Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage

Les campagnes Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage vous permettent de créer des annonces pour des établissements hôteliers qui sont diffusées sur les canaux Google tels que le Réseau de Recherche, Display, Vidéo et Discover. Vous bénéficiez également d'une répartition automatique du budget sur les canaux, de l'extension d'URL finale, d'une couverture publicitaire accrue sur le Réseau de Recherche et de suggestions de composants à créer en tant que groupe de composants pour chaque établissement hôtelier.

Contrairement aux annonces pour les hôtels, vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir accès à un compte Hotel Center pour utiliser Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage.

Créer une campagne Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage

Pour créer une campagne Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage, procédez comme suit:

  1. Créez un ensemble d'assets, des composants pour tous vos établissements hôteliers et des composants d'ensemble d'assets pour associer l'ensemble d'assets et les composants créés.
  2. (Recommandé) Obtenez des suggestions de composants que vous pouvez utiliser pour créer un groupe de composants.
  3. Créez une campagne Performance Max à l'aide de l'ensemble d'assets et des composants suggérés.

Créer des entités d'éléments pour vos établissements hôteliers

  1. Créez un ensemble d'assets d'établissement hôtelier de type HOTEL_PROPERTY en définissant AssetSet.type sur AssetSetType.HOTEL_PROPERTY. Vous utiliserez le nom de la ressource de l'asset créé dans les étapes suivantes.

    private String createHotelAssetSet(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
      // Creates an asset set operation for a hotel property asset set.
      AssetSetOperation assetSetOperation =
                          "My Hotel propery asset set #" + CodeSampleHelper.getPrintableDateTime())
      try (AssetSetServiceClient assetSetServiceClient =
          googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAssetSetServiceClient()) {
        MutateAssetSetsResponse mutateAssetSetsResponse =
                Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(assetSetOperation));
        String assetSetResourceName = mutateAssetSetsResponse.getResults(0).getResourceName();
        System.out.printf("Created an asset set with resource name: '%s'%n", assetSetResourceName);
        return assetSetResourceName;
    private string CreateHotelAssetSet(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
        AssetSetOperation operation = new AssetSetOperation()
            Create = new AssetSet {
                Name = "My Hotel property asset set #" + ExampleUtilities.GetRandomString(),
                Type = AssetSetType.HotelProperty
        AssetSetServiceClient assetSetService = client.GetService(Services.V19.AssetSetService);
        MutateAssetSetsResponse response = assetSetService.MutateAssetSets(
            new List<AssetSetOperation> { operation }
        string assetResourceName = response.Results[0].ResourceName;
        Console.WriteLine($"Created an asset set with resource name: {assetResourceName}");
        return assetResourceName;
    private static function createHotelAssetSet(
        GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
        int $customerId
    ): string {
        // Creates an asset set operation for a hotel property asset set.
        $assetSetOperation = new AssetSetOperation([
            // Creates a hotel property asset set.
            'create' => new AssetSet([
                'name' => 'My Hotel propery asset set #' . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
                'type' => AssetSetType::HOTEL_PROPERTY
        // Issues a mutate request to add a hotel asset set and prints its information.
        $assetSetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAssetSetServiceClient();
        $response = $assetSetServiceClient->mutateAssetSets(
            MutateAssetSetsRequest::build($customerId, [$assetSetOperation])
        $assetSetResourceName = $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
        printf("Created an asset set with resource name: '%s'.%s", $assetSetResourceName, PHP_EOL);
        return $assetSetResourceName;
    def create_hotel_asset_set(client, customer_id):
        """Creates a hotel property asset set.
            client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
            customer_id: a client customer ID.
            the created hotel property asset set's resource name.
        # Creates an asset set operation for a hotel property asset set.
        operation = client.get_type("AssetSetOperation")
        # Creates a hotel property asset set.
        asset_set = operation.create = f"My hotel property asset set #{get_printable_datetime()}"
        asset_set.type_ = client.enums.AssetSetTypeEnum.HOTEL_PROPERTY
        # Issues a mutate request to add a hotel asset set.
        asset_set_service = client.get_service("AssetSetService")
        response = asset_set_service.mutate_asset_sets(
            customer_id=customer_id, operations=[operation]
        resource_name = response.results[0].resource_name
        print(f"Created an asset set with resource name: '{resource_name}'")
        return resource_name
    # Creates a hotel property asset set.
    def create_hotel_asset_set(client, customer_id)
      operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.asset_set do |asset_set|
 = "My Hotel propery asset set #{}"
          asset_set.type = :HOTEL_PROPERTY
      # Sends the mutate request.
      response =
          customer_id: customer_id,
          operations: [operation]
      # Prints some information about the response.
    sub create_hotel_asset_set {
      my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;
      my $asset_set_operation =
          # Creates a hotel property asset set.
          create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetSet->new({
              name => 'My Hotel propery asset set #' . uniqid(),
              type => HOTEL_PROPERTY
      # Issues a mutate request to add a hotel asset set and prints its information.
      my $response = $api_client->AssetSetService()->mutate({
          customerId => $customer_id,
          operations => [$asset_set_operation]});
      my $asset_set_resource_name = $response->{results}[0]{resourceName};
      printf "Created an asset set with resource name: '%s'.\n",
      return $asset_set_resource_name;

  2. Pour chacun de vos établissements hôteliers, procédez comme suit:

    1. Créez un élément en définissant Asset.hotel_property_asset sur un objet HotelPropertyAsset.

      Par souci de simplicité, notre exemple de code ne crée qu'un seul composant d'établissement hôtelier.

    2. Définissez place_id de l'objet HotelPropertyAsset créé sur l'ID de lieu de l'établissement hôtelier. L'ID de lieu est un identifiant unique qui identifie un lieu sur Google Maps. Vous pouvez rechercher votre propriété à l'aide du outil de recherche d'ID de lieu.

    3. Créez un composant Ensemble d'assets pour associer l'ensemble d'assets ci-dessus au composant en créant un AssetSetAsset et en définissant son asset_set sur le nom de la ressource de l'ensemble d'assets créé, et asset sur le nom de la ressource du composant d'établissement hôtelier créé.

    private String createHotelAsset(
        GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
        long customerId,
        String placeId,
        String hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName) {
      // Uses the GoogleAdService to create an asset and asset set asset in a single request.
      List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
      String assetResourceName = ResourceNames.asset(customerId, ASSET_TEMPORARY_ID);
      // Creates a mutate operation for a hotel property asset.
      Asset hotelPropertyAsset =
      // Creates a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
      AssetSetAsset assetSetAsset =
      // Issues a mutate request to create all entities.
      try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
          googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
        MutateGoogleAdsResponse mutateGoogleAdsResponse =
            googleAdsServiceClient.mutate(Long.toString(customerId), mutateOperations);
        System.out.println("Created the following entities for the hotel asset:");
        // Returns the created asset resource name, which will be used later to create an asset
        // group. Other resource names are not used later.
        return mutateGoogleAdsResponse
    private string CreateHotelAsset(
        GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, string placeId,
        string hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName)
        // Uses the GoogleAdService to create an asset and asset set asset in a single request.
        List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new List<MutateOperation>();
        string assetResourceName = ResourceNames.Asset(customerId, ASSET_TEMPORARY_ID);
        // Creates a mutate operation for a hotel property asset.
        Asset hotelPropertyAsset = new Asset()
            ResourceName = assetResourceName,
            HotelPropertyAsset = new HotelPropertyAsset
                PlaceId = placeId
        mutateOperations.Add(new MutateOperation
            AssetOperation = new AssetOperation
               Create = hotelPropertyAsset
        // Creates a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
        AssetSetAsset assetSetAsset = new AssetSetAsset
            Asset = assetResourceName,
            AssetSet = hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName
        mutateOperations.Add(new MutateOperation
            AssetSetAssetOperation = new AssetSetAssetOperation
                Create = assetSetAsset
        // Issues a mutate request to create all entities.
        GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
        MutateGoogleAdsResponse response =
            googleAdsServiceClient.Mutate(customerId.ToString(), mutateOperations);
        Console.WriteLine("Created the following entities for the hotel asset:");
        return response.MutateOperationResponses[0].AssetResult.ResourceName;
    private static function createHotelAsset(
        GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
        int $customerId,
        string $placeId,
        string $assetSetResourceName
    ): string {
        // We use the GoogleAdService to create an asset and asset set asset in a single
        // request.
        $operations = [];
        $assetResourceName =
            ResourceNames::forAsset($customerId, self::ASSET_TEMPORARY_ID);
        // Creates a mutate operation for a hotel property asset.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_operation' => new AssetOperation([
                // Creates a hotel property asset.
                'create' => new Asset([
                    'resource_name' => $assetResourceName,
                    // Creates a hotel property asset for the place ID.
                    'hotel_property_asset' => new HotelPropertyAsset(['place_id' => $placeId]),
        // Creates a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'asset_set_asset_operation' => new AssetSetAssetOperation([
                // Creates an asset set asset.
                'create' => new AssetSetAsset([
                    'asset' => $assetResourceName,
                    'asset_set' => $assetSetResourceName
        // Issues a mutate request to create all entities.
        $googleAdsService = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
        /** @var MutateGoogleAdsResponse $mutateGoogleAdsResponse */
        $mutateGoogleAdsResponse =
            $googleAdsService->mutate(MutateGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $operations));
        print "Created the following entities for the hotel asset:" . PHP_EOL;
        // Returns the created asset resource name, which will be used later to create an asset
        // group. Other resource names are not used later.
        return $mutateGoogleAdsResponse->getMutateOperationResponses()[0]->getAssetResult()
    def create_hotel_asset(client, customer_id, place_id, asset_set_resource_name):
        """Creates a hotel property asset using the specified place ID.
        The place ID must belong to a hotel property. Then, links it to the
        specified asset set.
            client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
            customer_id: a client customer ID.
            place_id: a place ID identifying a place in the Google Places database.
            asset_set_resource_name: an asset set resource name
            the created hotel property asset's resource name.
        # We use the GoogleAdService to create an asset and asset set asset in a
        # single request.
        googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
        asset_resource_name = googleads_service.asset_path(
            customer_id, ASSET_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Creates a mutate operation for a hotel property asset.
        asset_mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        # Creates a hotel property asset.
        asset = asset_mutate_operation.asset_operation.create
        asset.resource_name = asset_resource_name
        # Creates a hotel property asset for the place ID.
        asset.hotel_property_asset.place_id = place_id
        # Creates a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
        asset_set_asset_mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        # Creates an asset set asset.
        asset_set_asset = (
        asset_set_asset.asset = asset_resource_name
        asset_set_asset.asset_set = asset_set_resource_name
        # Issues a mutate request to create all entities.
        response = googleads_service.mutate(
        print("Created the following entities for the hotel asset:")
        return response.mutate_operation_responses[0].asset_result.resource_name
    # Creates a hotel property asset using the specified place ID.
    # The place ID must belong to a hotel property. Then, links it to the
    # specified asset set.
    # See to search for a
    # hotel place ID.
    def create_hotel_asset(
      asset_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.asset do |asset|
 = 'Ad Media Bundle'
          asset.hotel_property_asset =
            client.resource.hotel_property_asset do |hotel_asset|
              hotel_asset.place_id = place_id
      # Send the mutate request.
      response =
          customer_id: customer_id,
          operations: [asset_operation]
      asset_resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
      # Creates a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
      asset_set_asset_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.asset_set_asset do |asa|
          asa.asset = asset_resource_name
          asa.asset_set = hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name
      # Sends the mutate request.
      response =
          customer_id: customer_id,
          operations: [asset_set_asset_operation]
    sub create_hotel_asset {
      my ($api_client, $customer_id, $place_id, $asset_set_resource_name) = @_;
      # We use the GoogleAdService to create an asset and asset set asset in a single request.
      my $operations = [];
      my $asset_resource_name =
      # Create a mutate operation for a hotel property asset.
      push @$operations,
          assetOperation =>
              create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Asset->new({
                  resourceName       => $asset_resource_name,
                  hotelPropertyAsset =>
                      placeId => $place_id
      # Create a mutate operation for an asset set asset.
      push @$operations,
          assetSetAssetOperation =>
              create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AssetSetAsset->new({
                  asset    => $asset_resource_name,
                  assetSet => $asset_set_resource_name
      # Issue a mutate request to create all entities.
      my $mutate_google_ads_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->mutate({
        customerId       => $customer_id,
        mutateOperations => $operations
      printf "Created the following entities for the hotel asset:\n";
      # Return the created asset resource name, which will be used later to create an asset
      # group. Other resource names are not used later.
      return $mutate_google_ads_response->{mutateOperationResponses}[0]

Obtenir des suggestions d'assets à utiliser pour créer un groupe de composants

Vous pouvez utiliser TravelAssetSugestionService.SuggestTravelAssets pour obtenir des suggestions de composants pour vos établissements hôteliers. Une fois que vous avez reçu les suggestions, vous pouvez les utiliser pour créer des composants dans le groupe de composants à l'étape suivante.

private HotelAssetSuggestion getHotelAssetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, String placeId) {

  try (TravelAssetSuggestionServiceClient travelAssetSuggestionServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createTravelAssetSuggestionServiceClient()) {
    // Sends a request to suggest assets to be created as an asset group for the Performance Max
    // for travel goals campaign.
    SuggestTravelAssetsResponse suggestTravelAssetsResponse =
                // Uses 'en-US' as an example. It can be any language specifications in BCP 47
                // format.
                // The service accepts several place IDs. We use only one here for demonstration.
    System.out.printf("Fetched a hotel asset suggestion for the place ID '%s'.%n", placeId);
    return suggestTravelAssetsResponse.getHotelAssetSuggestions(0);
private HotelAssetSuggestion GetHotelAssetSuggestion(GoogleAdsClient client,
    long customerId, string placeId)
    // Get the TravelAssetSuggestionService client.
    TravelAssetSuggestionServiceClient travelAssetSuggestionService =

    SuggestTravelAssetsRequest request = new SuggestTravelAssetsRequest
        CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
        LanguageOption = "en-US",


    SuggestTravelAssetsResponse response = travelAssetSuggestionService.SuggestTravelAssets(

    Console.WriteLine($"Fetched a hotel asset suggestion for the place ID {placeId}");
    return response.HotelAssetSuggestions[0];
private static function getHotelAssetSuggestion(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    string $placeId
): HotelAssetSuggestion {
    // Send a request to suggest assets to be created as an asset group for the Performance Max
    // for travel goals campaign.
    $travelAssetSuggestionServiceClient =
    // Uses 'en-US' as an example. It can be any language specifications in BCP 47 format.
    $request = SuggestTravelAssetsRequest::build($customerId, 'en-US');
    // The service accepts several place IDs. We use only one here for demonstration.
    $response = $travelAssetSuggestionServiceClient->suggestTravelAssets($request);
    printf("Fetched a hotel asset suggestion for the place ID '%s'.%s", $placeId, PHP_EOL);
    return $response->getHotelAssetSuggestions()[0];
def get_hotel_asset_suggestion(client, customer_id, place_id):
    """Returns hotel asset suggestion from TravelAssetsSuggestionService.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        place_id: a place ID identifying a place in the Google Places database.
    request = client.get_type("SuggestTravelAssetsRequest")
    request.customer_id = customer_id
    # Uses 'en-US' as an example. It can be any language specifications in
    # BCP 47 format.
    request.language_option = "en-US"
    # In this example we only use a single place ID for the purpose of
    # demonstration, but it's possible to append more than one here if needed.
    # Send a request to suggest assets to be created as an asset group for the
    # Performance Max for travel goals campaign.
    travel_asset_suggestion_service = client.get_service(
    response = travel_asset_suggestion_service.suggest_travel_assets(
    print(f"Fetched a hotel asset suggestion for the place ID: '{place_id}'.")

    # Since we sent a single operation in the request, it's guaranteed that
    # there will only be a single item in the response.
    return response.hotel_asset_suggestions[0]
def get_hotel_asset_suggestion(client, customer_id, place_id)
  response =
      customer_id: customer_id,
      language_option: 'en-US',
      place_ids: [place_id]

sub get_hotel_asset_suggestion {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $place_id) = @_;

  # Send a request to suggest assets to be created as an asset group for the Performance Max
  # for travel goals campaign.
  my $suggest_travel_assets_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      # Uses 'en-US' as an example. It can be any language specifications in BCP 47 format.
      languageOption => 'en-US',
      # The service accepts several place IDs. We use only one here for demonstration.
      placeIds => [$place_id],

  printf "Fetched a hotel asset suggestion for the place ID '%s'.\n", $place_id;
  return $suggest_travel_assets_response->{hotelAssetSuggestions}[0];

Mises en garde

  • Cette méthode fonctionne de manière optimale, mais vous ne recevrez peut-être pas de suggestions.
  • Il est possible que le service ne renvoie pas tous les composants requis pour créer un groupe de composants. Dans ce cas, créez vos propres composants pour répondre aux exigences.

Créer une campagne Performance Max à l'aide de l'ensemble d'assets et des composants suggérés

Comme il s'agit d'un sous-type de campagne Performance Max, il est soumis aux exigences et restrictions de base de Performance Max, comme les exigences minimales concernant les composants et l'obligation que le budget de la campagne ne puisse pas être partagé.

En général, vous pouvez suivre la plupart des étapes pour créer une campagne Performance Max. Les différences à noter sont les suivantes:

  • Lorsque vous créez une campagne, vous devez également spécifier le Campaign.hotel_property_asset_set au nom de la ressource de l'ensemble d'assets créé à l'première étape.

    private MutateOperation createCampaignOperation(
        long customerId, String hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName) {
      Campaign performanceMaxCampaign =
              .setName("Performance Max for travel goals campaign #" + getPrintableDateTime())
              // Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
              // the mutate request that should have its status set.
              // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
              // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
              // To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set
              // `hotel_property_asset_set`.
              // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
              // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
              // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
              // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
              // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
              // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
              // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
              // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
              // article:
              // A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
              // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
              .setResourceName(ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID))
              // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
              .setCampaignBudget(ResourceNames.campaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID))
              // Optional fields.
              .setStartDate(new DateTime().plusDays(1).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
              .setEndDate(new DateTime().plusDays(365).toString("yyyyMMdd"))
      return MutateOperation.newBuilder()
    private MutateOperation CreateCampaignOperation(long customerId,
        string hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName)
        Campaign performanceMaxCampaign = new Campaign
            Name = "Performance Max for travel goals campaign #" +
            // Sets the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
            // the mutate request that should have its status set.
            Status = CampaignStatus.Paused,
            // All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
            // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
            AdvertisingChannelType = AdvertisingChannelType.PerformanceMax,
            // To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set
            // `hotel_property_asset_set`.
            HotelPropertyAssetSet = hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName,
            // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
            // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
            // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
            // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
            // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
            // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
            // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
            // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
            // article:
            // A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
            MaximizeConversionValue = new MaximizeConversionValue
                TargetRoas = 3.5
            // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
            ResourceName = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID),
            // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
            CampaignBudget = ResourceNames.CampaignBudget(customerId, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)
        return new MutateOperation
            CampaignOperation = new CampaignOperation
                Create = performanceMaxCampaign
    private static function createCampaignOperation(
        int $customerId,
        string $hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName
    ): MutateOperation {
        // Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign.
        return new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_operation' => new CampaignOperation([
                'create' => new Campaign([
                    'name' => 'Performance Max for travel goals campaign #'
                        . Helper::getPrintableDatetime(),
                    // Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
                    'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaign(
                    // Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
                    'campaign_budget' => ResourceNames::forCampaignBudget(
                    // The campaign is the only entity in the mutate request that should have its
                    // status set.
                    // Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
                    // the ads from immediately serving.
                    'status' => CampaignStatus::PAUSED,
                    // Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
                    // PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
                    'advertising_channel_type' => AdvertisingChannelType::PERFORMANCE_MAX,
                    // To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set
                    // `hotel_property_asset_set`.
                    'hotel_property_asset_set' => $hotelPropertyAssetSetResourceName,
                    // Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
                    // Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
                    // Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
                    // supported for Performance Max campaigns.
                    // An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
                    // maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
                    // the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                    // For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
                    // article:
                    // A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                    'maximize_conversion_value' => new MaximizeConversionValue([
                        'target_roas' => 3.5
    def create_campaign_operation(
        client, customer_id, hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name
        """Creates a mutate operation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
        Links the specified hotel property asset set to this campaign.
        A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign budget so that it can be
        referenced by other objects being created in the same mutate request.
            client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
            customer_id: a client customer ID.
            hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name: the resource name for a hotel
                property asset set.
            a MutateOperation message that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
        googleads_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
        # Creates a mutate operation that creates a campaign.
        operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign = operation.campaign_operation.create = (
            f"Performance Max for travel goals campaign #{get_printable_datetime}"
        # Assigns the resource name with a temporary ID.
        campaign.resource_name = googleads_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
        # Sets the budget using the given budget resource name.
        campaign.campaign_budget = googleads_service.campaign_budget_path(
            customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
        # The campaign is the only entity in the mutate request that should have its
        # status set.
        # Recommendation: Set the campaign to PAUSED when creating it to prevent
        # the ads from immediately serving.
        campaign.status = client.enums.CampaignStatusEnum.PAUSED
        # Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
        # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
        campaign.advertising_channel_type = (
        # To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set
        # the `hotel_property_asset_set` field.
        campaign.hotel_property_asset_set = hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name
        # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
        # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
        # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
        # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
        # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
        # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
        # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
        # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
        # article:
        # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
        campaign.maximize_conversion_value.target_roas = 3.5
        return operation
    # Creates a MutateOperation that creates a new Performance Max campaign.
    # A temporary ID will be assigned to this campaign so that it can
    # be referenced by other objects being created in the same Mutate request.
    def create_performance_max_campaign_operation(
      client.operation.mutate do |m|
        m.campaign_operation =
          client.operation.create_resource.campaign do |c|
   = "Performance Max for Travel Goals #{SecureRandom.uuid}"
            # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
            # the mutate request that should have its status set.
            c.status = :PAUSED
            # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertising_channel_type of
            # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertising_channel_sub_type should not be set.
            c.advertising_channel_type = :PERFORMANCE_MAX
            # To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set hotel_property_asset_set
            c.hotel_property_asset_set = hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name
            # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
            # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
            # Max Conversion and Maximize Conversion Value are the only strategies
            # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
            # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
            # maximize_conversion_value. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio
            # in the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
            # For more information on Maximize Conversion Value, see the support
            # article:
            # A target_roas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
            c.bidding_strategy_type = :MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE
            c.maximize_conversion_value =
              client.resource.maximize_conversion_value do |mcv|
                mcv.target_roas = 3.5
            # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
            c.resource_name =
            # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
            c.campaign_budget =
              client.path.campaign_budget(customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID)
    sub create_campaign_operation {
      my ($customer_id, $hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name) = @_;
      # Create a mutate operation that creates a campaign operation.
          campaignOperation =>
              create => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Campaign->new({
                  # Assign the resource name with a temporary ID.
                  resourceName =>
                    $customer_id, CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID
                  name => "Performance Max for travel goals campaign #'" . uniqid(),
                  # Set the budget using the given budget resource name.
                  campaignBudget =>
                    $customer_id, BUDGET_TEMPORARY_ID
                  # Set the campaign status as PAUSED. The campaign is the only entity in
                  # the mutate request that should have its status set.
                  status =>
                  # All Performance Max campaigns have an advertisingChannelType of
                  # PERFORMANCE_MAX. The advertisingChannelSubType should not be set.
                  advertisingChannelType => PERFORMANCE_MAX,
                  # To create a Performance Max for travel goals campaign, you need to set
                  # `hotelPropertyAssetSet`.
                  hotelPropertyAssetSet => $hotel_property_asset_set_resource_name,
                  # Bidding strategy must be set directly on the campaign.
                  # Setting a portfolio bidding strategy by resource name is not supported.
                  # Max Conversion and Max Conversion Value are the only strategies
                  # supported for Performance Max campaigns.
                  # An optional ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) can be set for
                  # maximizeConversionValue. The ROAS value must be specified as a ratio in
                  # the API. It is calculated by dividing "total value" by "total spend".
                  # For more information on Max Conversion Value, see the support article:
                  # A targetRoas of 3.5 corresponds to a 350% return on ad spend.
                  maximizeConversionValue =>
                      targetRoas => 3.5

  • Au lieu de créer un groupe de composants à partir de zéro, vous pouvez désormais utiliser la suggestion de TravelAssetSugestionService.SuggestTravelAssets lors de la création du groupe de composants. Si les composants suggérés ne suffisent pas, vous devez en ajouter d'autres pour répondre aux exigences minimales concernant les composants de Performance Max.

  • Pour utiliser Performance Max pour les objectifs de voyage, vous devez associer tous les composants d'établissement hôtelier au groupe d'assets que vous créez. Sans ces associations, la campagne sera une campagne Performance Max classique.

    // Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group. In the real-world
    // scenario, you'd need to do this step several times for each hotel property asset.
    AssetGroupAsset hotelProperyAssetGroupAsset =
    // Adds an operation to link the hotel property asset to the asset group.
    // Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group. In the
    // real-world scenario, you'd need to do this step several times for each hotel property
    // asset.
    AssetGroupAsset hotelPropertyAssetGroupAsset = new AssetGroupAsset
        Asset = hotelPropertyAssetResourceName,
        AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,
        FieldType = AssetFieldType.HotelProperty
    // Adds an operation to link the hotel property asset to the asset group.
    mutateOperations.Add(new MutateOperation
        AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation
            Create = hotelPropertyAssetGroupAsset
    // Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group. In the real-world
    // scenario, you'd need to do this step several times for each hotel property asset.
    $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
        'asset_group_asset_operation' => new AssetGroupAssetOperation([
            'create' => new AssetGroupAsset([
                'asset' => $hotelPropertyAssetResourceName,
                'asset_group' => $assetGroupResourceName,
                'field_type' => AssetFieldType::HOTEL_PROPERTY
    # Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group. If
    # there are multiple assets, these steps to create a new operation need to
    # be performed for each asset.
    asset_group_asset_mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
    asset_group_asset = (
    asset_group_asset.asset = hotel_property_asset_resource_name
    asset_group_asset.asset_group = asset_group_resource_name
    asset_group_asset.field_type = (
    # Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group.
    # In the real-world scenario, you'd need to do this step several times for
    # each hotel property asset.
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
      m.asset_group_asset_operation =
        client.operation.create_resource.asset_group_asset do |aga|
          aga.field_type = :HOTEL_PROPERTY
          aga.asset_group =
            client.path.asset_group(customer_id, ASSET_GROUP_TEMPORARY_ID)
          aga.asset = hotel_property_asset_resource_name
    # Link the previously created hotel property asset to the asset group. In the real-world
    # scenario, you'd need to do this step several times for each hotel property asset.
    push @$operations,
        assetGroupAssetOperation =>
            create =>
                asset      => $hotel_property_asset_resource_name,
                assetGroup => $asset_group_resource_name,
                fieldType  => HOTEL_PROPERTY