
Places API 还可与 适用于 Google 地图服务的 Java 客户端、Python 客户端、Go 客户端和 Node.js 客户端搭配使用。 Places API 和客户端库适用于服务器应用。

如果您要构建客户端应用,请查看 Places SDK for AndroidPlaces SDK for iOSPlaces 库、Maps JavaScript API

地点自动补全服务是一种 Web 服务,可针对 HTTP 请求返回地点预测结果。该请求会指定文本搜索字符串和可选的地理边界。该服务可用于为基于文本的地理位置搜索提供自动补全功能,方法是随着用户输入内容而返回商家、地址和地图注点等地点。


地点自动补全服务是 Places API 的一部分,与 Places API 共享 API 密钥和配额。

地点自动补全服务可以根据完整字词和子字符串进行匹配,从而解析地点名称、地址和 Plus Codes。这样,应用就可以在用户输入内容时发送查询,从而即时进行地点预测。

您必须正确设置加号编码的格式。这意味着,您必须将加号转义为 %2B,并将空格转义为 %20

  • 全局代码是包含 4 个字符的区号和至少包含 6 个字符的区域代码。例如,网址转义全局代码 849VCWC8+R9849VCWC8%2BR9
  • 混合代码是至少包含 6 个字符的区域代码,具有明确的位置信息。例如,经过网址转义的复合代码 CWC8+R9 Mountain View, CA, USACWC8%2BR9%20Mountain%20View%20CA%20USA


地点自动完成请求是一个 HTTP URL,其格式如下:


其中 output 可以是以下任一值:

  • json(推荐)表示以 JavaScript 对象表示法 (JSON) 格式输出
  • xml 表示以 XML 格式输出

发起地点自动补全请求需要使用某些参数。 依照网址的标准,所有参数都使用“与”符号 (&) 分隔。下面列出了参数及其可能值的列表。

Required parameters

  • input

    The text string on which to search. The Place Autocomplete service will return candidate matches based on this string and order results based on their perceived relevance.

Optional parameters

  • components

    A grouping of places to which you would like to restrict your results. Currently, you can use components to filter by up to 5 countries. Countries must be passed as a two character, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country code. For example: components=country:fr would restrict your results to places within France. Multiple countries must be passed as multiple country:XX filters, with the pipe character | as a separator. For example: components=country:us|country:pr|country:vi|country:gu|country:mp would restrict your results to places within the United States and its unincorporated organized territories.

    Note: If you receive unexpected results with a country code, verify that you are using a code which includes the countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest you intend. You can find code information at Wikipedia: List of ISO 3166 country codes or the ISO Online Browsing Platform.
  • language

    The language in which to return results.

    • See the list of supported languages. Google often updates the supported languages, so this list may not be exhaustive.
    • If language is not supplied, the API attempts to use the preferred language as specified in the Accept-Language header.
    • The API does its best to provide a street address that is readable for both the user and locals. To achieve that goal, it returns street addresses in the local language, transliterated to a script readable by the user if necessary, observing the preferred language. All other addresses are returned in the preferred language. Address components are all returned in the same language, which is chosen from the first component.
    • If a name is not available in the preferred language, the API uses the closest match.
    • The preferred language has a small influence on the set of results that the API chooses to return, and the order in which they are returned. The geocoder interprets abbreviations differently depending on language, such as the abbreviations for street types, or synonyms that may be valid in one language but not in another. For example, utca and tér are synonyms for street in Hungarian.
  • location

    The point around which to retrieve place information. This must be specified as latitude,longitude. The radius parameter must also be provided when specifying a location. If radius is not provided, the location parameter is ignored.

    When using the Text Search API, the `location` parameter may be overriden if the `query` contains an explicit location such as `Market in Barcelona`.
  • locationbias

    Prefer results in a specified area, by specifying either a radius plus lat/lng, or two lat/lng pairs representing the points of a rectangle. If this parameter is not specified, the API uses IP address biasing by default.

    • IP bias: Instructs the API to use IP address biasing. Pass the string ipbias (this option has no additional parameters).
    • Circular: A string specifying radius in meters, plus lat/lng in decimal degrees. Use the following format: circle:radius@lat,lng.
    • Rectangular: A string specifying two lat/lng pairs in decimal degrees, representing the south/west and north/east points of a rectangle. Use the following format:rectangle:south,west|north,east. Note that east/west values are wrapped to the range -180, 180, and north/south values are clamped to the range -90, 90.
  • locationrestriction

    Restrict results to a specified area, by specifying either a radius plus lat/lng, or two lat/lng pairs representing the points of a rectangle.

    • Circular: A string specifying radius in meters, plus lat/lng in decimal degrees. Use the following format: circle:radius@lat,lng.
    • Rectangular: A string specifying two lat/lng pairs in decimal degrees, representing the south/west and north/east points of a rectangle. Use the following format:rectangle:south,west|north,east. Note that east/west values are wrapped to the range -180, 180, and north/south values are clamped to the range -90, 90.
  • offset

    The position, in the input term, of the last character that the service uses to match predictions. For example, if the input is Google and the offset is 3, the service will match on Goo. The string determined by the offset is matched against the first word in the input term only. For example, if the input term is Google abc and the offset is 3, the service will attempt to match against Goo abc. If no offset is supplied, the service will use the whole term. The offset should generally be set to the position of the text caret.

  • origin

    The origin point from which to calculate straight-line distance to the destination (returned as distance_meters). If this value is omitted, straight-line distance will not be returned. Must be specified as latitude,longitude.

  • radius

    Defines the distance (in meters) within which to return place results. You may bias results to a specified circle by passing a location and a radius parameter. Doing so instructs the Places service to prefer showing results within that circle; results outside of the defined area may still be displayed.

    The radius will automatically be clamped to a maximum value depending on the type of search and other parameters.

    • Autocomplete: 50,000 meters
    • Nearby Search:
      • with keyword or name: 50,000 meters
      • without keyword or name
        • Up to 50,000 meters, adjusted dynamically based on area density, independent of rankby parameter.
        • When using rankby=distance, the radius parameter will not be accepted, and will result in an INVALID_REQUEST.
    • Query Autocomplete: 50,000 meters
    • Text Search: 50,000 meters
  • region

    The region code, specified as a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland").

  • sessiontoken

    A random string which identifies an autocomplete session for billing purposes.

    The session begins when the user starts typing a query, and concludes when they select a place and a call to Place Details is made. Each session can have multiple queries, followed by one place selection. The API key(s) used for each request within a session must belong to the same Google Cloud Console project. Once a session has concluded, the token is no longer valid; your app must generate a fresh token for each session. If the sessiontoken parameter is omitted, or if you reuse a session token, the session is charged as if no session token was provided (each request is billed separately).

    We recommend the following guidelines:

    • Use session tokens for all autocomplete sessions.
    • Generate a fresh token for each session. Using a version 4 UUID is recommended.
    • Ensure that the API key(s) used for all Place Autocomplete and Place Details requests within a session belong to the same Cloud Console project.
    • Be sure to pass a unique session token for each new session. Using the same token for more than one session will result in each request being billed individually.
  • strictbounds

    Returns only those places that are strictly within the region defined by location and radius. This is a restriction, rather than a bias, meaning that results outside this region will not be returned even if they match the user input.

  • types

    You can restrict results from a Place Autocomplete request to be of a certain type by passing the types parameter. This parameter specifies a type or a type collection, as listed in Place Types. If nothing is specified, all types are returned.

    A place can only have a single primary type from types listed in Table 1 or Table 2. For example, a hotel where food is served may by returned only with types=lodging and not with types=restaurant.

    For the value of the types parameter you can specify either:

    • Up to five values from Table 1 or Table 2. For multiple values, separate each value with a | (vertical bar). For example:


    • Any single supported filter in Table 3. You cannot mix type collections.

    The request will be rejected with an INVALID_REQUEST error if:

    • More than five types are specified.
    • Any unrecognized types are present.
    • Any types from in Table 1 or Table 2 are mixed with any of the filters in Table 3.



curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=amoeba&types=establishment&location=37.76999%2C-122.44696&radius=500&key=YOUR_API_KEY'

相同的请求,将结果限制在旧金山阿什伯里街和海特街 500 米范围内:

curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=amoeba&types=establishment&location=37.76999%2C-122.44696&radius=500&strictbounds=true&key=YOUR_API_KEY'


curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=Vict&types=geocode&language=fr&key=YOUR_API_KEY'


curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=Vict&types=(cities)&language=pt_BR&key=YOUR_API_KEY'

请注意,您需要将这些示例中的 API 密钥替换为您自己的密钥。


地点自动填充响应以请求网址路径中的 output 标志所指示的格式返回。以下结果表明,使用以下参数的查询可能会返回什么:

curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=Paris&types=geocode&key=YOUR_API_KEY'
        "description": "Paris, France",
        "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
        "place_id": "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ",
        "reference": "ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ",
            "main_text": "Paris",
            "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
            "secondary_text": "France",
            { "offset": 0, "value": "Paris" },
            { "offset": 7, "value": "France" },
        "types": ["locality", "political", "geocode"],
        "description": "Paris, TX, USA",
        "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
        "place_id": "ChIJmysnFgZYSoYRSfPTL2YJuck",
        "reference": "ChIJmysnFgZYSoYRSfPTL2YJuck",
            "main_text": "Paris",
            "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
            "secondary_text": "TX, USA",
            { "offset": 0, "value": "Paris" },
            { "offset": 7, "value": "TX" },
            { "offset": 11, "value": "USA" },
        "types": ["locality", "political", "geocode"],
        "description": "Paris, TN, USA",
        "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
        "place_id": "ChIJ4zHP-Sije4gRBDEsVxunOWg",
        "reference": "ChIJ4zHP-Sije4gRBDEsVxunOWg",
            "main_text": "Paris",
            "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
            "secondary_text": "TN, USA",
            { "offset": 0, "value": "Paris" },
            { "offset": 7, "value": "TN" },
            { "offset": 11, "value": "USA" },
        "types": ["locality", "political", "geocode"],
        "description": "Paris, Brant, ON, Canada",
        "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
        "place_id": "ChIJsamfQbVtLIgR-X18G75Hyi0",
        "reference": "ChIJsamfQbVtLIgR-X18G75Hyi0",
            "main_text": "Paris",
            "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
            "secondary_text": "Brant, ON, Canada",
            { "offset": 0, "value": "Paris" },
            { "offset": 7, "value": "Brant" },
            { "offset": 14, "value": "ON" },
            { "offset": 18, "value": "Canada" },
        "types": ["neighborhood", "political", "geocode"],
        "description": "Paris, KY, USA",
        "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
        "place_id": "ChIJsU7_xMfKQ4gReI89RJn0-RQ",
        "reference": "ChIJsU7_xMfKQ4gReI89RJn0-RQ",
            "main_text": "Paris",
            "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }],
            "secondary_text": "KY, USA",
            { "offset": 0, "value": "Paris" },
            { "offset": 7, "value": "KY" },
            { "offset": 11, "value": "USA" },
        "types": ["locality", "political", "geocode"],
  "status": "OK",
  <description>Paris, France</description>
  <description>Paris, TX, USA</description>
   <subdescription>TX, USA</subdescription>
  <description>Paris, TN, USA</description>
   <subdescription>TN, USA</subdescription>
  <description>Paris, Brant, ON, Canada</description>
   <subdescription>Brant, ON, Canada</subdescription>
  <description>Paris, KY, USA</description>
   <subdescription>KY, USA</subdescription>


required Array<PlaceAutocompletePrediction>

Contains an array of predictions.

See PlaceAutocompletePrediction for more information.


Contains the status of the request, and may contain debugging information to help you track down why the request failed.

See PlacesAutocompleteStatus for more information.


When the service returns a status code other than OK<, there may be an additional error_message field within the response object. This field contains more detailed information about thereasons behind the given status code. This field is not always returned, and its content is subject to change.


When the service returns additional information about the request specification, there may be an additional info_messages field within the response object. This field is only returned for successful requests. It may not always be returned, and its content is subject to change.

结果中特别值得注意的是 place_id 元素,您可以使用单独的查询请求有关地点的更具体详细信息。请参阅“地点详情”请求

XML 响应由一个 <AutocompletionResponse> 元素和两种类型的子元素组成:

  • 单个 <status> 元素包含请求的元数据。请参阅下文中的状态代码
  • 零个或多个 <prediction> 元素,每个元素都包含与单个地点相关的信息。如需了解这些结果,请参阅地点自动补全结果。Places API 最多可返回 5 个结果。

除非您的应用出于某种原因需要 xml,否则我们建议您使用 json 作为首选输出标志。处理 XML 树时需要注意一些事项,以便引用正确的节点和元素。如需有关处理 XML 的帮助,请参阅使用 XPath 处理 XML


Status codes returned by service.

  • OK indicating the API request was successful.
  • ZERO_RESULTS indicating that the search was successful but returned no results. This may occur if the search was passed a bounds in a remote location.
  • INVALID_REQUEST indicating the API request was malformed, generally due to the missing input parameter.
  • OVER_QUERY_LIMIT indicating any of the following:
    • You have exceeded the QPS limits.
    • Billing has not been enabled on your account.
    • The monthly $200 credit, or a self-imposed usage cap, has been exceeded.
    • The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
    See the Maps FAQ for more information about how to resolve this error.
  • REQUEST_DENIED indicating that your request was denied, generally because:
    • The request is missing an API key.
    • The key parameter is invalid.
  • UNKNOWN_ERROR indicating an unknown error.

当地点服务返回搜索的 JSON 结果时,会将其放入 predictions 数组中。即使服务未返回任何结果(例如,location 是远程的),它仍会返回一个空的 predictions 数组。XML 响应由零个或多个 <prediction> 元素组成。



Contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For establishment results, this is usually the business name. This content is meant to be read as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address.

required Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring>

A list of substrings that describe the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired.

See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information.


Provides pre-formatted text that can be shown in your autocomplete results. This content is meant to be read as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address.

See PlaceAutocompleteStructuredFormat for more information.

required Array<PlaceAutocompleteTerm>

Contains an array of terms identifying each section of the returned description (a section of the description is generally terminated with a comma). Each entry in the array has a value field, containing the text of the term, and an offset field, defining the start position of this term in the description, measured in Unicode characters.

See PlaceAutocompleteTerm for more information.


The straight-line distance in meters from the origin. This field is only returned for requests made with an origin.


A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. To retrieve information about the place, pass this identifier in the placeId field of a Places API request. For more information about place IDs, see the Place IDs overview.


See place_id.


Contains an array of types that apply to this place. For example: [ "political", "locality" ] or [ "establishment", "geocode", "beauty_salon" ]. The array can contain multiple values. Learn more about Place types.



Length of the matched substring in the prediction result text.


Start location of the matched substring in the prediction result text.



Contains the main text of a prediction, usually the name of the place.

required Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring>

Contains an array with offset value and length. These describe the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired.

See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information.


Contains the secondary text of a prediction, usually the location of the place.

optional Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring>

Contains an array with offset value and length. These describe the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired.

See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information.



Defines the start position of this term in the description, measured in Unicode characters


The text of the term.




  • 若要开发可正常运行的界面,最快的方式是使用 Maps JavaScript API Autocomplete widget、Places SDK for Android Autocomplete widget 或 Places SDK for iOS Autocomplete 界面控件
  • 从一开始就了解重要的地点自动补全数据字段
  • 位置自定义调整和位置限制字段是可选的,但可能会对自动补全性能产生重大影响。
  • 使用错误处理可确保您的应用在 API 返回错误时妥善降级。
  • 请确保您的应用可以处理没有选择任何内容的情况,并能够让用户继续操作。



为了优化地点自动补全服务的使用费用,请在地点详情和地点自动补全 widget 中使用字段掩码,以便仅返回所需的地点数据字段


请考虑通过程序化方式实现地点自动补全,以便采用“按请求”定价模式,并请求关于所选地点(而不是地点详情)的 Geocoding API 结果。如果同时满足以下两个条件,与采用“按会话”(基于会话)定价模式相比,将“按请求”定价模式与 Geocoding API 搭配使用的性价比更高:

  • 如果您只需要用户所选地点的纬度/经度或地址,那么采用 Geocoding API 提供此类信息所需的费用会低于调用地点详情。
  • 如果用户平均在不超过四次自动补全预测请求之内选择自动补全预测结果,那么“按请求”定价模式可能会比“按会话”定价模式的性价比更高。


由于您的应用需要地点详情(例如地点名称、商家状态或营业时间),因此您实现地点自动补全时应使用会话令牌(以编程方式或内置于 JavaScriptAndroidiOS widget 中)。按会话结算,以及适用的地点数据 SKU(具体取决于您请求的地点数据字段)。1

widget 实现
会话管理功能自动内置于 JavaScriptAndroidiOS widget 中。这包括针对所选预测结果的“地点自动补全”请求和“地点详情”请求。请务必指定 fields 参数,以确保您只请求所需的地点数据字段


  1. “地点自动补全”响应中的地点 ID
  2. “地点自动补全”请求中使用的会话令牌
  3. fields 参数,用于指定您所需的地点数据字段

对于您的应用,Geocoding API 可能比地点详情性价比更高,具体取决于您使用地点自动补全的性能。每个应用的自动补全效率各有不同,具体取决于用户输入的内容、使用应用所在的位置,以及是否遵循了性能优化最佳实践



在不使用会话令牌的情况下以程序化方式实现地点自动补全,并针对所选的地点预测调用 Geocoding API。
Geocoding API 提供地址和纬度/经度坐标。发出四次地点自动补全 - 按请求结算请求以及针对所选地点预测调用 Geocoding API 的费用低于按会话结算的自动补全费用(即每次会话 0.017 美元)。1



widget 实现
会话管理功能自动内置于 JavaScriptAndroidiOS widget 中。这包括针对所选预测结果的“地点自动补全”请求和“地点详情”请求。请务必指定 fields 参数,以确保您只请求基本数据字段。


  1. “地点自动补全”响应中的地点 ID
  2. “地点自动补全”请求中使用的会话令牌
  3. fields 参数,用于指定地址和几何图形等基本数据字段

您可以采取一些策略,例如延迟“地点自动补全”请求,直到用户输入前三个或四个字符,从而减少应用发出的请求数量。例如,如果您在用户输入第三个字符针对每个字符发出地点自动补全请求,则意味着如果用户输入七个字符,然后选择一个预测结果,您需要为该预测结果发出一个 Geocoding API 请求,总费用将为“按请求 4 次自动补全 + 地理编码”费用。1

如果延迟请求会导致平均程序化请求次数低于四次,您可以按照使用 Geocoding API 提高地点自动补全性能的实现指南操作。请注意,如果用户希望每次输入新的字符后都能看到预测结果,可能会将延迟请求视为时间上的延迟。


  1. 如需了解费用,请参阅 Google Maps Platform 价格表

Was this helpful?



  • 向地点自动补全实现添加国家/地区限制、位置自定义调整和语言偏好设置(适用于程序化实现)。您无需为 widget 进行语言偏好设置,因为它们会从用户的浏览器或移动设备中选择语言偏好设置。
  • 如果地点自动补全附有地图,您可以根据地图视口来设置位置偏向。
  • 如果用户未选择任一自动补全预测结果,通常是因为这些预测结果都不是所需的结果地址,您可以重复使用原始用户输入来尝试获取更相关的结果: 适合回退到 Geocoding API 的其他场景包括:
    • 用户输入的子建筑物地址,例如建筑物内特定单元或公寓的地址。例如,捷克地址“Stroupežnického 3191/17, Praha”会在地点自动补全中生成部分预测结果。
    • 用户在输入地址时,需要输入路段前缀,例如纽约的“23-30 29th St, Queens”或夏威夷考爱岛“47-380 Kamehameha Hwy, Kaneohe”。


传递 location 参数和 radius 参数,使结果偏向指定区域。这会指示地点自动补全服务优先显示定义区域内的结果。指定区域以外的结果可能仍会显示。您可以使用 components 参数过滤结果,以便仅显示指定国家/地区内的地点。

提示:如果搜索区域较大,商家搜索结果的排名通常不够高,无法显示在搜索结果中。如果您希望商家显示在混合商家/地理编码结果中,可以指定较小的半径。或者,您也可以使用 types=establishment 将结果限制为仅显示相应地点。


通过传递 locationrestriction 参数将结果限制在指定区域。

您还可以通过添加 strictbounds 参数,将结果限制在由 locationradius 参数定义的区域。这会指示地点自动补全服务返回该区域内的结果。