Class List
The classes and protocols in the Google Maps SDK for iOS:
GMSAddress | A result from a reverse geocode request, containing a human-readable address |
GMSAdvancedMarker | An advanced marker is an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface |
GMSCALayer | GMSCALayer is a superclass used by layers in the Google Maps SDK for iOS, such as GMSMapLayer and GMSPanoramaLayer |
GMSCameraPosition | An immutable class that aggregates all camera position parameters |
GMSCameraUpdate | GMSCameraUpdate represents an update that may be applied to a GMSMapView |
GMSCircle | A circle on the Earth's surface (spherical cap) |
GMSCoordinateBounds | GMSCoordinateBounds represents a rectangular bounding box on the Earth's surface |
GMSDatasetFeature | An interface representing a feature from a dataset |
GMSDatasetFeatureLayer | An interface representing a feature layer for a dataset |
<GMSFeature> | An interface representing a feature's metadata |
GMSFeatureLayer | A class representing a collection of all features of the same GMSFeatureType , whose style can be overridden on the client |
GMSFeatureStyle | Specifies how a map feature should appear when displayed on a map |
GMSGeocoder | Exposes a service for reverse geocoding |
GMSGroundOverlay | GMSGroundOverlay specifies the available options for a ground overlay that exists on the Earth's surface |
GMSIndoorBuilding | Describes a building which contains levels |
GMSIndoorDisplay | Provides ability to observe or control the display of indoor level data |
<GMSIndoorDisplayDelegate> | Delegate for events on GMSIndoorDisplay |
GMSIndoorLevel | Describes a single level in a building |
GMSMapID | An opaque identifier for a custom map configuration |
GMSMapLayer | GMSMapLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSMapView |
GMSMapPoint | A point on the map |
GMSMapStyle | GMSMapStyle holds details about a style which can be applied to a map |
GMSMapView | This is the main class of the Google Maps SDK for iOS and is the entry point for all methods related to the map |
<GMSMapViewDelegate> | Delegate for events on GMSMapView |
GMSMapViewOptions | This class defines initialization-time options for GMSMapView |
GMSMarker | A marker is an icon placed at a particular point on the map's surface |
GMSMarkerLayer | GMSMarkerLayer is a subclass of GMSOverlayLayer, available on a per-marker basis, that allows animation of several properties of its associated GMSMarker |
GMSMutableCameraPosition | Mutable version of GMSCameraPosition |
GMSMutableFeatureStyle | Mutable version of GMSFeatureStyle |
GMSMutablePath | GMSMutablePath is a dynamic (resizable) array of CLLocationCoordinate2D |
GMSOrientation | GMSOrientation is a tuple of heading and pitch used to control the viewing direction of a GMSPanoramaCamera |
GMSOverlay | GMSOverlay is an abstract class that represents some overlay that may be attached to a specific GMSMapView |
GMSOverlayLayer | GMSOverlayLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, and an abstract baseclass for GMSOverlay layers that allow custom animations |
GMSPanorama | GMSPanorama represents metadata for a specific panorama on the Earth |
GMSPanoramaCamera | GMSPanoramaCamera is used to control the viewing direction of a GMSPanoramaView |
GMSPanoramaCameraUpdate | GMSPanoramaCameraUpdate represents an update that may be applied to a GMSPanoramaView |
GMSPanoramaLayer | GMSPanoramaLayer is a custom subclass of CALayer, provided as the layer class on GMSPanoramaView |
GMSPanoramaLink | Links from a GMSPanorama to neighboring panoramas |
GMSPanoramaService | GMSPanoramaService can be used to request panorama metadata even when a GMSPanoramaView is not active |
GMSPanoramaView | A panorama is used to display Street View imagery |
<GMSPanoramaViewDelegate> | Delegate for events on GMSPanoramaView |
GMSPath | GMSPath encapsulates an immutable array of CLLocationCooordinate2D |
GMSPinImage | Provides a custom pin image for an advanced marker |
GMSPinImageGlyph | Provides a custom pin image glyph for an advanced marker |
GMSPinImageOptions | Provides pin image customization for an advanced marker |
GMSPlaceFeature | An interface representing a place feature (a feature with a Place ID) |
GMSPolygon | GMSPolygon defines a polygon that appears on the map |
GMSPolygonLayer | GMSPolygonLayer is a subclass of GMSOverlayLayer, available on a per-polygon basis, that allows animation of several properties of its associated GMSPolygon |
GMSPolyline | GMSPolyline specifies the available options for a polyline that exists on the Earth's surface |
GMSProjection | Defines a mapping between Earth coordinates (CLLocationCoordinate2D) and coordinates in the map's view (CGPoint) |
GMSReverseGeocodeResponse | A collection of results from a reverse geocode request |
GMSServices | Service class for the Google Maps SDK for iOS |
GMSSpriteStyle | Describes the drawing style for a stamp image over a GMSStyleSpan |
GMSStampStyle | The abstract base class for polyline styles that draw a repeating image over a GMSStyleSpan |
GMSStrokeStyle | Describes the drawing style for one-dimensional entities such as polylines |
GMSStyleSpan | Describes the style for some region of a polyline |
GMSSyncTileLayer | GMSSyncTileLayer is an abstract subclass of GMSTileLayer that provides a sync interface to generate image tile data |
GMSTextureStyle | A polyline style that draws a repeating image over a GMSStyleSpan |
GMSTileLayer | GMSTileLayer is an abstract class that allows overlaying of custom image tiles on a specified GMSMapView |
<GMSTileReceiver> | GMSTileReceiver is provided to GMSTileLayer when a tile request is made, allowing the callback to be later (or immediately) invoked |
GMSUISettings | Settings for the user interface of a GMSMapView |
GMSURLTileLayer | GMSURLTileProvider fetches tiles based on the URLs returned from a GMSTileURLConstructor |
GMSVisibleRegion | GMSVisibleRegion contains the four points defining the polygon that is visible in a map's camera |