Pollen API Overview

Collage of people sneezing and Pollen API renderings.

The Pollen API lets you request pollen data for a specific location. Pollen data includes regional plant species and pollen types, as well as pollen index and health recommendations.1 The Pollen API covers over 65 countries with a resolution of 1 x 1 kilometer (0.6 x 0.6 mile).

The API provides endpoints that let you query:

  • Forecast: Up to 5-day pollen forecast with daily information, including pollen index for types of plants.2

  • Heatmaps: Color-coded tiles of 3 pollen types.

Features of the Pollen API

  • Daily forecast pollen index and categories: The Pollen API continuously calculates the value of various pollen types and plant indices with 1 x 1 kilometer (0.6 x 0.6 mile) resolution.

  • Health recommendations: Recommended health insights according to the current pollen levels. Health recommendations are implemented at the plant type level according to the pollen index level.[^1]

  • Plant description details: Detailed information for the various species that relate to the plant and its potential for allergenic effect. The description includes the following information: type, family, season, special shapes, special colors, cross reaction, and 2 pictures of each plant.

  • Heatmaps: A collection of pollen type index image tiles that can be displayed on top of Google Maps.

Pollen API country and region coverage

See Pollen API supported countries and plants for the latest coverage details, on a country-by-country basis, for which pollen and plant information is available.

How to use the Pollen API

1 Get set up Start with Set up your Google Cloud project and complete the instructions that follow.
2 Get daily pollen forecast information See Get forecast.
3 Get heatmap tiles See Get heatmap tiles.

What's next

  1. The number of forecast days may vary between locations and plant species.