Roads API Usage and Billing

Roads API requests generate different SKUs depending on the type of request: route traveled with snap to roads, nearest roads, or speed limits. Click the info info icon to see the table of contents for this page.

Billing and pricing for the Roads API

For information about how Google calculates your billing and pricing, see Google Maps Platform pricing list or Google Maps Platform pricing list - India.

SKU: Roads – Route Traveled

This SKU bills for requests to the Roads API Snap to Roads service.

  Category Pro
  Billable event Request
  Triggers This SKU is triggered when you make a request to the Roads API Snap to Roads service.
  Pricing Main pricing table
India pricing table

SKU: Roads – Nearest Road

This SKU bills for requests to the Roads API Nearest Roads service.

  Category Pro
  Billable event Request
  Triggers This SKU is triggered when you make a request to the Roads API Nearest Roads service.
  Pricing Main pricing table
India pricing table

SKU: Roads – Speed Limits

This limited access SKU bills for requests to the Roads API Speed Limits service.

  Category Pro1
  Billable event Elements returned in the API response.

This SKU is triggered for each element returned in the API response when you make a request to the Speed Limits service. The number of elements returned in the API response is always equal to or less than the number of points you pass in the original request.

  Pricing Main pricing table
India pricing table
1 This SKU has limited access.

Other usage limits

While there is no maximum number of requests per day, the following usage limits are in place for the Roads API:

  • 30,000 QPM (requests per minute).
  • Up to 100 points per request.
  • Speed limit data not included.

Terms of Use restrictions

For information on terms of use, see policies for the Roads API, and the License Restrictions section of the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.