MERRA-2 M2T1NXAER:气溶胶诊断 V5.12.4
M2T1NXAER(或 tavg1_2d_aer_Nx)是“现代气候回顾分析(面向研究和应用)版本 2”(MERRA-2) 中每小时时间平均的二维数据集合。此集合包含同化后的气溶胶诊断数据,例如气溶胶组分(黑碳、粉尘、海盐、硫酸盐和有机碳)的柱状质量密度、表面 … 气溶胶 碳 粉尘 质量 Merra NASA -
MERRA-2 M2I3NVAER:气溶胶混合比 V5.12.4
M2I3NVAER(或 inst3_3d_aer_Nv)是“现代气候回顾分析研究和应用版本 2”(MERRA-2) 中每 3 小时一次的瞬时 3 维数据集合。此集合包含 72 个模型层(例如粉尘、二氧化硫、海盐、黑碳等)的气溶胶混合比参数的 … aerosol dust mass merra nasa sea-salt
[null,null,[],[[["MERRA-2 provides two aerosol datasets: M2T1NXAER and M2I3NVAER."],["M2T1NXAER offers hourly, 2-dimensional data on aerosol diagnostics like column mass density of various aerosol components (black carbon, dust, sea-salt, sulfate, and organic carbon)."],["M2I3NVAER provides instantaneous, 3-dimensional, 3-hourly data on aerosol mixing ratios at 72 model layers for components such as dust, sulphur dioxide, sea salt, and black carbon."],["Both datasets are part of the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2) and are available through NASA."]]],["MERRA-2 offers two data collections: M2T1NXAER and M2I3NVAER. M2T1NXAER provides hourly, 2-dimensional assimilated aerosol diagnostics, including column mass density for black carbon, dust, sea-salt, sulfate, and organic carbon. M2I3NVAER contains 3-hourly, 3-dimensional data of aerosol mixing ratios across 72 model layers. These ratios include dust, sulfur dioxide, sea salt, and black carbon. Both datasets are part of the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications version 2 (MERRA-2).\n"]]