English) |
lbl_fr | STRING | Cartographic label (French) |
m49_cd | STRING | UN M49 country or area code |
nam_en | STRING | Name (English) |
name_fr | STRING | Name (French) |
objectid | STRING | Internal object ID number |
st_area_sh | DOUBLE | Total area of the geometry |
stscod | INT | Sovereignty status code:
sub_cd | INT | UN M49 sub-region code |
subreg | STRING | UN M49 sub-region |
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
The UN Geodata is a global geospatial database available for use by the UN Secretariat and external users. It can be used for various purposes, but commercial use is prohibited. The UN retains ownership of the data, and users must credit the UN as the source in their creations. The data is provided "as is" without warranties, and the UN is not liable for any damages or losses arising from its use. Please refer this page for more information.
Explore with Earth Engine
Code Editor (JavaScript)
var dataset = ee.FeatureCollection('UN/Geodata/BNDA_simplified/current'); var styleParams = { fillColor: 'b5ffb4', color: '00909F', width: 1.0, }; dataset = dataset.style(styleParams); Map.centerObject(dataset); Map.addLayer(dataset, {}, 'BNDA simplified');