Method: settlementNotification

Informs Google that a set of events will be net settled in bulk into a Google bank account.

If the endpoint encounters an error while processing the request, the endpoint will return HTTP 4xx or 5xx and the HTTP body will either be of type ErrorResponse or contain a generic error (e.g. a message similar to "There was an error. Please try again later.").

The generic error is used in situations where an ErrorResponse with a clear description could be used to help an attacker understand the payment integrator account identifier of other integrators. In these situations, where either the signing key doesn't match, the payment integrator identifier was not found, or the encryption key was unknown, this method will return a generic error. If the request signature could be verified, additional information regarding the error will be returned in an ErrorResponse.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "statement_detail_request_139932019",
      "epochMillis": "1502551332087"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "InvisiCashUSA_USD"
  "generatedTimestamp": {
    "epochMillis": "1481899949606"
  "settlementPeriod": {
    "start": {
      "epochMillis": "1481892949606"
    "end": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899949606"
  "settlementAmount": {
    "amountMicros": "836000",
    "currencyCode": "USD"
  "settlementId": "STL_423JRE41",
  "notificationOffset": 0,
  "notificationTotal": 2,
  "captureEvents": [
      "captureRequestId": "076c1924-e8b3-4168-b456-363f72f5d7f1",
      "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": "12439VSDERA4",
      "eventCharge": {
        "amountMicros": "2000000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventFee": {
        "amountMicros": "-60000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventVat": {
        "amountMicros": "-20000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventFeeBreakdown": {
        "feeDetails": [
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-20000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "scheme": {}
            "feeType": {
              "authorization": {}
            "feeCategory": "IA",
            "feeSubCategory": "ASSESSMENT_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "MC Connectivity Fee"
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-20000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "contract": {}
            "feeType": {
              "authorization": {}
            "feeCategory": "PFEE",
            "feeSubCategory": "AUTHORIZATION_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "Online Authorization"
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-20000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "interchange": {
                "interchangeCode": "MIS",
                "interchangeQualification": "MasterCard International Standard"
            "feeType": {
              "capture": {}
            "feeCategory": "IA",
            "feeSubCategory": "INTERCHANGE_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "Interchange"
      "captureRequestId": "5cbbb5d7-523d-443e-86ef-8a480e5547c1",
      "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": "H4ARKL3431",
      "eventCharge": {
        "amountMicros": "2990000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventFee": {
        "amountMicros": "-63000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventVat": {
        "amountMicros": "-21000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventFeeBreakdown": {
        "feeDetails": [
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-21000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "contract": {}
            "feeType": {
              "capture": {}
            "feeCategory": "PFEE",
            "feeSubCategory": "DEPOSIT_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "Settled Dep. Fee"
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-21000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "interchange": {
                "interchangeCode": "MM1P",
                "interchangeQualification": "MC AVS Card Not Present Fee"
            "feeType": {
              "authorization": {}
            "feeCategory": "IA",
            "feeSubCategory": "INTERCHANGE_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "Interchange"
            "unitFee": {
              "amountMicros": "-21000",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "feeAssessmentSource": {
              "interchange": {
                "interchangeCode": "MM1P",
                "interchangeQualification": "MC Reporting&Infrastructure"
            "feeType": {
              "capture": {}
            "feeCategory": "IA",
            "feeSubCategory": "INTERCHANGE_FEES",
            "feeDescription": "Interchange"
  "refundEvents": [
      "asynchronousRefundRequestId": "17f76596-2ba5-4acf-806d-d6f72a70c89d",
      "paymentIntegratorRefundId": "4378VS143UH",

      "eventCharge": {
        "amountMicros": "-1990000",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventFee": {
        "amountMicros": "0",
        "currencyCode": "USD"
      "eventVat": {
        "amountMicros": "0",
        "currencyCode": "USD"

  "reverseRefundEvents": [],
  "chargebackEvents": [],
  "reverseChargebackEvents": [],
  "aggregateAdjustments": [
      "adjustmentAmount": {
          "amountMicros": "-2000000",
          "currencyCode": "USD"
      "adjustmentType": {
        "chargebackThresholdFine": {}

An example success response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899950236"
  "result": {
    "accepted": {}

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "generatedTimestamp": {
    object (Timestamp)
  "settlementPeriod": {
    object (Interval)
  "settlementAmount": {
    object (Amount)
  "settlementId": string,
  "notificationOffset": string,
  "notificationTotal": string,
  "captureEvents": [
      object (CaptureEvent)
  "refundEvents": [
      object (RefundEvent)
  "reverseRefundEvents": [
      object (ReverseRefundEvent)
  "chargebackEvents": [
      object (ChargebackEvent)
  "reverseChargebackEvents": [
      object (ReverseChargebackEvent)
  "fundsReservationEvents": [
      object (FundsReservationEvent)
  "aggregateAdjustments": [
      object (AggregateAdjustment)

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.


object (Timestamp)

REQUIRED: Timestamp of when this report was generated.


object (Interval)

REQUIRED: The period this settlement report covers.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: This should match the sum of all the eventCharge, eventFee, eventVat and aggregateAdjustment amounts in this SettlementNotificationRequest. If the settlement report is made up of multiple settlement notifications, the total amount settled will be the sum of each of these settlementAmount.



REQUIRED: This should be a unique ID that identifies the settlement report. All SettlementNotificationRequest for this settlement report should use the same settlementId.


string (Int64Value format)

REQUIRED: This is the offset of this SettlementNotificationRequest. The first should have a notificationOffset of 0 and the last should have an offset of notificationTotal-1.


string (Int64Value format)

REQUIRED: The total number of SettlementNotificationRequest in this settlement report.


object (CaptureEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of capture events.


object (RefundEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of refund events.


object (ReverseRefundEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of reverse refund events.


object (ChargebackEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of chargeback events.


object (ReverseChargebackEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of reverse chargeback events.


object (FundsReservationEvent)

REQUIRED: Set of funds reservation events.


object (AggregateAdjustment)

REQUIRED: Adjustments that don't apply to an individual transaction.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (SettlementNotificationResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


A length of time with a chronological beginning and end.

JSON representation
  "start": {
    object (Timestamp)
  "end": {
    object (Timestamp)

object (Timestamp)

REQUIRED: The start of this interval, which is inclusive.


object (Timestamp)

REQUIRED: The end of this interval, which is exclusive.


This represents a payment where a customer is charged. It is associated with a capture, asynchronousCaptureFundsReservation or beginRedirect event.

JSON representation
  "captureRequestId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": string,
  "eventCharge": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventVat": {
    object (Amount)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the capture event represented by this settlementEvent.



REQUIRED: An ID that is generated by the payment integrator that can be used to refer to this capture event.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If the settlement currency is different than the purchase currency then this field should be used to specify details about the event in the original purchase currency and the conversion to the settlement amount.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

This is the value-added-tax (VAT) for the eventFee. This amount is in addition to the fee. e.g. If the eventCharge is $2.00, the eventFee is -$0.20 and the eventVat is -$0.05 the total settlement value for this event would be $1.75.


This represents a presentment currency and a conversion rate in case the settlement and the purchase currencies are different.

JSON representation
  "presentmentAmount": {
    object (Amount)
  "nanoExchangeRate": string

object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

The presentment amount of the purchase in the currency that was used for the purchase. This should only be specified if the purchase currency is different than the settlement currency.


string (Int64Value format)

REQUIRED: The exchange rate used in converting the presentment amount to the settlement (invoice) amount.

This value is in nano basis points (1 basis point = .0001 = .01%). That is, to get the exchange rate, divide this field by 10^13.


  • $1 USD is €0.85 EUR.
  • USD/EUR exchange rate is: 0.85
  • USD/EUR exchange rate with 0.0001 basis point is: 0.85*10^(4)
  • USD/EUR exchange rate with nano 0.0001 basis point is: 0.85*10^(13)
  • USD/EUR exchange rate with nano 0.0001 basis point is: 8 500 000 000 000


This represents a breakdown of the eventFee that can be used for reporting purposes to better understand the fee makeup.

JSON representation
  "feeDetails": [
      object (FeeDetail)

object (FeeDetail)


This represents details of a fee event.

JSON representation
  "unitFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "feeAssessmentSource": {
    object (FeeAssessmentSource)
  "feeType": {
    object (FeeType)
  "feeCategory": string,
  "feeSubCategory": string,
  "feeDescription": string

object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

The amount of the fee being described. This can be smaller than the minimum billible unit. The sum of all the unitFee should be close to the eventFee but might not be exact due to rounding or small values less than the minimum billible unit. Because of that, this value might not match the exact amount settled for the transaction. The eventFee should be used for the amount settled.


object (FeeAssessmentSource)

REQUIRED: The source that is assessing the fee.


object (FeeType)

REQUIRED: This is the type of the fee event. It might match the event type, but it doesn't have to. For example, an authorization fee might be assessed with a captureEvent.



REQUIRED: The category of the fee. e.g. Discount, Fee, etc.



REQUIRED: The category of the fee. e.g. Authorization, assessment, deposit, etc.



REQUIRED: A description of the fee. This field is not parsed by the system and is only for human consumption to better understand the fee.


The source that assessed the fee.

JSON representation

  // Union field fee_assessment_source can be only one of the following:
  "scheme": {
    object (Empty)
  "interchange": {
    object (InterchangeFee)
  "contract": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field fee_assessment_source.

Union field fee_assessment_source.

fee_assessment_source can be only one of the following:


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed by the scheme or network.


object (InterchangeFee)

The fee is assessed as part of the interchange fee.


object (Empty)

The fee is specified in the contract between Google and the payment integrator.


Detailed information about an interchange fee.

JSON representation
  "interchangeCode": string,
  "interchangeQualification": string


REQUIRED: The interchange fee code.



REQUIRED: The qualification of the interchange fee.


The type of fee.

JSON representation

  // Union field fee_type can be only one of the following:
  "authorization": {
    object (Empty)
  "capture": {
    object (Empty)
  "refund": {
    object (Empty)
  "chargeback": {
    object (Empty)
  "reverseChargeback": {
    object (Empty)
  "reverseRefund": {
    object (Empty)
  "fxMarkup": {
    object (Empty)
  "authReversal": {
    object (Empty)
  "partialRefund": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field fee_type.

Union field fee_type.

fee_type can be only one of the following:


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of an authorization.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of a capture.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of a refund.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of a chargeback.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of a reverse chargeback.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of a reverse refund.


object (Empty)

The fee is assessed as part of an exchange rate markup.


object (Empty)

Fee associated with a reversal of an authorization event.


object (Empty)

Fee associated with a partial refund event.


This represents a refund where money is being returned to a customer. It will be associated with a refund event.

JSON representation
  "asynchronousRefundRequestId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorRefundId": string,
  "eventCharge": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventVat": {
    object (Amount)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the asynchronousRefund request that this settlementEvent pertains to.



REQUIRED: An ID that is generated by the payment integrator that can be used to refer to this refund event.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If the settlement currency is different than the purchase currency then this field should be used to specify details about the event in the original purchase currency and the conversion to the settlement amount.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.

For example, if an agreement says that Google will pay 1% of the eventCharge to the payment integrator, and will reverse that 1% upon refund of that transaction, then the capture fee will be negative and upon refund the refund fee will be positive.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

This is the value-added-tax (VAT) for the eventFee. This amount is in addition to the fee. e.g. If the eventCharge is $2.00, the eventFee is -$0.20 and the eventVat is -$0.05 the total settlement value for this event would be $1.75.


This represents a reverse refund. It is associated with a reverseRefundNotification and typically is used when a refund was performed but the issuing bank was unable to return funds to the customer, so they are being returned to Google.

JSON representation
  "asynchronousRefundRequestId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorReverseRefundNotificationRequestId": string,
  "eventCharge": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventVat": {
    object (Amount)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the refund request that this reverseRefundEvent is reversing.



REQUIRED: This is the requestId generated by the payment integrator in the reversereRefundNotification request.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If the settlement currency is different than the purchase currency then this field should be used to specify details about the event in the original purchase currency and the conversion to the settlement amount.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.

For example, if an agreement says that Google will pay 1% of the eventCharge to the payment integrator, and will reverse that 1% upon refund of that transaction, then the capture fee will be negative and upon refund the refund fee will be positive.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

This is the value-added-tax (VAT) for the eventFee. This amount is in addition to the fee. e.g. If the eventCharge is $2.00, the eventFee is -$0.20 and the eventVat is -$0.05 the total settlement value for this event would be $1.75.


This represents a chargeback. It is associated with a chargebackNotification and is used when a customer disputes a payment made in a capture or asynchronousCaptureFundsReservation. This is used to return funds to the customer.

JSON representation
  "captureRequestId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorChargebackNotificationRequestId": string,
  "eventCharge": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventVat": {
    object (Amount)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the capture request that this settlementEvent pertains to.



REQUIRED: This is the requestId generated by the payment integrator in the chargebackNotification request.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If the settlement currency is different than the purchase currency then this field should be used to specify details about the event in the original purchase currency and the conversion to the settlement amount.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.

For example, if an agreement says that Google will pay 1% of the eventCharge to the payment integrator, and will reverse that 1% upon refund of that transaction, then the capture fee will be negative and upon refund the refund fee will be positive.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

This is the value-added-tax (VAT) for the eventFee. This amount is in addition to the fee. e.g. If the eventCharge is $2.00, the eventFee is -$0.20 and the eventVat is -$0.05 the total settlement value for this event would be $1.75.


This represents a reverse chargeback. It is associated with a reverseChargebackNotification and is used when Google successfully disputes a chargebackNotification. The funds are being returned to Google.

JSON representation
  "captureRequestId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorReverseChargebackNotificationRequestId": string,
  "eventCharge": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventVat": {
    object (Amount)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the capture request that this settlementEvent pertains to.



REQUIRED: This is the requestId generated by the payment integrator in the reversereChargebackNotification request.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If the settlement currency is different than the purchase currency then this field should be used to specify details about the event in the original purchase currency and the conversion to the settlement amount.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.

For example, if an agreement says that Google will pay 1% of the eventCharge to the payment integrator, and will reverse that 1% upon refund of that transaction, then the capture fee will be negative and upon refund the refund fee will be positive.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

This is the value-added-tax (VAT) for the eventFee. This amount is in addition to the fee. e.g. If the eventCharge is $2.00, the eventFee is -$0.20 and the eventVat is -$0.05 the total settlement value for this event would be $1.75.


This represents fees associated with a funds reservation. It is associated with a reserveFunds.

JSON representation
  "fundsReservationRequestId": string,
  "eventFee": {
    object (Amount)
  "eventFeeBreakdown": {
    object (EventFeeBreakdown)
  "eventPresentmentDetails": {
    object (EventPresentmentDetails)


REQUIRED: requestId that was sent by Google for the reserveFunds request that this settlementEvent pertains to.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google. If the fee is broken down into several parts, this value is the sum of them and the amount settled. A breakdown of the fee can be specified in the eventFeeBreakdown.


object (EventFeeBreakdown)

OPTIONAL: This is a breakdown of the eventFee. It is used for reporting purposes and is not factored into the settlementAmount. It is used to understand what parts of the eventFee are attributable to what sources.


object (EventPresentmentDetails)

REQUIRED: Specify details about the funds reservation currency, amount and the conversion rate to the settlement currency.


This represents settlement of amounts that don't apply to a specific transaction and instead occur in aggregate.

JSON representation
  "adjustmentAmount": {
    object (Amount)
  "adjustmentType": {
    object (AdjustmentType)

object (Amount)

REQUIRED: If this amount is negative then it represents monetary value moving from Google to the payment integrator. If this is positive it is money from the payment integrator due to Google.

The amount of the adjustment that will be factored into the settlementAmount for this settlementNotificationRequest.


object (AdjustmentType)

REQUIRED: This provides more information about the adjustment.


This provides more information about the adjustment type.

JSON representation

  // Union field adjustment_type can be only one of the following:
  "aggregatedAuthorizationFees": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "aggregatedChargebackFees": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "aggregatedIntegrityFees": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "aggregatedAuthorizationFeesVariance": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "aggregatedChargebackFeesVariance": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "aggregatedIntegrityFeesVariance": {
    object (AggregatedFees)
  "chargebackThresholdFine": {
    object (Empty)
  "miscellaneousAdjustment": {
    object (MiscellaneousAdjustment)
  "eventFeesRounding": {
    object (Empty)
  "aggregatedSchemeFees": {
    object (Empty)
  "aggregatedGoodsServicesFees": {
    object (Empty)
  "aggregatedSchemeFeesVariance": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field adjustment_type.

Union field adjustment_type.

adjustment_type can be only one of the following:


object (AggregatedFees)

Credit card authorization fees aggregated over a period of time. This should only be used if those fees aren't provided at the transaction level via the eventFee field.


object (AggregatedFees)

Chargeback fees aggregated over a period of time. This should only be used if those fees can't be provided at the transaction level via the eventFee field.


object (AggregatedFees)

Aggregated integrity fees over a period of time. Integrity fees are imposed by a card network for transactions that were not 3DS-authenticated. This should only be used if those fees aren't provided at the transaction level via the eventFee field.


object (AggregatedFees)

Aggregate change in authorization fees due to updated rates or some other factor that was unknown when the authorization fees were originally set in the eventFee field with the transactions.


object (AggregatedFees)

Aggregate change in chargeback fees due to updated rates or some other factor that was unknown when the chargeback fees were originally set in the eventFee field with the transactions.


object (AggregatedFees)

Aggregate change in integrity fees due to updated rates or some other factor that was unknown when the integrity fees were originally set in the eventFee field with the transactions.


object (Empty)

Card networks (eg VISA, MC) have Dispute Monitoring Programs. A fine can be imposed by a card network for breaking a certain chargeback threshold in terms of a number of chargebacks per a period of time.


object (MiscellaneousAdjustment)

Miscellaneous type is used only when other types are not suitable. It is recommended to use miscellaneous type only occasionally and only in exceptional situations. Google will monitor for usage of this AdjustmentType and consider it a bug if a payment integrator uses this option systematically. If the existing adjustment types are not suitable, Google is willing to discuss adding a more targeted type.


object (Empty)

Used to account for adjustment in the rounding of event fees. If the event fees do not sum to a round number of billable units, then this value should be used to account for the rounding to billable units. It can be represented as sub-billable units. e.g. if the event fees sum to $10.053 USD and $10.06 would be the settlement amount than this can capture the missing $0.007 USD so it is accounted for. This amount can be larger than a single billable unit if the rounding is occurring in multiple places.


object (Empty)

Aggregate fees charged by the networks.


object (Empty)

Aggregate Goods and Service Tax.


object (Empty)

Aggregate fees variance charged by the networks due to updated rates or some other factor that was unknown when the scheme fees were originally set in the 'eventFee' field with the transactions.


This represents an aggregated transaction-level fees.

JSON representation
  "numberOfEvents": string

string (Int64Value format)

Number of events (eg payments) that fees are aggregated across.


This represents an unforeseen adjustment type that a payment integrator submits only in an exceptional circumstances.

JSON representation
  "adjustmentDescription": string


REQUIRED: Adjustment description should clearly explain a nature and exceptional circumstances of the adjustment.


Response object for the settlementNotification method.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": {
    object (Result)

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


object (Result)

REQUIRED: Contains the result of the request.


Details corresponding to the result.

JSON representation

  // Union field result can be only one of the following:
  "accepted": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field result.

Union field result.

result can be only one of the following:


object (Empty)

The settlementNotification was valid and is now being processed by Google.