GMSEvent Class Reference

GMSEvent Class Reference


A class representing a open/close event in GMSPeriod.


GMSDayOfWeek day
 Day of week the associated with the event.
 The representation of time of the event in 24hr clock.
NSDate * date
 The date of the event.
BOOL truncated
 Boolean value indicating whether or not the opening or close details were truncated due to the seven day window, where the window starts at midnight of the day of the request, and ends at 11:59 pm six days later.

Property Documentation

- (GMSDayOfWeek) day [read, assign]

Day of week the associated with the event.

- (GMSTime*) time [read, assign]

The representation of time of the event in 24hr clock.


- (NSDate*) date [read, assign]

The date of the event.

- (BOOL) truncated [read, assign]

Boolean value indicating whether or not the opening or close details were truncated due to the seven day window, where the window starts at midnight of the day of the request, and ends at 11:59 pm six days later.

Returns true if the open or close times for this period extends past this seven day window.