Method: capture

Captures funds from a user's card.

This call synchronously attempts to capture funds from a user's card. The response to this message will return the result of that attempt. The combination of requestId within the header and paymentIntegratorAccountId is the idempotency key and uniquely identifies this transaction. All mutations on this transaction populate the requestId value in their captureRequestId field.

If the endpoint encounters an error while processing the request, the response body from this endpoint should be of type ErrorResponse.

An example of a standard payment request looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "G112YZH4XPDV88J",
    "requestTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481907920000"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "SpeedyPaymentsIndia_INR"
  "accountDetails": {
    "card": {
      "accountNumber": "4123456789101112",
      "nameOnCard": "Example Customer",
      "expiryMonth": "01",
      "expiryYear": "20",
      "cvn": "123"
  "amount": {
    "amountMicros": "728000000",
    "currencyCode": "INR"
  "transactionDescription": "Movie ACB",
  "merchantCategoryCode": "5815",
  "addressVerificationData": {
    "addressLine": ["2 Inner Ring Road"],
    "localityName": "Bangalore",
    "administrativeAreaName": "Karnataka",
    "postalCodeNumber": "560071",
    "countryCode": "IN"
  "authenticationNotAttempted" : {}

An example of a standard payment response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": 1481907920760
  "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": "36be1a5d-ff21-455d-8dba-e3c4306e193e",
  "cardNetworkResult": {
    "rawResult": {
      "scope": "VISA",
      "rawCode": "00"
    "authorizationCode": "123456"
  "addressVerificationResult": {
    "result": {
      "rawAvsResult": "M",
      "addressLine": "MATCH",
      "localityName": "MATCH",
      "administrativeAreaName": "MATCH",
      "postalCodeNumber": "MATCH",
      "countryCode": "MATCH",
      "nameOnCard": "MATCH"
  "cvnResult": "MATCH",
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "cardMetadata": {
    "issuerName": "exampleissuer",
    "issuingCountryCode": "IN",
    "networks": ["VISA"],
    "cardType": "CREDIT_CARD"

An example of a recurring payment with mandate creation looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "G112YZH4XPDV88J",
    "requestTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481907920000"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "SpeedyPaymentsIndia_INR"
  "authenticateRequestId": "G13478DFHKE123HG74",
  "amount": {
    "amountMicros": "728000000",
    "currencyCode": "INR"
  "transactionDescription": "Movie ACB",
  "merchantCategoryCode": "5815",
  "addressVerificationData": {
    "addressLine": ["2 Inner Ring Road"],
    "localityName": "Bangalore",
    "administrativeAreaName": "Karnataka",
    "postalCodeNumber": "560071",
    "countryCode": "IN"
  "authenticationWasSuccessful" : {
    "paymentIntegratorAuthenticationId": "6e77bd35-3fca-4b03-9cbb-6586c31def72",
    "recurringPaymentDetails": {
      "customerReferenceId": "customer57",
      "recurringPaymentReferenceId": "subscription201",
      "recurringPaymentDescription": "Google TV",
      "startDate": {
        "year": 2021,
        "month": 1,
        "day": 21
      "endDate": {
        "year": 2099,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 31
      "frequency": "MONTHLY",
      "fixedAmount": {
        "amountMicros": "728000000",
        "currencyCode": "INR"

An example of a recurring payment with mandate creation response looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": 1481907920760
  "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": "36be1a5d-ff21-455d-8dba-e3c4306e193e",
  "cardNetworkResult": {
    "rawResult": {
      "scope": "VISA",
      "rawCode": "00"
    "authorizationCode": "123456"
  "addressVerificationResult": {
    "result": {
      "rawAvsResult": "M",
      "addressLine": "MATCH",
      "localityName": "MATCH",
      "administrativeAreaName": "MATCH",
      "postalCodeNumber": "MATCH",
      "countryCode": "MATCH",
      "nameOnCard": "MATCH"
  "cvnResult": "MATCH",
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "cardMetadata": {
    "issuerName": "exampleissuer",
    "issuingCountryCode": "IN",
    "networks": ["VISA"],
    "cardType": "CREDIT_CARD"
  "recurringMandateDetails": {
    "mandateId": "MA061B00045154",
    "mandateStatus": "ACTIVE",
    "mandateCreationDetails" : {
      "integratorPaymentToken" : {}

An example of a recurring payment request using a mandate looks like:

  "requestHeader": {
    "protocolVersion": {
      "major": 1
    "requestId": "G112YZH4XPDV88J",
    "requestTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": "1481907920000"
    "paymentIntegratorAccountId": "SpeedyPaymentsIndia_INR"
  "recurringPaymentMandate": {
    "mandateId": "MA061B00045154",
    "recurringPaymentReferenceId": "subscription201",
    "paymentIntegratorNotificationId": "invoiceid1234"
  "amount": {
    "amountMicros": "728000000",
    "currencyCode": "INR"
  "transactionDescription": "N/A",
  "merchantCategoryCode": "N/A",
  "authenticationNotAttempted" : {}

An example of a recurring payment response using a mandate looks like:

  "responseHeader": {
    "responseTimestamp": {
      "epochMillis": 1481907920760
  "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": "36be1a5d-ff21-455d-8dba-e3c4306e193e",
  "cardNetworkResult": {
    "rawResult": {
      "scope": "VISA",
      "rawCode": "00"
    "authorizationCode": "123456"
  "addressVerificationResult": {
    "notSent": {
      "support": "SUPPORTED"
  "cvnResult": "NOT_SENT_SUPPORTED",
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "cardMetadata": {
    "issuerName": "exampleissuer",
    "issuingCountryCode": "IN",
    "networks": ["VISA"],
    "cardType": "CREDIT_CARD"

HTTP request


Request body

The request body contains data with the following structure:

JSON representation
  "requestHeader": {
    object (RequestHeader)
  "amount": {
    object (Amount)
  "transactionDescription": string,
  "merchantCategoryCode": string,
  "addressVerificationData": {
    object (AddressVerificationData)

  // Union field account_details_source can be only one of the following:
  "accountDetails": {
    object (AccountDetails)
  "authenticateRequestId": string,
  "recurringPaymentMandate": {
    object (RecurringPaymentMandate)
  "inPlaceTokenizedCardPayment": {
    object (InPlaceTokenizedCardPayment)
  // End of list of possible types for union field account_details_source.

  // Union field authentication_attempted can be only one of the following:
  "authenticationNotAttempted": {
    object (Empty)
  "authenticationWasSuccessful": {
    object (AuthenticationDetails)
  "authenticationWasAttempted": {
    object (AuthenticationDetails)
  // End of list of possible types for union field authentication_attempted.

object (RequestHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all requests.


object (Amount)

REQUIRED: The amount of the purchase, in micros of the currency unit.



REQUIRED: This is the description of the transaction that can be put on the customer's statement. The format can be changed without notice and therefore this value must never be parsed.

This field will always be sent, however it is understood that not all issuers or networks support it. In those cases it does not have to be used. This field is classified as SPII because it can contain sensitive information, for example one-time password.



REQUIRED: This is the ISO 18245 merchant category code (MCC) identifying the type of goods/services being purchased by the user.


object (AddressVerificationData)

OPTIONAL: The user's billing address to be verified by AVS.

Union field account_details_source. REQUIRED: The source of the details about the card the user is paying with. account_details_source can be only one of the following:

object (AccountDetails)

Data about the user's payment card.



The requestId from the AuthenticateRequest request that authenticated the user for this payment. If this option is used, the accountDetails were sent in that request.


object (RecurringPaymentMandate)

The payment is a recurring payment and can be made with an existing mandate.


object (InPlaceTokenizedCardPayment)

A card was passed to AuthenticateRequest with the intent to make a purchase and create a paymentToken. The new paymentToken is passed with the requestId for the AuthenticateRequest so a capture can be attempted on the paymentToken.

Union field authentication_attempted. REQUIRED: This is used to specify whether an attempt was made to authenticate the user with an authenticateRequest. authentication_attempted can be only one of the following:

object (Empty)

An attempt was not made to authenticate the user. This typically means the request was system initiated.


object (AuthenticationDetails)

There was a successful call to authenticateRequest to authenticate the user for this purchase.


object (AuthenticationDetails)

An inconclusive attempt was made to authenticate the user.

Response body

This method supports multiple return types. For additional information about what 4XX or 5XX HTTP status code to return with an ErrorResponse, consult the ErrorResponse object and HTTP status codes documentation.

Possible response messages
HTTP 200 Status

object (CaptureResponse)

HTTP 4XX / 5XX Status

object (ErrorResponse)


Object to represent info related to a recurring payment mandate that can be used to make a purchase.

JSON representation
  "mandateId": string,
  "recurringPaymentReferenceId": string,
  "paymentIntegratorNotificationId": string


REQUIRED: The mandate ID associated with this recurring payment.



REQUIRED: The reference ID associated with this recurring payment.



REQUIRED: The payment integrator generated ID for the notification that was sent to the user. This is returned from the related preNotifyUser call.


This object is used to pass details when india-cards-v1.authenticate was called with a card and the card was then tokenized. The new paymentToken is passed with the requestId for the AuthenticateRequest so a capture can be attempted on the paymentToken.

JSON representation
  "paymentToken": {
    object (PaymentToken)
  "authenticateRequestId": string

object (PaymentToken)

Representation of a card that has been tokenized by the network.



The requestId from the AuthenticateRequest request that authenticated the user for this payment using card details.


Contains address fields to be verified by AVS.

JSON representation
  "addressLine": [
  "localityName": string,
  "administrativeAreaName": string,
  "postalCodeNumber": string,
  "countryCode": string


OPTIONAL: This holds unstructured Address text.



OPTIONAL: This is something of a fuzzy term, but it generally refers to the city/town portion of an address. In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit into this structure well (for example, Japan and China), leave localityName empty and use addressLine.

Examples: US city, IT comune, UK post town.



OPTIONAL: The top-level administrative subdivision of this country for the user's billing address.

Examples: US state, IT region, UK constituent nation, JP prefecture

When country == US, this is expected to be the 2-character abbreviation for the US State.



OPTIONAL: The user's billing postal code.



OPTIONAL: The country code of the user's billing address in ISO-3166-1 Alpha-2 format.


Contains details about the authentication that was performed.

JSON representation
  "paymentIntegratorAuthenticationId": string,
  "recurringPaymentDetails": {
    object (RecurringPaymentDetails)


OPTIONAL: This identifier is specific to the integrator and is generated by the integrator. The integrator identifies this authentication attempt in their system by this identifier. This will be populated when it was included in the authenticateResponse.


object (RecurringPaymentDetails)

OPTIONAL: If present, a recurring payment is being configured. This contains details about those payments so a mandate can be created.


Object used to pass details needed for the creation of a recurring payment mandate that can be used to make future payments.

JSON representation
  "customerReferenceId": string,
  "recurringPaymentReferenceId": string,
  "recurringPaymentDescription": string,
  "startDate": {
    object (Date)
  "endDate": {
    object (Date)
  "frequency": enum (Frequency),

  // Union field recurring_payment_amount can be only one of the following:
  "fixedAmount": {
    object (Amount)
  "maximumAmount": {
    object (Amount)
  // End of list of possible types for union field recurring_payment_amount.


REQUIRED: Google generated ID to reference this customer.



REQUIRED: Google generated ID to reference this recurring payment.



REQUIRED: Description of the recurring payment.


object (Date)

REQUIRED: Date of when the recurring payment began.


object (Date)

REQUIRED: Date of when this recurring payment ends. If the subscription does not have an end date, this will be set to a day far in the future, such as 31st Dec, 2099.


enum (Frequency)

REQUIRED: The expected frequency of the recurring payment.

Union field recurring_payment_amount. REQUIRED: The amount of the recurring payment, in micros of the currency unit. recurring_payment_amount can be only one of the following:

object (Amount)

The recurring payment is for a fixed amount.


object (Amount)

The recurring payment is for a variable amount up to this value.


The expected frequency of the recurring payment.

FREQUENCY_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
WEEKLY Weekly payments are expected.
MONTHLY Monthly payments are expected.
BI_MONTHLY A payment is expected twice a month.
QUARTERLY Quarterly payments are expected.
BI_ANNUALLY Payments will occur twice a year.
YEARLY Yearly payments are expected.
ADHOC Payments do not have a set frequency.


Response object for the payment integrator hosted india-cards-v1.capture method.

JSON representation
  "responseHeader": {
    object (ResponseHeader)
  "paymentIntegratorCaptureId": string,
  "cardNetworkResult": {
    object (CardNetworkResult)
  "addressVerificationResult": {
    object (AddressVerificationResult)
  "cvnResult": enum (CvnResult),
  "result": enum (CaptureResultCode),
  "cardMetadata": {
    object (CardMetadata)

  // Union field recurring_mandate_result can be only one of the following:
  "recurringMandateDetails": {
    object (RecurringMandateDetails)
  "recurringMandateNotRequired": {
    object (Empty)
  "recurringMandateNotSupported": {
    object (Empty)
  "recurringMandateNotRequested": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field recurring_mandate_result.

object (ResponseHeader)

REQUIRED: Common header for all responses.



OPTIONAL: This identifier is specific to the integrator and is generated by the integrator. The integrator identifies this capture in their system by this identifier.

For convenience, this identifier is included with in the remittance details


object (CardNetworkResult)

REQUIRED: The result of issuing the capture on the card network.


object (AddressVerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the address fields sent in the request.


enum (CvnResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the CVN sent in the request. If the CVN was not set on the request, this value should be NOT_SENT.


enum (CaptureResultCode)

REQUIRED: Result of this call.


object (CardMetadata)

REQUIRED: Optional metadata about the card that may be useful for future processing and debugging.

Union field recurring_mandate_result. OPTIONAL: Details about a recurring mandate, if applicable. recurring_mandate_result can be only one of the following:

object (RecurringMandateDetails)

The creation of a recurring mandate was requested and successful.


object (Empty)

The creation of a recurring mandate was requested, but it is not required for this transaction, e.g. because it is an international card that is out of scope.


object (Empty)

The creation of a recurring mandate was requested, but it is not currently supported for this transaction, e.g. the issuer does not yet support mandates. This differs from recurringMandateNotRequired, which is used for cards that are not in scope of requiring a mandate. recurringMandateNotSupported is used for cards that are in scope but can not currently support mandate creation.


object (Empty)

The creation of a recurring mandate was not requested.


Contains a network and a raw result code from that network.

JSON representation
  "rawResult": {
    object (RawResult)
  "authorizationCode": string,
  "processorDebugInformation": {
    object (ProcessorDebugInformation)

object (RawResult)

REQUIRED: The raw response code from the network to this call. This is informational only.



The Authorization Verification Code returned from the Card Network during the reservation of funds. Any time that this Code is provided by the network, it should be returned to Google.

Common names for this field include: Auth code, Verification Code, Authorization Number, Authorization ID, Approval Code


object (ProcessorDebugInformation)

OPTIONAL: The additional transactional information which is useful for debugging or troubleshooting purpose only.


Raw result object.

JSON representation
  "scope": string,
  "rawCode": string


OPTIONAL: Scope of the rawCode, can be empty.



REQUIRED: Raw code from the integrator or subsystems within it.


This contains the additional information sent by the processor which is useful for debugging or analysis purposes only.

JSON representation
  "errorCode": string,
  "category": string,
  "details": string


OPTIONAL: This contains specific identifier or error code from the processor system.



OPTIONAL: This contains type or category of failure.



REQUIRED: The detailed information or internal error description which is useful for investigation purposes.


The result of verifying the address fields provided in the request.

All fields are required because we want an explicit result for each field rather than relying on the absence of a field as an implied result.

JSON representation

  // Union field address_verification_result_type can be only one of the
  // following:
  "notSent": {
    object (AddressVerificationNotSent)
  "sentUnsupported": {
    object (AddressVerificationSentUnsupported)
  "result": {
    object (AddressVerificationSentResult)
  // End of list of possible types for union field
  // address_verification_result_type.

Union field address_verification_result_type.

address_verification_result_type can be only one of the following:


object (AddressVerificationNotSent)

Google did not send addressVerificationData so nothing could be done.


object (AddressVerificationSentUnsupported)

Google sent addressVerificationData but AVS is unsupported.


object (AddressVerificationSentResult)

Google sent addressVerificationData and this is the result.


JSON representation
  "support": enum (NotSentAvsSupport)

enum (NotSentAvsSupport)

REQUIRED: If addressVerificationData had been sent, the following support would have been available.


NOT_SENT_AVS_SUPPORT_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
UNSUPPORTED_BY_INTEGRATOR If addressVerificationData had been sent, the integrator would not have been able to support it.
UNSUPPORTED_BY_NETWORK If addressVerificationData had been sent, the network would not have been able to support it.
UNSUPPORTED_BY_ISSUER If addressVerificationData had been sent, the issuer would not have been able to support it.
SUPPORTED If addressVerificationData had been sent, the integrator would have been able to support it.
AVS_SUPPORT_NOT_KNOWN If addressVerificationData had been sent, it is unknown if it would have been supported or not.


JSON representation
  "reason": enum (AvsNotSupportedReason)

enum (AvsNotSupportedReason)

REQUIRED: The addressVerificationData was sent but Address Verification could not be performed for the following reason.


AVS_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
UNSUPPORTED_BY_INTEGRATOR The integrator could not support Address Verification for this request.
UNSUPPORTED_BY_NETWORK The network could not support Address Verification for this request.
UNSUPPORTED_BY_ISSUER The issuer could not support Address Verification for this request.


JSON representation
  "rawAvsResult": string,
  "addressLine": enum (VerificationResult),
  "localityName": enum (VerificationResult),
  "administrativeAreaName": enum (VerificationResult),
  "postalCodeNumber": enum (VerificationResult),
  "countryCode": enum (VerificationResult),
  "nameOnCard": enum (VerificationResult)


REQUIRED: The raw AVS value returned from the card network.

If addressVerificationData was not set in the request, or if the raw result is not known then the value should be "UNKNOWN".


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the streetAddress sent in the addressVerificationSystemData field of the request.


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the localityName sent in the addressVerificationSystemData field of the request.


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the administrativeAreaName sent in the addressVerificationSystemData field of the request.


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the postalCodeNumber sent in the addressVerificationSystemData field of the request.


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the countryCode sent in the addressVerificationSystemData field of the request.


enum (VerificationResult)

REQUIRED: The result of verifying the nameOnCard sent in the card field of this request.


VERIFICATION_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
MATCH Google sent the field to the integrator and it was checked via AVS and it matched the expected value.
MISMATCH Google sent the field to the integrator and it was checked via AVS but did not match the expected value.
NOT_SPECIFIED Google sent the field to the integrator and the integrator checked the field via AVS, but the AVS result code does not provide enough info for the integrator to know if the field matched the expected the value.
SKIPPED_BY_NETWORK Google sent the field to the integrator but the Network did not return an AVS result (due to timeout etc.).
SKIPPED_BY_ISSUER Google sent the field to the integrator but the issuer did not perform AVS (due to timeout etc.).


Result codes for the capture method.

CAPTURE_RESULT_CODE_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
SUCCESS india-cards-v1.capture notification was successfully processed.
CARD_ACTIVITY_EXCEEDS_AMOUNT_LIMIT The recent activity on the user's card has exceeded the total amount allowed by the issuer.
CARD_ACTIVITY_EXCEEDS_COUNT_LIMIT The recent activity on the user's card has exceeded the number of transactions allowed by the issuer.
CARD_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED The network specified that the card authentication failed.
CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE_INVALID The expiration date on the card was invalid.
CARD_EXPIRED The card has expired.
CARD_LOST_OR_STOLEN The card has been lost or stolen. This includes 'Pickup' responses from the network.
CARD_NOT_ACTIVATED The card has not been activated. Also referred to as ’Blocked, first used’.
CARD_NUMBER_INVALID The card number is invalid.
CARD_REQUIRES_RESERVE_CAPTURE This card does not support the Funds Transfer (single message) protocol. Instead use use the Reserve india-cards-v1.capture (dual message) service.
CUSTOMER_INFO_INVALID The provided customer info is invalid.
CVN_MISMATCH The transaction was declined because the CVN did not match.
DO_NOT_HONOR The network returned "Do not honor".
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Insufficient funds on the user's account.
ISSUER_DECLINED The transaction was declined by the issuer.
REVOCATION_OF_AUTHORIZATION The network returned "Revocation of authorization order".
STOP_PAYMENT The network returned "stop payment".
SUSPECTED_FRAUD The issuer suspects that this transaction is fraud.
TRANSACTION_COULD_NOT_BE_ROUTED The Network could not route this transaction for processing.
TRANSACTION_UNDER_AMOUNT_LIMIT Requested amount does not meet the minimum per-transaction amount.
TRANSACTION_EXCEEDS_AMOUNT_LIMIT Requested amount exceeds the maximum per-transaction limit.
TRANSACTION_INVALID The transaction is invalid.
TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED This transaction is not allowed in this context (e.g. country).
TRANSACTION_PENDING The transaction is currently pending. This should not be treated as a successful payment.
RECURRING_PAYMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED An attempt was made to charge for a recurring transaction, but it is not supported.
NETWORK_TIMEOUT There was a timeout while attempting to process the card.
RESTRICTED_CARD The card is restricted from making this type of purchase.
CARD_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED The card authentication has expired.
MANDATE_CREATION_FAILED The creation of the mandate failed.
MANDATE_NOT_ACTIVE The specified mandate is not active to accept payments.
MANDATE_REQUIRED_BUT_NOT_PRESENT A mandate is required for this transaction but one was not specified.
CHARGE_CANCELED_BY_USER The user rejected this charge after receiving the notification for it.
DUPLICATE_REQUEST This request is a duplicate of another.
INTERNAL_ERROR An API processing error.
INVALID_ISSUER_RESPONSE The issuer has given an invalid response.
INVALID_REQUEST The card or request is invalid.
ISSUER_UNAVAILABLE The issuer is unavailible.
NOTIFICATION_NOT_SENT A notification was not sent to the user before a recurring mandate was used for payment.
NOTIFICATION_NOT_VALID The notification that was sent to the user for a recurring mandate payment was invalid.
NOT_PERMITTED The transaction is not permitted to the cardholder.
CHARGE_NOT_APPROVED_BY_USER The charge has not been approved by the user.
MANDATE_INSTRUMENT_NOT_VALID The instrument associated with the mandate on the integrator side is not valid. For example, when a mandate is created on card which is not migrated to a cloud token and deleted from the integrator's end.


Metadata about the card returned from the payment integrator that may be useful for future processing and debugging.

JSON representation
  "issuerName": string,
  "issuingCountryCode": string,
  "networks": [
  "cardType": enum (CardType)


OPTIONAL: The name of the card issuer. This is for internal use only and can take whatever format is most convenient for the payment integrator. It will not be displayed to the user and does not have to be human readable.



OPTIONAL: The country code of the country that this card was issued in using ISO-3166-1 Alpha-2 format.



OPTIONAL: The networks that this card can be processed on. These should be in upper case. e.g. VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX


enum (CardType)

REQUIRED: The type of card.


The type of card.

CARD_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
INTEGRATOR_CANNOT_SPECIFY_CARD_TYPE The payment integrator is not able to specify the Card Class.
CREDIT_CARD This card is a CREDIT card
DEBIT_CARD This card is a DEBIT card
PREPAID_CARD This card is a PREPAID card


Details about the recurring mandate that was created.

JSON representation
  "mandateId": string,
  "mandateStatus": enum (MandateStatus),
  "mandateCreationDetails": {
    object (MandateCreationDetails)


** REQUIRED **: The ID that represents the mandate created for this recurring mandate.


enum (MandateStatus)

** REQUIRED **: The current status of the mandate.


object (MandateCreationDetails)

** REQUIRED **: Details pertaining to this mandate's creation. Set this when there is specific information that needs to be supplied regarding how the mandate was created.


The status of the mandate that was created.

MANDATE_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED Do not ever set this default value!
PENDING The mandate is initiated but awaiting confirmation.
ACTIVE The mandate is active and can accept charges.
REJECTED The mandate was rejected by the payment provider or issuer.
DELETED The mandate was deleted by the customer or merchant.


Details pertaining to mandate creation.

JSON representation

  // Union field source_of_mandate can be only one of the following:
  "integratorPaymentToken": {
    object (Empty)
  "googlePaymentToken": {
    object (Empty)
  // End of list of possible types for union field source_of_mandate.
Union field source_of_mandate. ** REQUIRED **: Source of the payment-token on which the mandate was created. source_of_mandate can be only one of the following:

object (Empty)

Signifies that the mandate was created on integrator's payment-token.


object (Empty)

Signifies that the mandate was created on Google's payment-token.