Method: getAuthenticateResult

Gets the result of a completed authentication. This is used for REDIRECT_URL authentications after the user's browser uses the callback URL to return to Google.

Sometimes the authentication is successful, but the callback URL is unsuccessful or slow. Therefore, the payment integrator should also use the authenticateResultNotification to send the status to Google when it is known. The status from both this method and the authenticateResultNotification must be the same.

If the endpoint encounters an error while processing the request, the response body from this endpoint should be of type ErrorResponse.

An example request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "ak31kzZk3l19",
    "requestTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899949606"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "SpeedyPaymentsIndia_INR"
  "authenticateRequestId": "G112YZH4XPDV88J"

An example response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481899949611"
  "result": {
    "success": {}

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "authenticateRequestId": string

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.



REQUIRED: The requestId from the authenticate call in question.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (GetAuthenticateResultResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


Response object for the payment integrator hosted getAuthenticateResult method.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "result": {
    object (AuthenticateResultCode)
  "eci": string

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.


object (AuthenticateResultCode)

REQUIRED: The final result of the request to india-cards-v1.authenticate the user.



OPTIONAL: The Electronic Commerce Indicator returned for the request. It should be returned if available.


Result codes for the authenticate request that this getAuthenticateResult is referencing.

JSON representation

  // Union field authenticate_result_code can be only one of the following:
  "success": {
    object (Empty)
  "unableToAuthenticate": {
    object (Empty)
  "attempted": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field authenticate_result_code.
Union field authenticate_result_code. Result codes for the authenticate request that this getAuthenticateResult is referencing. authenticate_result_code can be only one of the following:

object (Empty)

A successful authentication. A payment can now be made with a reserveFunds or capture request.


object (Empty)

The attempt to authenticate the user failed.


object (Empty)

An attempt was made to authenticate the user. The results are inconclusive. Since the results are inconclusive, Google will attempt a reserveFunds or capture request.