Method: inquiryNotification

Notifies Google of a request for inquiry into a transaction.

This signifies a user is contesting a payment but the issuer is requesting more information before deciding whether to issue a chargeback or not. No money movement occurs as a result of this call. Google may send details about the payment to the integrator to prove validity.

If the endpoint encounters an error while processing the request, the endpoint will return HTTP 4xx or 5xx and the HTTP body will either be of type ErrorResponse or contain a generic error (e.g. a message similar to "There was an error. Please try again later.").

The generic error is used in situations where an ErrorResponse with a clear description could be used to help an attacker understand the payment integrator account identifier of other integrators. In these situations, where either the signing key doesn't match, the payment integrator identifier was not found, or the encryption key was unknown, this method will return a generic error. If the request signature could be verified, additional information regarding the error will be returned in an ErrorResponse.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1,
      "minor": 0,
      "revision": 0
    "requestId": "6bbeb443-7ebf-4307-9c5d-259534b1aede",
    "requestTimestamp": "1483711327000"
  "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "SpeedyPaymentsIndia_INR",
  "captureRequestId": "G112YZH4XPDV88J",
  "amount": "728000000",
  "rawResult": {
    "scope": "VISA",
    "rawCode": "04"
  "inquiryDate": "1481846400000",
  "replyByDate": "1487203200000",
  "caseId": "G-4732-1352-123"

An example response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": "1483711328134"
  "result": "SUCCESS"

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "paymentIntegratorAccountId": string,
  "captureRequestId": string,
  "amount": string,
  "reasonCode": enum (PaymentDisputeReasonCode),
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)
  "inquiryDate": string,
  "replyByDate": string,
  "caseId": string

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.



REQUIRED: This is the payment integrator account identifier that identifies contractual constraints around this transaction.



REQUIRED: A unique identifier for the capture that the inquiry is associated with. This is the requestId generated by Google during the captureFundsReservation or capture which this request is associated with.


string (Int64Value format)

REQUIRED: The amount associated with the inquiry, in micros of the currency unit. This must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the amount in thecapture or captureFundsReservation request and is in the same currency unit as the capture.


enum (PaymentDisputeReasonCode)

REQUIRED: The reason for the inquiry.


object (RawResult)

REQUIRED: Raw result of the inquiry request from the issuer. Used to help inform Google's risk engine and analytics. The integrator can choose to give Google a raw code. For example, a credit card gateway (the integrator) may use this field to communicate to Google the exact inquiry code that was received from the VISA network. In that case, the scope would be "visa" and the rawCode would be whatever the VISA network returned.


string (int64 format)

REQUIRED Timestamp of the date that the inquiry was requested. If that date is not known then it should be the date that the payment integrator received the notification for an inquiry. It is represented as milliseconds since epoch. This is a date and therefore should be the first millisecond of the day in the America/Los Angeles timezone. If it is not the first millisecond of the day the date will be assumed to be the day the specified millisecond falls on in the America/Los Angeles time zone.


string (int64 format)

REQUIRED: Timestamp of the date by which a reply must be received by the payment integrator. It is represented as milliseconds since epoch. This is a date and therefore should be the first millisecond of the day in the America/Los Angeles timezone. If it is not the first millisecond of the day the date will be assumed to be the day the specified millisecond falls on in the America/Los Angeles time zone.



REQUIRED: A unique value assigned to each dispute that the issuer and payment integrator can use to identify this dispute.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (InquiryNotificationResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


Response object for Google hosted india-cards-v1.inquiryNotification method.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": enum (InquiryNotificationResultCode)

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


enum (InquiryNotificationResultCode)

REQUIRED: Result of this call.


Result codes for the inquiryNotification method.

UNKNOWN_RESULT Do not ever set this default value!
SUCCESS Inquiry notification was successfully processed.