Fleet Engine 要求从低信任环境(智能手机和浏览器)进行 API 方法调用时,使用 JSON Web 令牌 (JWT)。
JWT 起源于您的服务器,经过签名和加密后传递给客户端,以便在到期或失效之前进行后续服务器互动。
- 使用应用默认凭据对 Fleet Engine 进行身份验证和授权。
- 使用适当的服务账号为 JWT 签名。如需了解 Fleet Engine 服务账号角色,请参阅 Fleet Engine 基础知识。
如需详细了解 JSON Web 令牌,请参阅车队引擎必备知识中的 JSON Web 令牌。
- 从您的服务器提取 JSON Web 令牌。
- 在令牌过期之前重复使用该令牌,以尽可能减少令牌刷新次数。
- 在令牌过期时刷新令牌。
协议会在位置更新时根据 GMTD AuthorizationContext
对象提取 JSON Web 令牌。SDK 必须将令牌与更新信息打包在一起,以便发送到车队引擎。在初始化 SDK 之前,请确保您的服务器端实现可以签发令牌。
如需详细了解 Fleet Engine 所需的令牌,请参阅 Fleet Engine 的签发 JSON Web 令牌。
providerID 与 Google Cloud 项目的项目 ID 相同。如需了解如何设置 Google Cloud 项目,请参阅创建 Fleet Engine 项目。
* SampleAccessTokenProvider.swift
import GoogleRidesharingConsumer
private let providerURL = "INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_PROVIDER_URL"
class SampleAccessTokenProvider: NSObject, GMTCAuthorization {
private struct AuthToken {
// The cached trip token.
let token: String
// Keep track of when the token expires for caching.
let expiration: TimeInterval
// Keep track of the trip ID the cached token is for.
let tripID: String
enum AccessTokenError: Error {
case missingAuthorizationContext
case missingData
private var authToken: AuthToken?
func fetchToken(
with authorizationContext: GMTCAuthorizationContext?,
completion: @escaping GMTCAuthTokenFetchCompletionHandler
) {
// Get the trip ID from the authorizationContext. This is set by the Consumer SDK.
guard let authorizationContext = authorizationContext else {
completion(nil, AccessTokenError.missingAuthorizationContext)
let tripID = authorizationContext.tripID
// If appropriate, use the cached token.
if let authToken = authToken,
authToken.expiration > Date.now.timeIntervalSince1970 && authToken.tripID == tripID
completion(authToken.token, nil)
// Otherwise, try to fetch a new token from your server.
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: providerURL))
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] data, _, error in
guard let strongSelf = self else { return }
guard error == nil else {
completion(nil, error)
// Replace the following key values with the appropriate keys based on your
// server's expected response.
let tripTokenKey = "TRIP_TOKEN_KEY"
let tokenExpirationKey = "TOKEN_EXPIRATION"
guard let data = data,
let fetchData = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? [String: Any],
let token = fetchData[tripTokenKey] as? String,
let expiration = fetchData[tokenExpirationKey] as? Double
else {
completion(nil, AccessTokenError.missingData)
strongSelf.authToken = AuthToken(token: token, expiration: expiration, tripID: tripID)
completion(token, nil)
* SampleAccessTokenProvider.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <GoogleRidesharingConsumer/GoogleRidesharingConsumer.h>
@interface SampleAccessTokenProvider : NSObject <GMTCAuthorization>
* SampleAccessTokenProvider.m
#import "SampleAccessTokenProvider.h"
#import "GoogleRidesharingConsumer/GoogleRidesharingConsumer.h"
// SampleAccessTokenProvider.m
@implementation SampleAccessTokenProvider {
// The cached token with claims to the current trip.
NSString *_cachedTripToken;
// Keep track of the Trip ID the cached token is for.
NSString *_lastKnownTripID;
// Keep track of when tokens expire for caching.
NSTimeInterval _tokenExpiration;
- (void)fetchTokenWithContext:(nullable GMTCAuthorizationContext *)authorizationContext
completion:(nonnull GMTCAuthTokenFetchCompletionHandler)completion {
// Get the trip ID from the authorizationContext. This is set by the Consumer SDK.
NSString *tripID = authorizationContext.tripID;
// Clear cached trip token if trip ID has changed.
if (![_lastKnownTripID isEqual:tripID]) {
_tokenExpiration = 0.0;
_cachedTripToken = nil;
_lastKnownTripID = tripID;
// Clear cached tripToken if it has expired.
if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] > _tokenExpiration) {
_cachedTripToken = nil;
// If appropriate, use the cached token.
if (_cachedTripToken) {
completion(_cachedTripToken, nil);
// Otherwise, try to fetch a new token from your server.
NSMutableURLRequest *request =
[[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:requestURL];
request.HTTPMethod = @"GET";
// Replace the following key values with the appropriate keys based on your
// server's expected response.
NSString *tripTokenKey = @"TRIP_TOKEN_KEY";
NSString *tokenExpirationKey = @"TOKEN_EXPIRATION";
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
void (^handler)(NSData *_Nullable data, NSURLResponse *_Nullable response,
NSError *_Nullable error) =
^(NSData *_Nullable data, NSURLResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) {
typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (error) {
completion(nil, error);
NSError *JSONError;
NSMutableDictionary *JSONResponse =
[NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&JSONError];
if (JSONError) {
completion(nil, JSONError);
} else {
// Sample code only. No validation logic.
id expirationData = JSONResponse[tokenExpirationKey];
if ([expirationData isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
NSTimeInterval expirationTime = ((NSNumber *)expirationData).doubleValue;
strongSelf->_tokenExpiration = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] + expirationTime;
strongSelf->_cachedTripToken = JSONResponse[tripTokenKey];
completion(JSONResponse[tripTokenKey], nil);
NSURLSessionConfiguration *config = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession *mainQueueURLSession =
[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:config delegate:nil
delegateQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]];
NSURLSessionDataTask *task = [mainQueueURLSession dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:handler];
[task resume];