This document covers important vehicle fields you can update when creating and managing vehicles.
For a complete list of vehicle fields, see: |
Vehicle attributes field
Use the vehicle attributes
field to create customized criteria to enable your
consumers or fleet operators to find vehicles in your fleet across a wider
variety of search criteria. This enhances the capabilities of your apps to
provide better vehicle matches over what you would from using search criteria
based solely on other vehicle fields. Each vehicle can have at most 100
attributes, and each one must have a unique key. Values can be strings,
booleans, or numbers.
For example, you could declare a custom attribute called zone to
differentiate which zone of the city your delivery vehicles operate in. You'd
use string values such as the following to represent different zones: 1B
, and 3A
. You could then use a filter in Fleet Tracking to only show
vehicles working in a specific zone to the operator responsible for that zone.
However, custom attribute values don't have to be mutually exclusive. You might use criteria such as available-at-night and has-refrigeration. Each of these could be a separate custom attribute that uses boolean values. A given vehicle could be assigned all three of these custom attributes along with the zone custom attribute set to the appropriate string value.
Update vehicle attributes
Each attributes
key can only have one value per vehicle. You declare
custom vehicle attributes using the attributes
in the field mask, and then
providing values based on the method below.
This UpdateDeliveryVehicle
API does not allow updating only a single
attribute. When using this method, any use of the attributes
field in the
field mask results in the entire set of vehicle attributes being re-declared
for the vehicle. This results in an overwrite of any pre-existing attribute not
explicitly included in the field mask. If you use this method to declare a new
custom attribute, you must also re-declare every custom attribute you want the
vehicle to retain. If you exclude the attributes
in the field mask, then this
method leaves existing custom attributes as previously defined for the vehicle.
If you use attributes
in the field mask, but without setting values, that is
equivalent to removing all custom attributes from the vehicle.
Update vehicle fields example
This section shows how to update vehicle fields using
, which includes an update_mask
to indicate
which fields to update. See the Protocol Buffers documentation on
field masks for details.
Updates to fields other than last_location
require Fleet Engine Delivery
Admin privileges.
Example: set custom attribute
This example specifies a new attribute: zone
. As noted in
Update vehicle attributes earlier, updating the attributes
field using
this approach requires you to indicate all custom attributes you want to retain.
Therefore the example shows a available-at-night
value written to preserve it
from being overwritten during an update operation that specifies the
See the providers.deliveryVehicles.patch reference.
static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-delivery-co-gcp-project";
static final String VEHICLE_ID = "vehicle-8241890";
DeliveryServiceBlockingStub deliveryService =
// Vehicle settings
String vehicleName = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID + "/deliveryVehicles/" + VEHICLE_ID;
DeliveryVehicle myDeliveryVehicle = DeliveryVehicle.newBuilder()
// DeliveryVehicle request
UpdateDeliveryVehicleRequest updateDeliveryVehicleRequest =
UpdateDeliveryVehicleRequest.newBuilder() // No need for the header
try {
DeliveryVehicle updatedDeliveryVehicle =
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
Status s = e.getStatus();
switch (s.getCode()) {
# Set JWT, PROJECT_ID, VEHICLE_ID, TASK1_ID, and TASK2_ID in the local
# environment
curl -X PATCH "${PROJECT_ID}/deliveryVehicles/${VEHICLE_ID}?updateMask=attributes" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" \
--data-binary @- << EOM
"attributes": [
{"key": "zone", "value": "1B"},
{"key": "available-at-night", "value": "true"}