


您必须先配置开发环境,然后才能试用该示例代码。如需了解详情,请参阅 Maps SDK for iOS 代码示例


import GoogleMaps
import UIKit

final class MarkerInfoWindowViewController: UIViewController {

  private let sydneyMarker = GMSMarker(
    position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: -33.8683, longitude: 151.2086))

  private let melbourneMarker = GMSMarker(
    position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: -37.81969, longitude: 144.966085))

  private let brisbaneMarker = GMSMarker(
    position: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: -27.4710107, longitude: 153.0234489))

  private lazy var contentView: UIImageView = {
    return UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "aeroplane"))

  override func loadView() {
    let cameraPosition = GMSCameraPosition(latitude: -37.81969, longitude: 144.966085, zoom: 4)
    let mapView = GMSMapView(frame: .zero, camera: cameraPosition)
    mapView.delegate = self
    view = mapView

    sydneyMarker.title = "Sydney"
    sydneyMarker.snippet = "Population: 4,605,992"
    sydneyMarker.map = mapView

    melbourneMarker.title = "Melbourne"
    melbourneMarker.snippet = "Population: 4,169,103"
    melbourneMarker.map = mapView

    brisbaneMarker.title = "Brisbane"
    brisbaneMarker.snippet = "Population: 2,189,878"
    brisbaneMarker.map = mapView

extension MarkerInfoWindowViewController: GMSMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, markerInfoWindow marker: GMSMarker) -> UIView? {
    if marker == sydneyMarker {
      return contentView
    return nil

  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, markerInfoContents marker: GMSMarker) -> UIView? {
    if marker == brisbaneMarker {
      return contentView
    return nil

  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didCloseInfoWindowOf marker: GMSMarker) {
    showToast(message: "Info window for marker \(marker.title ?? "") closed.")

  func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didLongPressInfoWindowOf marker: GMSMarker) {
    showToast(message: "Info window for marker \(marker.title ?? "") long pressed.")

extension UIViewController {
  func showToast(message: String) {
    let toast = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
      toast, animated: true,
      completion: {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(2)) {
          toast.dismiss(animated: true)
#import "GoogleMapsDemos/Samples/MarkerInfoWindowViewController.h"

#import "GoogleMapsDemos/UIViewController+GMSToastMessages.h"
#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>

@interface MarkerInfoWindowViewController () <GMSMapViewDelegate>


@implementation MarkerInfoWindowViewController {
  GMSMarker *_sydneyMarker;
  GMSMarker *_melbourneMarker;
  GMSMarker *_brisbaneMarker;
  UIView *_contentView;

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  [super viewDidLoad];
  GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:-37.81969
  GMSMapView *mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];

  _sydneyMarker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
  _sydneyMarker.title = @"Sydney";
  _sydneyMarker.snippet = @"Population: 4,605,992";
  _sydneyMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-33.8683, 151.2086);
  _sydneyMarker.map = mapView;
  NSLog(@"sydneyMarker: %@", _sydneyMarker);

  _melbourneMarker.map = nil;
  _melbourneMarker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
  _melbourneMarker.title = @"Melbourne";
  _melbourneMarker.snippet = @"Population: 4,169,103";
  _melbourneMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-37.81969, 144.966085);
  _melbourneMarker.map = mapView;
  NSLog(@"melbourneMarker: %@", _melbourneMarker);

  _brisbaneMarker.map = nil;
  _brisbaneMarker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
  _brisbaneMarker.title = @"Brisbane";
  _brisbaneMarker.snippet = @"Population: 2,189,878";
  _brisbaneMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-27.4710107, 153.0234489);
  _brisbaneMarker.map = mapView;
  NSLog(@"brisbaneMarker: %@", _brisbaneMarker);

  _contentView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"aeroplane"]];

  mapView.delegate = self;
  self.view = mapView;

#pragma mark GMSMapViewDelegate

- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {
  if (marker == _sydneyMarker) {
    return _contentView;
  return nil;

- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoContents:(GMSMarker *)marker {
  if (marker == _brisbaneMarker) {
    return _contentView;
  return nil;

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didCloseInfoWindowOfMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
  NSString *message =
      [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Info window for marker %@ closed.", marker.title];
  [self gms_showToastWithMessage:message];

- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didLongPressInfoWindowOfMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
  NSString *message =
      [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Info window for marker %@ long pressed.", marker.title];
  [self gms_showToastWithMessage:message];



Maps SDK for iOS 示例应用以下载归档文件的形式从 GitHub 提供。请按照以下步骤安装并试用 Maps SDK for iOS 示例应用。

  1. 运行 git clone https://github.com/googlemaps-samples/maps-sdk-for-ios-samples.git 以将示例代码库克隆到本地目录。
  2. 打开一个终端窗口,导航到您克隆示例文件的目录,然后展开 GoogleMaps 目录:

    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps-Swift
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsSwiftDemos.xcworkspace
    cd maps-sdk-for-ios-samples-main/GoogleMaps
    pod install
    open GoogleMapsDemos.xcworkspace
  3. 在 Xcode 中,按下“编译”按钮,使用当前方案构建应用。构建会产生错误,提示您在 Swift 的 SDKConstants.swift 文件或 Objective-C 的 SDKDemoAPIKey.h 文件中输入 API 密钥。
  4. 如果您还没有 API 密钥,请按照说明在 Google Cloud 控制台中设置项目并获取 API 密钥。在 Cloud 控制台中配置密钥时,您可以将密钥限制为示例应用的软件包标识符,以确保只有您的应用可以使用该密钥。SDK 示例应用的默认软件包标识符为 com.example.GoogleMapsDemos
  5. 针对 Swift 修改 SDKConstants.swift 文件,针对 Objective-C 修改 SDKDemoAPIKey.h 文件,然后将您的 API 密钥粘贴到 apiKeykAPIKey 常量的定义中。例如:
    static let apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
    static NSString *const kAPIKey = @"YOUR_API_KEY";
  6. SDKConstants.swift 文件 (Swift) 或 SDKDemoAPIKey.h 文件 (Objective-C) 中,移除以下行,因为它用于注册用户定义的问题:
    #error (Register for API Key and insert here. Then delete this line.)
    #error Register for API Key and insert here.
  7. 构建并运行项目。系统随即会显示 iOS 模拟器窗口,其中列出了 Maps SDK 演示版
  8. 选择显示的选项之一,以便试用 Maps SDK for iOS 的某项功能。
  9. 如果系统提示您允许 GoogleMapsDemos 访问您的位置信息,请选择允许