Pollen API Usage and Billing

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Billing and pricing for the Pollen API

For information about how Google calculates your billing and pricing, see Google Maps Platform pricing list or Google Maps Platform pricing list - India.

SKU: Pollen

This bills for requests for pollen data from the Pollen API.

  Category Pro
  Billable event Request
  Triggers Billing is triggered for requests to the following endpoints/methods:
  Field mask billing examples

Your request is billed based on the fields provided in the field mask. For example:

  • If your field mask only includes fields from this SKU: The request is billed at the rate for this SKU.
  • If your field mask includes fields from other SKUs: The request is billed at the highest SKU rate for the fields requested. For example, if you include fields from both an Essentials SKU and an Enterprise SKU, then the request is billed at the Enterprise SKU rate.
  Pricing Main pricing table
India pricing table

Other usage limits

While there are no maximum number of requests per day, the following usage limits are still in place for the Pollen API:

  • Maximum Queries per Minute (QPM): 6,000

This quota is applied separately to each method, meaning you can make a maximum of 6,000 QPM to each API.

Terms of Use restrictions

For information on terms of use, see policies for the Pollen API, and the License Restrictions section of the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.