نقطه پایانی پیش بینی تا 5 روز اطلاعات گرده روزانه را ارائه می دهد. می توانید اطلاعات زیر را که به کاربران نشان داده می شود کنترل کنید:
- تعداد روزهای پیش بینی
- کد زبان فیلدهای ترجمه شده
- اندازه صفحه پاسخ
- اطلاعات دقیق در مورد گیاهان یک منطقه معین و پتانسیل حساسیت زایی آنها
APIs Explorer به شما امکان می دهد درخواست های زنده بنویسید تا بتوانید با API و گزینه های API آشنا شوید:
درباره درخواست های پیش بینی
برای درخواست اطلاعات گرده روزانه با استفاده از نقطه پایانی پیش بینی، یک درخواست HTTP GET به این آدرس ارسال کنید:
پارامترهای خود را در URL وارد کنید. این درخواست حاوی مکانی است که میخواهید پیشبینی گرده را برای آن دریافت کنید، تعداد روزهای پیشبینی، و اطلاعات گردهای که در پاسخ گنجانده شود.
درباره پاسخ های پیش بینی شده
بدن پاسخگو کد منطقه مختصات درخواستی و اطلاعات پیش بینی روزانه را برای هر روز درخواستی ارائه می دهد. اگر اطلاعاتی را برای بیش از یک روز درخواست میکنید، بدنه پاسخ همچنین شامل یک نشانه برای بازیابی صفحه بعدی در صورتی که اطلاعات با اندازه صفحه درخواستی مطابقت ندارد، میشود.
بدنه پاسخ نیز شامل سه شی است:
DayInfo تاریخ پیش بینی ارائه شده را به همراه PollenTypeInfo و PlantInfo ارائه می دهد.
PollenTypeInfo فصلی بودن انواع گرده موجود (
)، شاخص گرده و توصیه های بهداشتی مرتبط را در مختصات درخواستی ارائه می دهد.PlantInfo نام و توضیحات گیاه را - از جمله فصلی بودن، ظاهر و واکنش متقابل - در مختصات درخواستی ارائه می دهد.
پارامترهای اساسی
درخواست نمونه
کد زیر نشان می دهد که چگونه یک درخواست اولیه برای یک درخواست پیش بینی: جستجو ایجاد کنیم. در این مثال، مکان و تعداد روزهای اطلاعات گرده را تعیین می کنید.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY &location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=1"
پاسخ نمونه
تماس بالا پاسخ JSON زیر را ایجاد می کند.
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 11 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jaggededges. The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arecherries and carrots." likely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ] }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
پارامترهای اضافی
درخواست نمونه
کد زیر نحوه ساخت یک درخواست برای پیش بینی را نشان می دهد:lookup . در این مثال، مکان، روزها و زبان پاسخ را تنظیم کرده و توضیحات گیاه را حذف می کنید.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY &location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=1 &languageCode=fr &plantsDescription=false"
پاسخ نمونه
تماس بالا پاسخ JSON زیر را ایجاد می کند:
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 11 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Herbacée", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Arbre", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Herbacées", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles actuellement. La journéeest idéale pour profiter du grand air !" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Bouleau", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olivier" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Graminées", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ambroisie", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "Aucun", "indexDescription": "Les niveaux de pollen sont très faibles et ontpeu de risque de déclencher des réactions allergiques." , "color": {} } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Aulne" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Armoise", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Très faible", "indexDescription": "Les personnes extrêmement sensibles au pollensont susceptibles de ressentir des symptômes." , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } } } ] } ] }
محدودیت اندازه صفحه
درخواست نمونه
کد زیر نحوه ساخت یک درخواست برای پیش بینی را نشان می دهد:lookup . در این مثال، مکان، تعداد روزهای پیش بینی شده (در این مورد، 4) و محدودیت اندازه صفحه 1 را تعیین می کنید. این درخواست پیش بینی را فقط برای روز اول برمی گرداند. پاسخ شامل ویژگی nextPageToken
است که در درخواست دوم برای دسترسی به روز 2 از 4 از آن استفاده می کنید.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY &location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=4 &pageSize=1"
پاسخ نمونه
تماس بالا پاسخ JSON زیر را ایجاد می کند، از جمله nextPageToken
. شما از nextPageToken
در درخواست دوم برای دسترسی به روز بعد در پیش بینی استفاده می کنید.
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 14 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelyto experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "It's a good day for outdoor activities since pollen levels arelow." , "Do you know which plants cause your pollen allergy? Check out thepollen data to be prepared." ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoythe outdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jaggededges. The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelycherries and carrots." to experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ], "nextPageToken": "CAESdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..." }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
برای دسترسی به صفحه 2، nextPageToken
را در درخواست وارد کنید. پاسخ شامل nextPageToken
است که می توانید از آن برای دسترسی به روز 3 پیش بینی استفاده کنید.
curl -X GET "https://pollen.googleapis.com/v1/forecast:lookup?key=YOUR_API_KEY &location.longitude=35.32 &location.latitude=32.32 &days=4 &pageSize=1 &pageToken=CAESdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..."
پاسخ اطلاعاتی در مورد روز 2 پیش بینی گرده ارائه می دهد:
{ "regionCode": "IL", "dailyInfo": [ { "date": { "year": 2023, "month": 7, "day": 15 }, "pollenTypeInfo": [ { "code": "GRASS", "displayName": "Grass", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likely to experience symptoms", "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "It's a good day for outdoor activities since pollen levels are low.", "Do you know which plants cause your pollen allergy? Check out thepollen data to be prepared." ] }, { "code": "TREE", "displayName": "Tree", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] }, { "code": "WEED", "displayName": "Weed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "healthRecommendations": [ "Pollen levels are very low right now. It's a great day to enjoy theoutdoors!" ] } ], "plantInfo": [ { "code": "BIRCH", "displayName": "Birch", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "TREE", "family": "Betulaceae (the Birch family)", "season": "Late winter, spring", "specialColors": "The bark is usually whitish-gray, silver, orsometimes red." , "specialShapes": "Birch leaves are often triangular with jagged edges.The bark on most birch trees has horizontal dark streaks that look like scoring. Birch tree bark is also , "crossReaction": "Alder, Hazel, Hornbeam, Beech, Willow, and Oakwell-known for its paper-like texture and peeling nature." pollen. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pears, apples, cherries and carrots." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/birch_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "OLIVE", "displayName": "Olive" }, { "code": "GRAMINALES", "displayName": "Grasses", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 2, "category": "Low", "indexDescription": "People with high allergy to pollen are likelyto experience symptoms" , "color": { "red": 0.5176471, "green": 0.8117647, "blue": 0.2 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "GRASS", "family": "Poaceae", "season": "Late spring, summer", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, long and narrow and theleaf margin is smooth." , "crossReaction": "Plantain (Plantago) pollen. In addition, there maybe a higher risk for food allergies like melons, oranges, tomatoes, peanuts, soy, potato, and other legumes." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/graminales_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "RAGWEED", "displayName": "Ragweed", "inSeason": true, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 0, "category": "None", "indexDescription": "Pollen levels are very low and are not likelyto trigger allergic reactions" , "color": {} }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "None", "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate or opposite, divided andlobed. The leaf margin is smooth or serrated." , "crossReaction": "Mugwort and Goldenrod as well as daisies such asSunflower, Dandelion, and Chamomile." , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/ragweed_closeup.jpg" } }, { "code": "ALDER", "displayName": "Alder" }, { "code": "MUGWORT", "displayName": "Mugwort", "inSeason": false, "indexInfo": { "code": "UPI", "displayName": "Universal Pollen Index", "value": 1, "category": "Very Low", "indexDescription": "People with very high allergy to pollen arelikely to experience symptoms" , "color": { "green": 0.61960787, "blue": 0.22745098 } }, "plantDescription": { "type": "WEED", "family": "Asteraceae (the daisy family)", "season": "Late summer, fall", "specialColors": "The leaves are green on the upper side andgray-green on the lower side." , "specialShapes": "The leaves are alternate, divided and pinnate.", "crossReaction": "Ragweed and Goldenrod pollen as well as daisiessuch as Sunflower, Dandelion and Chamomile. In addition, there may be a higher risk for food allergies like mustard, , "picture": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_full.jpg", "pictureCloseup": "https://storage.googleapis.com/pollen-pictures/mugwort_closeup.jpg" } } ] } ], "nextPageToken": "CAISdApadHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLm..." }peach, celery and various herbs and spices."
آن را امتحان کنید!
APIs Explorer به شما امکان می دهد درخواست های نمونه بسازید تا بتوانید با API و گزینه های API آشنا شوید.
آیکون API را در سمت راست صفحه انتخاب کنید.
به صورت اختیاری پارامترهای درخواست را ویرایش کنید.
دکمه Execute را انتخاب کنید. در گفتگو، حسابی را که میخواهید برای ارسال درخواست استفاده کنید، انتخاب کنید.
در پانل APIs Explorer، نماد تمام صفحه تمام صفحه را انتخاب کنید تا پنجره APIs Explorer گسترش یابد.