GMSMutableFeatureStyle Class Reference

GMSMutableFeatureStyle Class Reference


Mutable version of GMSFeatureStyle.

Inherits GMSFeatureStyle.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithFillColor:strokeColor:strokeWidth:
 Initializes a new style.
(instancetype) - init
 Initializes a default style.
(GMSFeatureStyle *) - copy
 Returns a copy of this style.
(GMSMutableFeatureStyle *) - mutableCopy
 Returns a mutable copy of this style.

Static Public Member Functions

(instancetype) + style
 Creates a new mutable style.
(instancetype) + styleWithFillColor:strokeColor:strokeWidth:
 Creates a new style.


UIColor * fillColor
UIColor * strokeColor
CGFloat strokeWidth
CGFloat pointRadius

Member Function Documentation

+ (instancetype) style

Creates a new mutable style.

+ (instancetype) styleWithFillColor: (nullable UIColor *)  fillColor
strokeColor: (nullable UIColor *)  strokeColor
strokeWidth: (CGFloat)  strokeWidth 

Creates a new style.

- (instancetype) initWithFillColor: (nullable UIColor *)  fillColor
strokeColor: (nullable UIColor *)  strokeColor
strokeWidth: (CGFloat)  strokeWidth 

Initializes a new style.

- (instancetype) init

Initializes a default style.

Returns a copy of this style.

Returns a mutable copy of this style.

Property Documentation

- (UIColor*) fillColor [read, write, copy]

Implements GMSFeatureStyle.

- (UIColor*) strokeColor [read, write, copy]

Implements GMSFeatureStyle.

- (CGFloat) strokeWidth [read, write, assign]

Implements GMSFeatureStyle.

- (CGFloat) pointRadius [read, write, assign]

Implements GMSFeatureStyle.