This document describes how to list delivery vehicles.
Environments and limitations
You can list delivery vehicles from a server or browser environment. The Driver SDK does not support listing delivery vehicles.
Listing delivery vehicles requests broad access to delivery vehicles and is intended only for trusted users. Use Delivery Fleet Reader or Fleet Engine Delivery Admin tokens when making list delivery vehicles requests.
Listed delivery vehicles have the following fields redacted due to their impact on response size:
You can list vehicles by attribute filters and viewport bounds. If you specify no filter or viewport, the response includes all delivery vehicles.
List with attributes filters
You can list delivery vehicles by filter using their attributes
property. For
example, to query an attribute with key my_key
and value my_value
, use
attributes.my_key = my_value
. To query for multiple attributes, join queries
using the logical AND
and OR
operators as in attributes.key1 = value1 AND
attributes.key2 = value2
. See AIP-160 for a full description
of filter query syntax. If you combine filters with viewport bounds, the filter
acts as an AND
operator to the viewport bound. See Vehicle attributes filter
queries for details.
List with viewport bounds
You can filter listed delivery vehicles by location using the viewport
parameter. The viewport
request parameter defines viewports using two bounding
coordinates: a high
(northeast) and low
(southwest) latitude and longitude
coordinates pair. Requests are rejected if they contain a high latitude
that is geographically lower than a low latitude.
List responses
Delivery vehicle lists are paginated by default using a reasonable page size. If you specify a page size, the request returns only the number of vehicles specified by the limit, or fewer. If the requested page size exceeds an internal maximum value, then the internal maximum is used. The default and maximum page sizes are both 100 vehicles.
A delivery vehicles list can include a token for reading the next page of results. A page token is only present in a response when more pages of delivery vehicles are available for retrieval. To retrieve the next page of tasks, use the page token with a request that is otherwise identical to the previous request.
List vehicles examples
You can use the Java gRPC library or REST to list delivery vehicles in a particular region with a certain attribute. A successful response can still be empty. When that happens, it means that no vehicles with the specified attribute exist in the specified viewport.
static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-delivery-co-gcp-project";
DeliveryServiceBlockingStub deliveryService =
// Tasks request
String parent = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID;
ListDeliveryVehiclesRequest listDeliveryVehiclesRequest =
ListDeliveryVehiclesRequest.newBuilder() // No need for the header
.setFilter("attributes.my_key = my_value")
try {
ListDeliveryVehiclesResponse listDeliveryVehiclesResponse =
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
Status s = e.getStatus();
switch (s.getCode()) {
# HTTP request
html GET<project_id>/deliveryVehicles
# Request with a filter
# Request sets JWT, PROJECT_ID, and VEHICLE_ID in the local environment
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" \
If the lookup is successful, the response body contains data with the following structure:
// JSON representation
"deliveryVehicles": [
object (DeliveryVehicle)
"nextPageToken": string,
"totalSize": integer