פיד מבצעים

הגדרת FeedFeed

message OffersFeed {
Offer data = 1;

הגדרת מבצעים

// Definition of offers provided by merchants for their services.
Offer {

// An opaque string from an aggregator partner which uniquely identifies a
// merchant. (required)
// This merchant_id should match with the merchant_ids sent as part of
// Merchant feed/Real Time Update (RTU).
string merchant_id = 1;

// An opaque string from an aggregator partner to identify a service of the
// merchant where this offer applies.
string service_id = 3;

// An opaque string from an aggregator partner to uniquely identify an offer.
// (required)
string offer_id = 4;

// One sentence unlocalized, unstructured offer title (eg. 10% off food and
// drink). (required)
string unlocalized_title = 5;

// Url associated with the offer. It should point to the webpage where this
// offer is present in the most detailed way.
string url = 6;

// The image to be shown with the offer. The url should point directly to a
// specific image, which almost always ends with jpg, gif, png, or bmp, rather
// than pointing to an entire index or website.
// The image should be at least 250 pixels in both width and height.
string image_url = 7;

// The specific offer's Terms and Conditions displayed to user.
Terms terms = 8;

// True if the offer is only redeemable only by a restricted group of users
// (eg: paid members, certain credit card holders, etc.).
bool restricted_to_certain_users = 9;

// Valid_period and valid_time_of_week fields are used to specify the regular
// availability of the offer. Valid_period represents the overarching date
// range when the offer is valid, whereas valid_time_of_week fields represent
// the recurring weekly schedule.
// Then, valid_time_exception fields are used to represent special
// schdule for times where the offer has alternative availability than the
// regular schedule, such as special availability schedule during holidays.
// To illustrate the relationship among these fields, we consider
//   a time T is valid if and only if
//      T is in valid_period AND
//      ((T is in valid_time_of_week AND
//        (valid_time_exception is not specified OR
//         T is NOT in valid_time_exception)) OR
//       T is in valid_time_exception)

// TimeRange message is used to represent the overarching valid period of the
// offer. It is a closed-open time range in seconds of UTC time since Unix
// epoch. It should have the second of the date when the offer starts to be
// valid as the start, and the second of the date when the offer starts to be
// invalid as the end. Example: To specify that the offer is valid for the
// entire year of 2019,
//   valid_period { begin_sec: 1546300800 end_sec: 1577836800 }
// Note that because the valid period is closed-open, the end second is not
// considered as within the valid period of this offer.
// (required)
TimeRange valid_period = 10;

// This message stores the start and end time of a continuous valid time
// interval of the offer at a given day of the week. It is used to
// specify the recurrence availability of the offer on a weekly basis.
// This time interval is a closed-open interval, i.e. [start, end)
ValidTimeOfWeek {
// The day of week where the following valid time applies. (required)
enum DayOfWeek {
= 0;
= 1;
= 2;
= 3;
= 4;
= 5;
= 6;
= 7;
DayOfWeek day_of_week = 1;
// Start time (inclusive) of this offer valid time interval, using seconds
// from Midnight, in merchant's local timezone. Must be in the range
// [0,86400). (required)
    int64 start
= 2;
// End time (exclusive) of this offer valid time interval, using seconds
// from Midnight, in merchant's local timezone. Must be in the range
// (0,86400]. (required)
end = 3;
// The valid time of the offer in merchant's local timezone, specified with
// multiple continuous time intervals using the message above. For example, if
// an offer is valid on Mondays from 11:30-13:00 plus 16:00-20:00, and on
// Tuesdays from 12:00-23:00, you can specify the valid hours as follows:
//   valid_time_of_week { day_of_week: MON start: 41400 end: 46800 }
//   valid_time_of_week { day_of_week: MON start: 57600 end: 72000 }
//   valid_time_of_week { day_of_week: TUE start: 43200 end: 82800 }
// Note that it is a close-open interval. It means that the offer would be
// available for all booking slots whose start time is from, for example,
// Monday 11:30 up to the last starting time before 13:00, but the offer would
// not be available for the slot starting at Monday 13:00.
// If valid_time_of_week is not present, we consider the offer to be valid at
// all time within the valid_period time range specified above.
ValidTimeOfWeek valid_time_of_week = 11;

// This message represents the time periods when the offer has alternative
// availability schedule than the regular one, such as special schedule during
// holidays.
ValidTimeException {
// The overarching time range of the exception in the same format
// as the regular valid_period field above. It is a closed-open interval
// specifying when the expectional_time_of_week below would apply, replacing
// the regular valid_time_of_week schedule. (required)
TimeRange exceptional_period = 1;
// The weekly availability schedule to be applied for the time range
// specified in the exceptional period above. It should be in the same
// format as the regular valid_time_of_week field above. If not present, all
// times within the exceptional_period will be considered as valid for the
// offer.
ValidTimeOfWeek exceptional_time_of_week = 2;
// Exceptions to the regular recurring valid_time_of_week availability
// schedule. If set, any regular valid_time_of_week within this
// exceptional_period are ignored and replaced by the exceptional_time_of_week
// specified.
ValidTimeException valid_time_exception = 12;

// A number from 1-100 indicating the priority of the offer under the
// specified merchant and service. 1 is the most important and 100 is the
// least important. Offers with smaller priority numbers will be shown before
// offers with larger priority numbers when they are equally available.
  int64 priority
= 13;

הגדרת טווח זמן

// A closed-open time range, i.e. [begin_sec, end_sec)
TimeRange {
// Seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch (required)
  int64 begin_sec
= 1;
// Seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch (required)
  int64 end_sec
= 2;

הגדרת התנאים

// A set of rules and guidelines that are displayed to the
// user in order to make a booking through Reserve with Google.
Terms {
// The URL to the Terms and Conditions. (optional)
string url = 1;

// The unlocalized text to be displayed to the user. (required)
string unlocalized_text = 2;