
新版 Search Ads 360 Reporting API 現已上線。新版 API 提供 更有彈性,可用來建立自訂報表,以及將資料整合至報表應用程式 和處理程序進一步瞭解如何遷移至及使用新版 Search Ads 360 報表 API

如果您要求中小型的廣告客戶或引擎帳戶報表進行管理,您可以 只傳送一個同步報表請求。為回應要求,Search Ads 360 API 會以 JSON 物件傳回整份報表。同步要求:

如果您要要求大型廣告客戶或引擎帳戶報表,建議您使用非同步非同步報表 方法


致電「Reports.generate()」 ,指定要在廣告客戶引擎帳戶報表中顯示的資料類型。

Search Ads 360 驗證要求並產生報表,然後將報表傳回為報表資源 回應內文。


以下是 Reports.generate() 範例。 請求。


POST  https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/reports/generate
Authorization: Bearer your OAuth 2.0 access token
Content-type: application/json

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID
    "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID
    "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID
  "reportType": "account",              // This report covers all revenue and visits in the
                                        // engine account specified in reportScope.
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "date" },           // The date column segments the report by individual days.

    { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" },     // Here are some metric columns available for keyword
    {                                   // reports.
      "columnName": "visits",
      "startDate": "2013-01-01",        // Each metric column can optionally specify its own start 
      "endDate": "2013-01-31",          // and end date; by default the report timeRange is used.
      "headerText": "January visits"    // Every column can optionally specify a headerText, which
                                        // changes the name of the column in the report.
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2012-05-01",         // Dates are inclusive and specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    "endDate" : "2013-05-01"

    // Alternatively, try the "changedMetricsSinceTimestamp" or "changedAttributesSinceTimestamp"
    // options. See Incremental reports.

  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",       // Required. See Currency for statistics.
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,        // Optional. Defaults to false. See Time zone.
  "includeRemovedEntities": false           // Optional. Defaults to false.

如要傳送原始 JSON POST 要求,可以使用 sa360Api.py 指令碼,如下所示:

  1. 複製範例 JSON 物件 (介於 ),放入名為 request.txt 的新文字檔中。
  2. 將 JSON 程式碼中的代理商 ID 變更為您自己的代理商 ID。
  3. 移除任何註解,例如 // The date column segments the report by individual days.
  4. 將您的 OAuth 2.0 憑證組合成一個以半形逗號分隔字串, 追蹤:
    (請按照「設定sa360Api.pysa360Api.py --login 授權)。
  5. 叫用 sa360Api.py,如下所示:
    sa360Api.py --cred CREDENTIALS --server API-method --post < request.txt
    在上述指令中,將 CREDENTIALS 替換成您在先前步驟中組合的字串。
    請將 API-method 的方塊替換成下方方塊中的 POST 方法名稱。

    sa360Api.py --cred 123456789123.apps.googleusercontent.com,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR_abcdef,1/HIJklM01OPQR23NOP456rst890uvw --server https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/reports/generate --post < request.txt


  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Doubleclicksearch service = getService(); // See Set Up Your Application.
    Report report = generateAccountReport(service);
    outputReport(report, "./");

   * Creates an account report using the synchronous Report.generate method.
   * @throws IOException
  private static Report generateAccountReport(Doubleclicksearch service) throws IOException {
    try {
      return service.reports().generate(generateAccountRequest()).execute();
    } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
      System.err.println("Report request was rejected.");
      for (ErrorInfo error : e.getDetails().getErrors()) {
      return null; // Unreachable code.

   * Creates a simple static request that lists the clicks and visits for an engine account. Use
   * your own agency ID, advertiser ID, and engine account ID.
  private static ReportRequest generateAccountRequest() {
    return new ReportRequest().setReportScope(
      new ReportScope()
        .setAgencyId(20700000000000451L) // Replace with your ID
        .setAdvertiserId(21700000000010391L) // Replace with your ID
        .setEngineAccountId(700000000042201L)) // Replace with your ID
        .setColumns(Arrays.asList(new ReportApiColumnSpec[] {
            new ReportApiColumnSpec().setColumnName("date"),
            new ReportApiColumnSpec().setColumnName("dfaRevenue"),
            new ReportApiColumnSpec()
                .setHeaderText("January visits")
        .setTimeRange(new TimeRange()

   * Outputs a synchronous report to a file.
  private static void outputReport(Report report, String localPath)
      throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(localPath, "Report"));
    final PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream);


def generate_report(service):
  """Generate and print sample report.

    service: An authorized Doubleclicksearch service.  See Set Up Your Application.
  request = service.reports().generate(
            "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID
            "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID
            "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID
        "reportType": "account",
        "columns": [
            { "columnName": "date" },
            { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" },
              "columnName": "visits",
              "startDate": "2013-01-01",
              "endDate": "2013-01-31",
              "headerText": "January visits"
        "timeRange" : {
            "startDate" : "2012-05-01",
            "endDate" : "2013-05-01"
        "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
        "verifySingleTimeZone": "false",
        "includeRemovedEntities": "false"



同步要求的回應是 report 物件。 如果要求成功通過驗證,物件中的前幾個屬性會包含 說明您提交的要求報表本身位於物件的 rows 資源。

      {"columnName":"visits","endDate":"2013-01-31","headerText":"visits last month","startDate":"2013-01-01"}
      "visits last month":0.0
      "visits last month":0.0
      "visits last month":0.0
      "visits last month":0.0


如果報表未通過驗證,Search Ads 360 會傳回 HTTP 400 回應 傳回錯誤物件舉例來說,上述要求範例並未指明 代理商:

 "error": {
   "code": 400,
   "message": "statisticsCurrency: the agency in scope does not have a valid currency. Please make sure the agency is properly initialized in Search Ads 360."


根據預設,同步要求會傳回前 10000 個資料列。如要變更行為 使用Reports.request.startRowReports.request.rowCount 屬性,以便在每次請求時擷取報表特定部分。


舉例來說,這項要求會傳回代理商報表的前百列 (0 到 99 列) 將這些廣告活動劃分為以下維度:

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID
    "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID
    "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID
  "reportType": "account",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "date" },
    { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" }
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2012-05-01",
    "endDate" : "2013-05-01"
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false

您可以遵循這個要求處理第 100 列到 199 列的另一項要求:

  "reportScope": {
    "agencyId": "12300000000000456", // Replace with your ID
    "advertiserId": "21700000000011523", // Replace with your ID
    "engineAccountId": "700000000073991" // Replace with your ID
  "reportType": "account",
  "columns": [
    { "columnName": "date" },
    { "columnName": "dfaRevenue" }
  "timeRange" : {
    "startDate" : "2012-05-01",
    "endDate" : "2013-05-01"
  "statisticsCurrency": "agency",
  "verifySingleTimeZone": false,
  "includeRemovedEntities": false