Google Slides

Tạo bản trình bày mới

function createPresentation() {
var presentation =
Slides.Presentations.create({"title": "MyNewPresentation"});
.log("Created presentation with ID: " + presentation.presentationId);

Tạo trang trình bày mới

function createSlide(presentationId) {
// You can specify the ID to use for the slide, as long as it's unique.
var pageId = Utilities.getUuid();

var requests = [{
"createSlide": {
"objectId": pageId,
"insertionIndex": 1,
"slideLayoutReference": {
"predefinedLayout": "TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNS"
var slide =
Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationId);
.log("Created Slide with ID: " + slide.replies[0].createSlide.objectId);

Đọc ID đối tượng phần tử trang

function readPageElementIds(presentationId, pageId) {
// You can use a field mask to limit the data the API retrieves
// in a get request, or what fields are updated in an batchUpdate.
var response = Slides.Presentations.Pages.get(
, pageId, {"fields": "pageElements.objectId"});

Thêm hộp văn bản mới

function addTextBox(presentationId, pageId) {
// You can specify the ID to use for elements you create,
// as long as the ID is unique.
var pageElementId = Utilities.getUuid();

var requests = [{
"createShape": {
"objectId": pageElementId,
"shapeType": "TEXT_BOX",
"elementProperties": {
"pageObjectId": pageId,
"size": {
"width": {
"magnitude": 150,
"unit": "PT"
"height": {
"magnitude": 50,
"unit": "PT"
"transform": {
"scaleX": 1,
"scaleY": 1,
"translateX": 200,
"translateY": 100,
"unit": "PT"
}, {
"insertText": {
"objectId": pageElementId,
"text": "My Added Text Box",
"insertionIndex": 0
var response =
Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationId);
.log("Created Textbox with ID: " +

Định dạng văn bản cho hình dạng

function formatShapeText(presentationId, shapeId) {
var requests = [{
"updateTextStyle": {
"objectId": shapeId,
"fields": "foregroundColor,bold,italic,fontFamily,fontSize,underline",
"style": {
"foregroundColor": {
"opaqueColor": {
"themeColor": "ACCENT5"
"bold": true,
"italic": true,
"underline": true,
"fontFamily": "Corsiva",
"fontSize": {
"magnitude": 18,
"unit": "PT"
"textRange": {
"type": "ALL"
var response =
Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationId);