Solar API 概览
Google Maps Platform Solar API 是一项专注于帮助加快太阳能和能源系统安装速度的服务。Solar API 会根据 Google 的大量地理空间数据和计算资源生成详细的屋顶数据,以便评估屋顶太阳能发电潜力。
为何使用 Solar API
该 API 接受针对以下三个端点的请求:
- 远程设计太阳能发电系统
- 缩短太阳能场址评估时间
- 优先安装位置
- 制作更准确的提案
- 提高客户转化率
- 提供有见解的详细信息来向消费者普及相关知识
Solar API 在不同国家/地区的覆盖情况
如需按国家/地区查看最新的覆盖范围详细信息,请参阅 Solar API 支持的国家/地区。
试用 Solar API 演示版
如需详细了解 Solar API 的功能,请查看 Solar API 演示版 Web 应用。您还可以选择在 GitHub 中重复使用用于构建演示版的代码。
如何使用 Solar API
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2025-02-08。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2025-02-08。"],[[["The Google Maps Platform Solar API leverages Google's geospatial data to provide detailed rooftop insights for evaluating solar energy potential, accelerating solar and energy system installations."],["The API offers three endpoints: buildingInsights, dataLayers, and geoTiff, to access building-specific insights, raw solar datasets, and encoded solar information rasters respectively."],["Utilizing the Solar API can significantly reduce site assessment time, remotely design solar systems, optimize installation locations, and create accurate proposals to increase customer conversion."],["Coverage details for the Solar API are available on a country-by-country basis and a demo web app showcases the API's capabilities."],["To use the Solar API, users need to set up a Google Cloud project and then utilize the available endpoints to retrieve data based on their specific needs."]]],["The Google Maps Platform Solar API offers three endpoints: `buildingInsights` for building-specific solar potential, `dataLayers` for raw solar data, and `geoTiff` for encoded solar information like flux maps and shade data. Users can utilize this data to remotely design solar systems, reduce assessment times, prioritize locations, create proposals, increase conversion rates, and educate consumers. To start, set up a Google Cloud project, then make requests to the endpoints. A demo app is also available.\n"]]