GMSFeatureLayer Class Reference

GMSFeatureLayer Class Reference


A class representing a collection of all features of the same GMSFeatureType, whose style can be overridden on the client.

Each GMSFeatureType will have one corresponding GMSFeatureLayer.

Inherited by GMSDatasetFeatureLayer.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithFeatureType:
 Create a feature layer instance for testing.


GMSFeatureType featureType
 The feature type associated with this layer.
BOOL available
 Determines if the data-driven GMSFeatureLayer is available.
GMSFeatureStyle *_Nullable(^)(T) style
 Styling block to be applied to all features in this layer.

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) initWithFeatureType: (GMSFeatureType featureType

Create a feature layer instance for testing.

This method should be used for your unit tests only. In production, GMSFeatureLayer instances should only be created by the SDK.

Property Documentation

- (GMSFeatureType) featureType [read, assign]

The feature type associated with this layer.

All features associated with the layer will be of this type.

- (BOOL) available [read, assign]

Determines if the data-driven GMSFeatureLayer is available.

Data-driven styling requires the Metal Framework, a valid map ID and that the feature type be applied. If NO, styling for the GMSFeatureLayer returns to the default and events are not triggered.

- (GMSFeatureStyle* _Nullable(^ style)(T)) [read, write, assign]

Styling block to be applied to all features in this layer.

The style block is applied to all visible features in the viewport when the setter is called, and is run multiple times for the subsequent features entering the viewport.

The function is required to be deterministic and return consistent results when it is applied over the map tiles. If any styling specs of any feature would be changed, style must be set again. Changing behavior of the style block without calling the style setter will result in undefined behavior, including stale and/or shattered map renderings. See the example below:

 var selectedPlaceIDs = Set<String>()
 var style = FeatureStyle(fill: .red, stroke: .clear, strokeWidth: 0) = { feature in
   selectedPlaceIDs.contains(feature.placeID) ? style : nil
 style = FeatureStyle(fill: .clear, stroke: .blue, strokeWidth: 1.5) = { feature in
   selectedPlaceIDs.contains(feature.placeID) ? style : nil