

  1. 在请求中传递 RoutingParameters 参数,并使用 setOrigin() 指定路线起点的纬度和经度坐标。此参数是计算响应中每个地点的用时和距离所必需的。

  2. 构建请求对象时,请添加 .setRoutingSummariesIncluded(true)



// Specify the list of fields to return.
final List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME);

// Define the routing parameters object and pass the routing origin.
RoutingParameters routingParameters = RoutingParameters.builder()
    .setOrigin(toLatLng("-33.8688, 151.1957362"))

// Use the builder to create a SearchByTextRequest object and pass the routing parameters.
// Set setRoutingSummariesIncluded to true.
final SearchByTextRequest searchByTextRequest = SearchByTextRequest.builder("Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia", placeFields)

// Call PlacesClient.searchByText() to perform the search.
// Define a response handler to process the returned Lists of Place objects, RoutingSummary objects, and Leg objects.
    .addOnSuccessListener(response -> {
      List<Place> places = response.getPlaces();
      List<RoutingSummary> routingSummaries = response.getRoutingSummaries();
      List<Leg> legs = routingSummaries.get(0).getLegs();
      Duration duration = legs.get(0).getDuration();

SearchByTextResponse 类表示搜索请求的响应。 您可以调用 SearchByTextResponse.getRoutingSummaries() 来返回路由摘要列表。 SearchByTextResponse 对象还包含:

  • 一个 Place 对象列表,表示所有匹配的地点,每个匹配地点对应一个 Place 对象。
  • 每个 Place 对象仅包含请求中传递的字段列表定义的字段。


// Specify the list of fields to return.
final List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME);

// Define the search area as a 500 meter diameter circle in Sydney, Australia.
LatLng center = new LatLng(-33.8688, 151.1957362);
CircularBounds circle = CircularBounds.newInstance(center, /* radius = */ 500);

// Define the routing parameters object and pass the routing origin.
RoutingParameters routingParameters = RoutingParameters.builder()
    .setOrigin(toLatLng("-33.8688, 151.1957362"))

// Use the builder to create a SearchNearbyRequest object and pass the routing parameters.
// Set setRoutingSummariesIncluded to true.
final SearchNearbyRequest searchNearbyRequest =
SearchNearbyRequest.builder(/* location restriction = */ circle, placeFields)

// Call PlacesClient.searchNearby() to perform the search.
// Define a response handler to process the returned Lists of Place objects, RoutingSummary objects, and Leg objects.
    .addOnSuccessListener(response -> {
      List<Place> places = response.getPlaces();
      List<RoutingSummary> routingSummaries = response.getRoutingSummaries();
      List<Leg> legs = routingSummaries.get(0).getLegs();
      Duration duration = legs.get(0).getDuration();

SearchNearbyResponse 类表示搜索请求的响应。 您可以调用 SearchNearbyResponse.getRoutingSummaries() 来返回路由摘要列表。 SearchNearbyResponse 对象还包含:

  • 一个 Place 对象列表,表示所有匹配的地点,每个匹配的地点对应一个 Place 对象。
  • 每个 Place 对象仅包含请求中传递的字段列表定义的字段。




  • 使用 routingParameters.setTravelMode() 将传输模式设置为 DRIVEBICYCLEWALKTWO_WHEELER。如需详细了解这些选项,请参阅路线的可用车辆类型

  • 使用 routingParameters.setRoutingPreference() 将路由偏好设置选项设为 TRAFFIC_UNAWARE(默认值)、TRAFFIC_AWARETRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL。每种选项的数据质量和延迟时间各不相同。如需了解详情,请参阅指定是否要包含流量数据以及如何包含
  • 使用 routingParameters.setRouteModifiers() 指定 avoidTollsavoidHighwaysavoidFerriesavoidIndoor。如需详细了解这些选项,请参阅指定要避开的路线地图项

在下例中,您将旅行模式指定为 DRIVE,并避开高速公路:

// Specify the list of fields to return.
final List<Place.Field> placeFields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME);

// Define the routing modifiers object.
RouteModifiers routeModifiers = RouteModifiers.builder()

// Define the routing parameters object and pass the routing origin.
RoutingParameters routingParameters = RoutingParameters.builder()
    .setOrigin(toLatLng("-33.8688, 151.1957362"))

// Use the builder to create a SearchByTextRequest object and pass the routing parameters.
// Set setRoutingSummariesIncluded to true.
final SearchByTextRequest searchByTextRequest = SearchByTextRequest.builder("Spicy Vegetarian Food in Sydney, Australia", placeFields)

// Call PlacesClient.searchByText() to perform the search.
// Define a response handler to process the returned Lists of Place objects, RoutingSummary objects, and Leg objects.
    .addOnSuccessListener(response -> {
      List<Place> places = response.getPlaces();
      List<RoutingSummary> routingSummaries = result.getRoutingSummaries();
      List<Leg> legs = routingSummaries.get(0).getLegs();
      Duration duration = legs.get(0).getDuration();