将卡券保存到 Google Pay

所有“卡券”类别都具有常见用例。例如,所有会员卡、礼品卡、优惠券、活动门票、登机牌和公交卡都可以通过多种方法添加到 Google Pay 应用:请选择任一方法了解详情:

要想使用电子邮件将卡券保存到 Google Pay,请在电子邮件中加入一个包含深层链接的按钮。

要将保存到 Google Pay 按钮集成到电子邮件或短信中,需要完成三个步骤:

  1. 定义对象要扩展的 Class
  2. 生成代表 Object 的 JWT
  3. 保存到 Google Pay 按钮添加到电子邮件或短信中


1. 定义对象要扩展的类

首先,定义 LoyaltyClass。如需插入 LoyaltyClass,请向以下 REST URI 发出 POST 请求:


要实现严格的错误解析并捕捉更多错误(例如,存在重复的 ID 字段),请按以下示例 URI 所示,将参数 strict=true 添加到 REST URI:


以下示例展示了代表 LoyaltyClass 的 JSON 资源。必须在 POST 请求的主体中发送 JSON。以下代码示例详细演示了如何定义和插入 LoyaltyClass

  "accountIdLabel": "Member Id",
  "accountNameLabel": "Member Name",
  "id": "2945482443380251551.ExampleClass1",
  "issuerName": "Baconrista",
  "kind": "walletobjects#loyaltyClass",
  "textModulesData": [
      "header": "Rewards details",
      "body": "Welcome to Baconrista rewards.  Enjoy your rewards for being a loyal customer. " +
               "10 points for every dollar spent.  Redeem your points for free coffee, bacon and more!"
  "linksModuleData": {
    "uris": [
        "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
        "uri": "https://maps.google.com/map?q=google",
        "description": "Nearby Locations"
        "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
        "uri": "tel:6505555555",
        "description": "Call Customer Service"
  "imageModulesData": [
      "mainImage": {
        "kind": "walletobjects#image",
        "sourceUri": {
          "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
          "uri": "https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg",
          "description": "Coffee beans"
  "messages": [{
    "header": "Welcome to Banconrista Rewards!",
    "body": "Featuring our new bacon donuts.",
    "kind": "walletobjects#walletObjectMessage"
  "locations": [{
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.424015499999996,
    "longitude": -122.09259560000001
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.424354,
    "longitude": -122.09508869999999
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 37.7901435,
    "longitude": -122.39026709999997
    "kind": "walletobjects#latLongPoint",
    "latitude": 40.7406578,
    "longitude": -74.00208940000002
  "programLogo": {
    "kind": "walletobjects#image",
    "sourceUri": {
      "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
      "uri": "https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7340/11177041185_a61a7f2139_o.jpg"
  "programName": "Baconrista Rewards",
  "rewardsTier": "Gold",
  "rewardsTierLabel": "Tier",
  "reviewStatus": "underReview",
  "hexBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
  "heroImage": {
   "kind": "walletobjects#image",
   "sourceUri": {
     "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
     "uri": "https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7302/11177240353_115daa5729_o.jpg"
// Define the Image Module Data
List<ImageModuleData> imageModuleData = new ArrayList<ImageModuleData>();

ImageModuleData image = new ImageModuleData().setMainImage(
    new Image().setSourceUri(
        new ImageUri().setUri("http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg")));


// Define Text Module Data
List<TextModuleData> textModulesData = new ArrayList<TextModuleData>();

TextModuleData textModuleData = new TextModuleData().setHeader("Rewards details")
        "Welcome to Baconrista rewards.  Enjoy your rewards for being a loyal customer.  10 points for ever dollar spent.  Redeem your points for free coffee, bacon and more!");

// Define Links Module Data
List<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<Uri>();
Uri uri1 = new Uri().setDescription("Nearby Locations").setUri("http://maps.google.com/?q=google");
Uri uri2 = new Uri().setDescription("Call Customer Service").setUri("tel:6505555555");


LinksModuleData linksModuleData = new LinksModuleData().setUris(uris);

// Define general messages
List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
Message message = new Message()
    .setHeader("Welcome to Baconrista")
    .setBody("Featuring our new bacon donuts.");

// Define Geofence locations
List<LatLongPoint> locations = new ArrayList<LatLongPoint>();
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(37.422601).setLongitude(
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(37.424354).setLongitude(
locations.add(new LatLongPoint().setLatitude(40.7406578).setLongitude(

// Create class
LoyaltyClass wobClass = new LoyaltyClass()
    .setProgramName("Baconrista Rewards")
        new Image().setSourceUri(new ImageUri()
    .setAccountNameLabel("Member Name").setAccountIdLabel("Member Id")

LoyaltyClass response = client.loyaltyclass().insert(wobClass).execute();
// Define text module data.
$textModulesData = array(
        'header' => 'Rewards details',
        'body' => 'Welcome to Baconrista rewards.  Enjoy your rewards for being a loyal customer. ' .
            '10 points for every dollar spent.  Redeem your points for free coffee, bacon and more!'
// Define links module data.
$linksModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LinksModuleData();
$uris = array (
        'uri' => 'http://maps.google.com/map?q=google',
        'kind' => 'walletobjecs#uri',
        'description' => 'Nearby Locations'
        'uri' => 'tel:6505555555',
        'kind' => 'walletobjecs#uri',
        'description' => 'Call Customer Service'

$uriModuleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri();
$uriModuleImageInstance->setDescription('Coffee beans');
$imageModuleImageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image();
$imagesModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageModuleData();
$imagesModuleDataArr = array ($imagesModuleData);

// Messages to be displayed to all users of Wallet Objects.
$messages = array(array(
    'header' => 'Welcome to Banconrista Rewards!',
    'body' => 'Featuring our new bacon donuts.',
    'kind' => 'walletobjects#walletObjectMessage'
$locations = array(
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.424015499999996,
        'longitude' => -122.09259560000001
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.424354,
        'longitude' => -122.09508869999999
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 37.7901435,
        'longitude' => -122.39026709999997
        'kind' => 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
        'latitude' => 40.7406578,
        'longitude' => -74.00208940000002
// Source uri of program logo.
$uriInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_ImageUri();
$imageInstance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Image();
// Create wallet class.
$wobClass = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LoyaltyClass();
$wobClass->setProgramName('Baconrista Rewards');
$wobClass->setAccountNameLabel('Member Name');
$wobClass->setAccountIdLabel('Member Id');

loyalty_class = {
  'accountIdLabel': 'Member Id',
  'accountNameLabel': 'Member Name',
  'multipleDevicesAndHoldersAllowedStatus': 'multipleHolders',
  'id': '2945482443380251551.ExampleClass1',
  'issuerName': 'Baconrista',
  'kind': 'walletobjects#loyaltyClass',
  'locations': [{
      'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
      'latitude': 37.424015499999996,
      'longitude': -122.09259560000001
      'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
      'latitude': 37.424354,
      'longitude': -122.09508869999999
      'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
      'latitude': 37.7901435,
      'longitude': -122.39026709999997
      'kind': 'walletobjects#latLongPoint',
      'latitude': 40.7406578,
      'longitude': -74.00208940000002
  'textModulesData': [{
    'header': 'Rewards details',
    'body': 'Welcome to Baconrista rewards.  Enjoy your rewards for being a loyal customer. ' +
            '10 points for ever dollar spent.  Redeem your points for free coffee, bacon and more! '
  'linksModuleData': {
    'uris': [
        'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
        'uri': 'http://maps.google.com/map?q=google',
        'description': 'Nearby Locations'
        'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
        'uri': 'tel:6505555555',
        'description': 'Call Customer Service'
  'imageModulesData': [
      'mainImage': {
        'kind': 'walletobjects#image',
        'sourceUri': {
          'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
          'uri':  'http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3738/12440799783_3dc3c20606_b.jpg',
          'description': 'Coffee beans'
  'messages': [{
      'header': 'Welcome to Banconrista Rewards!',
      'body': 'Featuring our new bacon donuts.',
      'kind': 'walletobjects#walletObjectMessage'
  'programLogo': {
      'kind': 'walletobjects#image',
      'sourceUri': {
          'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
          'uri': 'http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7340/11177041185_a61a7f2139_o.jpg'
  'programName': 'Baconrista Rewards',
  'rewardsTier': 'Gold',
  'rewardsTierLabel': 'Tier',
  'reviewStatus': 'underReview',

api_request = service.loyaltyclass().insert(body=loyalty_class)
api_response = api_request.execute()

如需查看所有 LoyaltyClass 字段的完整列表,请参阅 LoyaltyClass 参考文档

2. 生成代表对象的 JWT

首先,如下列代码段所示定义 LoyaltyObject

  "classId": "2945482443380251551.ExampleClass1",
  "id": "2945482443380251551.ExampleObject1",
  "accountId": "1234567890",
  "accountName": "Jane Doe",
  "barcode": {
    "alternateText": "12345",
    "type": "qrCode",
    "value": "28343E3"
  "textModulesData": [{
    "header": "Jane's Baconrista Rewards",
    "body": "Save more at your local Mountain View store Jane. " +
              "You get 1 bacon fat latte for every 5 coffees purchased.  " +
              "Also just for you, 10% off all pastries in the Mountain View store."
  "linksModuleData": {
    "uris": [
        "kind": "walletobjects#uri",
        "uri": "https://www.baconrista.com/myaccount?id=1234567890",
        "description": "My Baconrista Account"
  "infoModuleData": {
    "labelValueRows": [{
      "columns": [{
        "label": "Next Reward in",
        "value": "2 coffees"
      }, {
        "label": "Member Since",
        "value": "01/15/2013"
    }, {
      "columns": [{
        "label": "Local Store",
        "value": "Mountain View"
    "showLastUpdateTime": "true"
  "loyaltyPoints": {
    "balance": {
      "string": "5000"
    "label": "Points",
      "pointsType": "points"
  "messages": [{
    "header": "Jane, welcome to Banconrista Rewards!",
    "body": "Thanks for joining our program. Show this message to " +
              "our barista for your first free coffee on us!"
  "state": "active"
// Define Barcode
Barcode barcode = new Barcode().setType("qrCode")

// Define Points
LoyaltyPoints points = new LoyaltyPoints()
    .setBalance(new LoyaltyPointsBalance().setString("500"));

// Define Text Module Data
List<TextModuleData> textModulesData = new ArrayList<TextModuleData>();
TextModuleData textModuleData = new TextModuleData()
    .setHeader("Jane's Baconrista Rewards")
        "Save more at your local Mountain View store Jane.  You get 1 bacon fat latte for every 5 coffees purchased.  Also just for you, 10% off all pastries in the Mountain View store.");

// Define Links Module Data
List<Uri> uris = new ArrayList<Uri>();
Uri uri1 = new Uri().setDescription("My Baconrista Account")
LinksModuleData linksModuleData = new LinksModuleData().setUris(uris);

// Define Info Module
List<LabelValue> row0cols = new ArrayList<LabelValue>();
LabelValue row0col0 = new LabelValue().setLabel("Next Reward in")
    .setValue("2 coffees");
LabelValue row0col1 = new LabelValue().setLabel("Member Since")

List<LabelValue> row1cols = new ArrayList<LabelValue>();
LabelValue row1col0 = new LabelValue().setLabel("Local Store")
    .setValue("Mountain View");

List<LabelValueRow> rows = new ArrayList<LabelValueRow>();
LabelValueRow row0 = new LabelValueRow().setColumns(row0cols);
LabelValueRow row1 = new LabelValueRow().setColumns(row1cols);


InfoModuleData infoModuleData = new InfoModuleData()

// Define general messages
List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
Message message = new Message()
    .setHeader("Hi Jane!")
    .setBody("Thanks for joining our program. Show this message to " +
        "our barista for your first free coffee on us!");

// Define Wallet Instance
LoyaltyObject object = new LoyaltyObject()
    .setAccountName("Jane Doe").setTextModulesData(textModulesData)
$barcode = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_Barcode();
// Define text module data.
$textModulesData = array(
        'header' => 'Janes Baconrista Rewards',
        'body' => 'Save more at your local Mountain View store Jane. ' .
                  'You get 1 bacon fat latte for every 5 coffees purchased. ' .
                  'Also just for you, 10% off all pastries in the Mountain View store.'
// Define links module data.
$linksModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LinksModuleData();
$uris = array (
        'uri' => 'http://www.baconrista.com/myaccount?id=1234567890',
        'kind' => 'walletobjecs#uri',
        'description' => 'My Baconrista Account'
// Define label values.
$labelValueRows = array(
        'columns' => array(
                'label' => 'Next Reward in',
                'value' => '2 coffees'
            ), array(
                'label' => 'Member Since',
                'value' => '01/15/2013'
        'columns' => array(
                'label' => 'Local Store',
                'value' => 'Mountain View'
// Define info module data.
$infoModuleData = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_InfoModuleData();
// Messages to be displayed.
$messages = array(array(
    'header' => 'Jane, welcome to Banconrista Rewards!',
    'body' => 'Thanks for joining our program. Show this message to '.
              'our barista for your first free coffee on us!',
    'kind' => 'walletobjects#walletObjectMessage'
// Reward points a user has.
$points = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LoyaltyPoints();
$balance = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LoyaltyPointsBalance();
// Create wallet object.
$wobObject = new Google_Service_Walletobjects_LoyaltyObject();
$wobObject->setAccountName('Jane Doe');
loyalty_object = {
  'classId' : '2945482443380251551.ExampleClass1',
  'id' : '2945482443380251551.ExampleObject1',
  'accountId': '1234567890',
  'accountName': 'Jane Doe',
  'barcode': {
      'alternateText' : '12345',
      'type' : 'qrCode',
      'value' : '28343E3'
  'textModulesData': [{
    'header': 'Jane\'s Baconrista Rewards',
    'body': 'Save more at your local Mountain View store Jane. ' +
            ' You get 1 bacon fat latte for every 5 coffees purchased.  ' +
            'Also just for you, 10% off all pastries in the Mountain View store.'
  'linksModuleData': {
    'uris': [
        'kind': 'walletobjects#uri',
        'uri': 'http://www.baconrista.com/myaccount?id=1234567890',
        'description': 'My Baconrista Account'
  'infoModuleData': {
    'labelValueRows': [{
        'columns': [{
          'label': 'Next Reward in',
          'value': '2 coffees'
        }, {
          'label': 'Member Since',
          'value': '01/15/2013'
        'columns': [{
          'label': 'Local Store',
          'value': 'Mountain View'
    'showLastUpdateTime': 'true'
  'messages': [{
      'header': 'Jane, welcome to Banconrista Rewards',
      'body': 'Thanks for joining our program. Show this message to ' +
              'our barista for your first free coffee on us!',
      'kind': 'walletobjects#walletObjectMessage'
  'loyaltyPoints': {
      'balance': {
          'string': '500'
      'label': 'Points',
      'pointsType': 'points'
  'state': 'active'

使用 OAuth 2.0 服务帐号私钥将 LoyaltyObject 编码到 JWT 中。下列代码段展示了如何使用各种语言来编码 JWT。“协议”标签页中展示了未经编码的 JWT。如需了解 JWT 中各字段的说明,请参阅 Google Pay API for Passes JWT。

  "iss": "example_service_account@developer.gserviceaccount.com",
  "aud": "google",
  "typ": "savetoandroidpay",
  "iat": 1368029586,
  "payload": {
    "eventTicketClasses": [{
      ... //Event ticket Class JSON
    "eventTicketObjects": [{
      ... //Event ticket Object JSON
    "flightClasses": [{
      ... //Flight Class JSON
    "flightObjects": [{
      ... //Flight Object JSON
    "giftCardClasses": [{
      ... //Gift card Class JSON
    "giftCardObjects": [{
      ... //Gift card Object JSON
    "loyaltyClasses": [{
      ... //Loyalty Class JSON
    "loyaltyObjects": [{
      ... //Loyalty Object JSON
    "offerClasses": [{
      ... //Offer Class JSON
    "offerObjects": [{
      ... //Offer Object JSON
    "transitClasses": [{
      ... //Transit Class JSON
    "transitObjects": [{
      ... //Transit Object JSON
  "origins": ["http://baconrista.com", "https://baconrista.com"]
WobCredentials credentials = null;
WobUtils utils = null;

// Instantiate the WobUtils class which contains handy functions
// Wob utils can be found in the quickstart sample
try {
  credentials = new WobCredentials(
  utils = new WobUtils(credentials);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

// Add valid domains for the Save to Wallet button
List<String> origins = new ArrayList<String>();
origins.add(req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getLocalPort());

//Generate Objects and Classes here

WobPayload payload = new WobPayload();

// Convert the object into a Save to Android Pay Jwt
String jwt = null;
try {
  jwt = utils.generateSaveJwt(payload, origins);
} catch (SignatureException e) {
$requestBody = [
  "aud" => "google",
  "typ" => "savetoandroidpay",
  "iat"=> time(),
  "payload" => {
    "eventTicketClasses" => [ ], # Event ticket classes
    "eventTicketObjects" => [ ], # Event ticket objects
    "flightClasses" => [ ],      # Flight classes
    "flightObjects" => [ ],      # Flight objects
    "giftCardClasses" => [ ],    # Gift card classes
    "giftCardObjects" => [ ],    # Gift card objects
    "loyaltyClasses" => [ ],     # Loyalty classes
    "loyaltyObjects" => [ ],     # Loyalty objects
    "offerClasses" => [ ],       # Offer classes
    "offerObjects" => [ ],       # Offer objects
    "transitClasses" => [ ],     # Transit classes
    "transitObjects" => [ ]      # Transit objects
  "origins" => ["http://baconrista.com", "https://baconrista.com"]
// Generate the Save to Android Pay Jwt
echo $jwt = $assertObj->makeSignedJwt($requestBody, $client);
jwt = {
  'aud': 'google',
  'typ': 'savetoandroidpay',
  'iat':  int(time.time()),
  'payload': {
    'webserviceResponse': {
      'result': 'approved',
      'message': 'Success.'
    'eventTicketClasses': [], # Event ticket classes
    'eventTicketObjects': [], # Event ticket objects
    'flightClasses': [],      # Flight classes
    'flightObjects': [],      # Flight objects
    'giftCardClasses': [],    # Gift card classes
    'giftCardObjects': [],    # Gift card objects
    'loyaltyClasses': [],     # Loyalty classes
    'loyaltyObjects': [],     # Loyalty objects
    'offerClasses': [],       # Offer classes
    'offerObjects': [],       # Offer objects
    'transitClasses': [],     # Transit classes
    'transitObjects': []      # Transit objects
  'origins' : ['http://baconrista.com', 'https://baconrista.com']

// Generate the Save to Android Pay Jwt
signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(app_key)
signed_jwt = crypt.make_signed_jwt(signer, jwt)
response = webapp2.Response(signed_jwt)

编码后 JWT 的安全长度是 1800 个字符。您的 JWT 应少于此限制。 如果长度超过 1800 个字符,则保存可能会由于网络浏览器执行的截断操作而失败。 编码到 JWT 中的对象要精简,只包含用户专属数据。尽量将大部分数据保存在对象的类中,而且应在生成 JWT 之前创建类。对于不符合长度限制的较大的对象,应考虑使用 REST API 创建对象,并且只发送 JWT 中的对象 ID。

填入生成的 JWT 和类 ID:



深层链接网址的安全长度是 1800 个字符。您的深层链接应短于此限制。如果长度超过 1800 个字符,则可能会由于网络浏览器执行的截断操作而导致保存失败。编码到 JWT 中的对象要精简,只包含用户专属数据。尽量将大部分数据放入对象的类中,而且应在生成 JWT 之前创建类。对于不符合长度限制的较大的对象,应考虑使用 REST API 创建对象,并且只发送 JWT 中的对象 ID。

请参阅品牌推广指南,了解如何下载“保存到 Google Pay”按钮图片,以及如何正确放置包含您链接的按钮图片。如需详细了解深层链接和“保存到 Google Pay”按钮,请观看“保存到 Android Pay”深层链接简介

Gmail 支持使用 Go-To 操作在电子邮件主题行放置顶层按钮。例如,您可能希望添加一个标有“保存到 Google Pay”的按钮,并让它出现在电子邮件的主题行中,这样用户就可以直接从收件箱保存自己的优惠券。要实现此功能,请在电子邮件中添加包含上述深层链接的 View 操作。