GMSPlaceFeature Class Reference

GMSPlaceFeature Class Reference


An interface representing a place feature (a feature with a Place ID).

Inherits <GMSFeature>.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithFeatureType:placeID:
 Create a feature layer instance for testing.
(GMSFeatureType) - featureType
 Type of this feature.


GMSFeatureType featureType
NSString * placeID

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) initWithFeatureType: (GMSFeatureType)  featureType
placeID: (NSString *)  placeID 

Create a feature layer instance for testing.

This method should be used for your unit tests only. In production, GMSPlaceFeature instances should only be created by the SDK.

- (GMSFeatureType) featureType

Type of this feature.

Property Documentation

- (GMSFeatureType) featureType [read, assign]
- (NSString*) placeID [read, assign]