Delete vehicle

This document describes how to delete a vehicle. It assumes you have set up Fleet Engine. See Set up Fleet Engine.

Vehicle deletion basics

Your system may use Fleet Engine to delete a vehicle in the following situations:

  • To perform cleanup operations while testing Fleet Engine APIs.
  • To immediately delete a Vehicle that is no longer required.

To delete a vehicle, send a request using either gRPC or REST.

  • DeleteVehicle() method: gRPC or REST
  • DeleteVehicleRequest message: gRPC only

Use the appropriate credentials for the service account of your project as described in Fleet Engine: Service account roles.

Example: delete vehicle


The following example shows how to use the Java gRPC library to delete a vehicle.

  static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-delivery-co-gcp-project";
  static final String VEHICLE_ID = "vehicle-8241890";

  String vehicleName = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID + "/vehicles/" + VEHICLE_ID;

  VehicleServiceBlockingStub vehicleService = VehicleService.newBlockingStub(channel);

  // Delete Vehicle request
  DeleteVehicleRequest deleteVehicleRequest = DeleteVehicleRequest.newBuilder()

  try {
  } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
    Status s = e.getStatus();
    switch (s.getCode()) {
       case NOT_FOUND:            // The vehicle doesn't exist.
       case FAILED_PRECONDITION:  // There are trip(s) that reference vehicle.

The following example shows how to delete a vehicle from Fleet Engine using REST by making a call to DeleteVehicle.

  # DELETE<project_id>/vehicles/<vehicleId>
  # Set JWT, PROJECT_ID, and VEHICLE_ID in the local environment
  curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" \

If the delete operation is successful, the API returns an empty response.

Handle errors

When deleting a vehicle, you might encounter a FAILED_PRECONDITION error, in which case there are trip(s) that reference the vehicle. To proceed with the deletion:

  1. Call SearchTrips to find trip(s) that reference the Vehicle.
  2. Call DeleteTrip to delete each of the found trip.

What's next