Maps SDK for Android Usage and Billing

Maps SDK for Android requests generate calls to one of three SKUs, depending on the type of request.

SKU details and pricing for the Maps SDK for Android

The following table shows the SKU details and pricing for the Maps SDK for Android.

CategorySKU DetailsSKU Pricing
Essentials SKU: Maps SDK Main pricing list
India pricing list
Essentials SKU: Dynamic maps Main pricing list
India pricing list
Pro SKU: Dynamic Street View Main pricing list
India pricing list

Other usage limits

To review and manage your quotas and usage limits for the Maps SDK for Android, see Quotas and quota alerts.

All mobile usage of the Maps SDK for Android is unlimited, but you can set quota limits on Dynamic Street View requests through the Maps SDK for Android.

Terms of Use restrictions

For information on terms of use, see the License Restrictions section of the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.