타겟 광고 투자수익 (ROAS) 옵션 설정된 경우 입찰 전략은 타겟 광고 투자수익을 평균화하면서 수익을 극대화합니다. 타겟 광고 투자수익(ROAS)이 높으면 입찰 전략에서 전체 예산을 지출하지 못할 수 있습니다. 타겟 광고 투자수익(ROAS)이 설정되지 않은 경우 입찰 전략은 예산 내에서 최대한 높은 ROAS를 달성하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
[null,null,["최종 업데이트: 2024-04-17(UTC)"],[[["AccessibleBiddingStrategy resource shows BiddingStrategies owned by and shared with the customer, including those from managers."],["It provides a limited view of BiddingStrategy attributes without any metrics."],["This resource can be used to retrieve bidding strategies with various attributes, like name, ID, type, and target settings."],["You can filter and select data using fields from AccessibleBiddingStrategy and its attributed resource, Customer, but these fields won't segment metrics."]]],["This resource, AccessibleBiddingStrategy, displays bidding strategies owned by or shared with a customer, including those from managers. It lacks metrics but provides a subset of BiddingStrategy attributes. Key information includes the strategy's ID, name, owner's ID and descriptive name, and resource name. The attributes displayed are used to describe the type and target of the bid strategy. It also provides information on target CPA, target ROAS, target spend, target impression share, and maximum bid limits.\n"]]