Performance Max pour les ventes en ligne avec un flux de produits (commerce)

Performance Max pour le retail vous aide à élargir votre couverture et vos objectifs en vous donnant la possibilité de diffuser des annonces sur un inventaire supplémentaire.

Vous devrez peut-être créer des composants (texte, image ou vidéo, par exemple) pour diffuser des annonces sur de nouveaux formats et surfaces (texte, Discover, YouTube InStream et Display, par exemple).

Si vous disposez d'insights uniques indiquant quels segments de vos utilisateurs sont les plus susceptibles d'effectuer des conversions, vous pouvez désormais également utiliser les signaux d'audience pour en informer Google.

Voici d'autres améliorations que les campagnes Performance Max offrent par rapport aux campagnes Shopping standards:

  • Ciblage linguistique en fonction du flux Merchant Center ou des critères de la campagne
  • Extension d'URL finale
  • Tous les magasins sont ciblés lorsque vous sélectionnez l'objectif "Visites en magasin".
  • Possibilité de définir des objectifs de conversion par client ou par campagne

Pour utiliser Performance Max pour le retail, le compte Google Ads doit être associé à un compte Merchant Center existant. En associant votre campagne à Merchant Center, vous pouvez générer automatiquement des composants pour celle-ci, mais sa couverture et ses performances seront limitées.

Ajoutez des groupes de composants

Ajouter un groupe d'assets active les canaux Shopping et de remarketing dynamique, et définir l'extension d'URL active les annonces dynamiques du Réseau de Recherche. En général, plus vous fournissez d'assets, plus le système peut créer de formats d'annonces pour cibler un inventaire supplémentaire.

Nous vous recommandons de faire en sorte que chaque groupe de composants cible des produits différents. Notez que les groupes de fiches sont soumis à certaines limites. Nous vous recommandons de ne cibler qu'un certain ensemble de produits d'un groupe de composants. Par exemple, les produits A-L se trouveraient dans le groupe de composants 1 et les produits M-Z dans le groupe de composants 2.

Si vous souhaitez personnaliser le message de vos composants par audience, vous pouvez créer plusieurs groupes de composants par campagne. Vous pouvez ainsi créer différents groupes de composants pour la même URL finale.

Découvrez d'autres conseils d'optimisation lorsque vous configurez votre campagne Performance Max.

Créer une campagne retail Performance Max

Comme pour les autres campagnes Shopping, définissez les champs ShoppingSetting de la campagne.


ID Merchant Center du compte contenant les produits à promouvoir.



Chaîne utilisée pour le libellé du flux, comme défini dans votre compte Merchant Center. Ce champ doit être utilisé si vous devez sélectionner des produits à partir d'un flux Merchant Center spécifique. Si ce n'est pas le cas, la campagne utilise tous les flux disponibles dans Merchant Center.

Si vous utilisiez auparavant le sales_country obsolète, au format du code pays à deux lettres (XX), vous devez utiliser feed_label à la place. Pour en savoir plus, consultez l'article d'assistance sur le libellé du flux.

Notez que l'envoi d'un code pays dans un feed_label n'active pas automatiquement la diffusion d'annonces dans ce pays. Vous devez d'abord configurer le ciblage géographique.


Priorité de la campagne Shopping. Les campagnes ayant des priorités numériquement plus élevées prévalent sur celles ayant des priorités plus faibles.


Possibilité d'activer la diffusion d'annonces pour les produits vendus dans les magasins locaux pour cette campagne.

Les produits en magasin sont activés par défaut si l'inventaire est disponible. Vous pouvez filtrer ces données à l'aide de groupes de fiches.


Vous pouvez en sélectionner plusieurs pour diffuser vos annonces auprès de groupes de clients spécifiques.

Objectifs de conversion

Vous pouvez remplacer les objectifs de conversion au niveau du client en mettant à jour les objectifs de conversion au niveau de la campagne, comme illustré dans cet exemple:

/** Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals. */
private static List<CustomerConversionGoal> getCustomerConversionGoals(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
  String query =
      "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
          + "FROM customer_conversion_goal";

  List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals = new ArrayList<>();
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50, so we use
    // instead of search_stream.
    SearchPagedResponse response =, query);
    for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.iterateAll()) {

  return customerConversionGoals;

/** Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. */
private static List<MutateOperation> createConversionGoalOperations(
    long customerId, List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals) {
  List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
  // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
  // biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
  // the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
  for (CustomerConversionGoal customerConversionGoal : customerConversionGoals) {
    ConversionActionCategory category = customerConversionGoal.getCategory();
    ConversionOrigin origin = customerConversionGoal.getOrigin();
    String campaignConversionGoalResourceName =
            customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, category, origin);
    CampaignConversionGoal.Builder campaignConversionGoalBuilder =
    // Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
    // Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
    // Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
    // Note:
    //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
    //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
    //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
    //     shows only one.
    if (category == ConversionActionCategory.PURCHASE && origin == ConversionOrigin.WEBSITE) {
    } else {
    CampaignConversionGoal campaignConversionGoal =;
    CampaignConversionGoalOperation campaignConversionGoalOperation =
  return mutateOperations;

/// <summary>
/// Creates a MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fieldType">The field type of the asset to be linked.</param>
/// <param name="linkedEntityResourceName">The resource name of the entity (asset group or
/// campaign) to link the asset to.</param>
/// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be
/// linked.</param>
/// <param name="brandGuidelinesEnabled">Whether or not to enable brand guidelines.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreateLinkAssetOperation(
    AssetFieldType fieldType,
    string linkedEntityResourceName,
    string assetResourceName,
    bool brandGuidelinesEnabled = false)
{ if (brandGuidelinesEnabled)
        return new MutateOperation()
            CampaignAssetOperation = new CampaignAssetOperation()
                Create = new CampaignAsset()
                    FieldType = fieldType,
                    Campaign = linkedEntityResourceName,
                    Asset = assetResourceName
    } else
    {   return new MutateOperation()
            AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation()
                Create = new AssetGroupAsset()
                    FieldType = fieldType,
                    AssetGroup = linkedEntityResourceName,
                    Asset = assetResourceName

private static function getCustomerConversionGoals(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId
): array {
    $customerConversionGoals = [];
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    // Creates a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
    $query = 'SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin ' .
        'FROM customer_conversion_goal';
    // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use a search request
    // instead of search stream.
    $response =
        $googleAdsServiceClient->search(SearchGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $query));

    // Iterates over all rows in all pages and builds the list of conversion goals.
    foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
        $customerConversionGoals[] = [
            'category' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getCategory(),
            'origin' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getOrigin()

    return $customerConversionGoals;

 * Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
 * @param int $customerId the customer ID
 * @param array $customerConversionGoals the list of customer conversion goals that will be
 *      overridden
 * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals
private static function createConversionGoalOperations(
    int $customerId,
    array $customerConversionGoals
): array {
    $operations = [];

    // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of each of the
    // customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal is biddable in this
    // campaign.
    foreach ($customerConversionGoals as $customerConversionGoal) {
        $campaignConversionGoal = new CampaignConversionGoal([
            'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignConversionGoal(
        // Changes the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
        // Sets biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
        // Sets biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
        // Note:
        //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
        //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
        //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
        //     shows only one.
        if (
            $customerConversionGoal["category"] === ConversionActionCategory::PURCHASE
            && $customerConversionGoal["origin"] === ConversionOrigin::WEBSITE
        ) {
        } else {

        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_conversion_goal_operation' => new CampaignConversionGoalOperation([
                'update' => $campaignConversionGoal,
                // Sets the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be a list
                // of all the fields that were set on the update object.
                'update_mask' => FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($campaignConversionGoal)

    return $operations;
def get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id):
    """Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a list of dicts containing the category and origin of customer
        conversion goals.
    ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    customer_conversion_goals = []
    query = """
            FROM customer_conversion_goal
    # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
    # instead of search_stream.
    search_request = client.get_type("SearchGoogleAdsRequest")
    search_request.customer_id = customer_id
    search_request.query = query
    results =

    # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
    for row in results:
                "category": row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
                "origin": row.customer_conversion_goal.origin,
    return customer_conversion_goals

def create_conversion_goal_operations(
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        customer_conversion_goals: the list of customer conversion goals that
          will be overridden.

        MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals.
    campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.get_service(
    operations = []

    # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
    # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
    # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
    for customer_conversion_goal in customer_conversion_goals:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_conversion_goal = (

        campaign_conversion_goal.resource_name = (
        # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
        # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
        # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
        # Note:
        #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
        #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
        #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
        #     shows only one.
        if (
            == client.enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.PURCHASE
            and customer_conversion_goal["origin"]
            == client.enums.ConversionOriginEnum.WEBSITE
            biddable = True
            biddable = False
        campaign_conversion_goal.biddable = biddable
        field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(
            None, campaign_conversion_goal._pb

    return operations
def _get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id)
  query = <<~EOD
    FROM customer_conversion_goal

  customer_conversion_goals = []

  ga_service = client.service.google_ads
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # instead of search_stream.
  response =
      customer_id: customer_id,
      query: query,

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  response.each do |row|
    customer_conversion_goals << {
        "category" => row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
        "origin" => row.customer_conversion_goal.origin


def create_conversion_goal_operations(client, customer_id, customer_conversion_goals)
  campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.service.campaign_conversion_goal

  operations = []

  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
  # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
  # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
  customer_conversion_goals.each do |customer_conversion_goal|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
        m.campaign_conversion_goal_operation = client.operation.campaign_conversion_goal do |op|
          op.update = client.resource.campaign_conversion_goal do |ccg|
              ccg.resource_name = client.path.campaign_conversion_goal(
              # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
              # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
              # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
              # Note:
              #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
              #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
              #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
              #     shows only one.
              ccg.biddable = (customer_conversion_goal["category"] == :PURCHASE &&
                  customer_conversion_goal["origin"] == :WEBSITE)
          op.update_mask = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::FieldMaskUtil.all_set_fields_of(op.update)

sub get_customer_conversion_goals {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  my $customer_conversion_goals = [];
  # Create a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
  my $query =
    "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
    . "FROM customer_conversion_goal";
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # GoogleAdsService->search() method instead of search_stream().
  my $search_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->search({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    query      => $query

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  foreach my $google_ads_row (@{$search_response->{results}}) {
    push @$customer_conversion_goals,
      category => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{category},
      origin   => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{origin}};

  return $customer_conversion_goals;

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
sub create_conversion_goal_operations {
  my ($customer_id, $customer_conversion_goals) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of
  # each of the customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal
  # is biddable in this campaign.
  foreach my $customer_conversion_goal (@$customer_conversion_goals) {
    my $campaign_conversion_goal =
        resourceName =>
    # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
    # Set biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
    # Set biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
    # Note:
    #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
    #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
    #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
    #     shows only one.
    if ( $customer_conversion_goal->{category} eq PURCHASE
      && $customer_conversion_goal->{origin} eq WEBSITE)
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "true";
    } else {
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "false";

    push @$operations,
        campaignConversionGoalOperation =>
            update => $campaign_conversion_goal,
            # Set the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be
            # a list of all the fields that were set on the update object.
            updateMask => all_set_fields_of($campaign_conversion_goal)})});

  return $operations;

Rapports Shopping

Utilisez shopping_performance_view pour récupérer les métriques résumées par segments de produits tels que segments.product_item_id.

FROM shopping_performance_view
  campaign.advertising_channel_type = 'PERFORMANCE_MAX'
  AND metrics.clicks > 0
  metrics.all_conversions DESC,
  metrics.conversions DESC,
  metrics.clicks DESC,
  metrics.cost_micros DESC,
  metrics.impressions DESC

Utilisez asset_group_product_group_view pour récupérer des métriques telles que les clics, les conversions et les impressions du groupe d'annonces associé à ce groupe de composants.

Annonces pour des véhicules

Les annonceurs peuvent utiliser des annonces de véhicules pour promouvoir leur inventaire de véhicules en important un flux de données sur les véhicules dans Merchant Center, puis en utilisant des campagnes Performance Max avec des flux de véhicules pour gérer les annonces.

Pour créer une campagne Performance Max avec un flux de véhicules à l'aide de l'API Google Ads, suivez la procédure de création d'une campagne pour le commerce, puis définissez la valeur listing_type de la campagne sur VEHICLES.